Xuanwu's thoughts rose, and the five one-star artifacts instantly enveloped Chen Xian in a large formation that was thousands of miles in diameter!

  Seeing this scene, everyone off the field was in an uproar!

  "Despicable! You actually borrowed five 1-star artifacts to set up a five-element lock array?"

  Zhao Ye said in shock!

  "It's so bullying! In this case, Chen Xian can't even take out the Great Bright Sword! Can't he just use his body to fight against the power of the kingdom of God in his palm?"

  "What bastard Supreme Student! Despicable and shameless coward!"

  Concubine Mengzi and Song Yu gritted their teeth angrily.

  "Don't call it a supreme student, call it a rat student, you won't even be allowed to use an artifact against a rank 5 true god!"


  "What a low-level god! If you're afraid of Chen Xian's artifact sword, just say it! No one should use an artifact!"

  The false gods in Class 9 waved their fists in anger.

  "Being smart will only make it more embarrassing!"

  Su Xue looked at Xuan Wu and sneered.

  "The next method is unsightly!"

  Feng Lin Xuanya bluntly scolded a guy like Xuan Wu who couldn't afford to lose at all.

  The students in Xuanwu's class over there were blushing, and several supreme students who had a good relationship with Xuanwu also blushed and did not dare to refute anything for Xuanwu!

  After all, this is really a bit too much. Last night, Xuanwu traveled to several planets, and it was only after the family trust relationship that he collected five 1-star artifacts with five attributes of "Gold, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth", which were used to arrange the "Five Elements Lock". Great formation"!

  "Although the behavior is a little ugly, it involves the ownership of the 3-star artifact after all, so it's worth losing face!"

  Hong Xinghe rubbed his forehead.

  "However, he really embarrassed our supreme student, and I won't greet him in the future."

  Jiang Hongyu snorted coldly.

  Like Xuan Wu, the two of them are among the few supreme students of Shendu Academy, and they are extremely talented lower-level seminary students. They have some intersection with Xuan Wu on weekdays, but the current situation makes both of them feel ashamed.

  "Why do you go online like this? If Xuan Wu can get the Great Bright Sword, the one-month school competition will definitely become the core of our combat power."

  "And Chen Xian doesn't even have the attributes of a god. Even if he has a heavy treasure, he can't exert the true power of the Great Bright Sword. It's better to lose to Xuanwu and make some contributions to the school."

  He made a good friend with Xuanwu, Lin Hongye, patted his folding fan and persuaded with a smile.

  "Humph! For the sake of 3 stars, it's just you and Xuanwu, who are unworthy."

  Jiang Hongyu said disdainfully.

  "Cough, why did my junior sister even get rid of me!"

  "Don't say anything, let's see how Chen Xian is cleaned up next, this little guy has been too jumpy recently."

  Lin Hongye changed the subject with a dry smile.

  Jiang Hongyu is a rank 7 lower god, with the same attributes as Feng Lin Xuanya's dual cultivation of the law of wind and fire, and is more fierce than him and Xuan Wu combined.

  "Chen Xian, don't say that I bullied you! You can't use your Great Bright Sword, and I won't use my 2-star artifact cloak. Everyone is even!"

  "Let's use our strength to see the real chapter next!"

  Xuan Wu ignored the insults and ridicule of the people below him, and grinned and summoned the kingdom of God in his palm!

  They all say that they laugh at the poor and not laugh at the prostitute. When he gets the Great Bright Sword, his strength will skyrocket, who will dare to chew his tongue!

  "It seems that you are really afraid of losing."

  "Well, you don't need the Great Bright Divine Sword to clean up."

  Chen Xian sneered, and walked towards Xuan Wu in one step.

  "court death!"

  Seeing that Chen Xian was too lazy to use the Divine Kingdom in his palm, Xuan Wu was furious!


  Under the influence of the aura of the lower gods, Xuanwu's divine kingdom in the palm of his hand burst into brilliance and slammed into Chen Xian!The arena battlefield was roared by the violent force!

  "It's not bad that it's the kingdom of the lower gods. If you want to fight quickly, just relying on the flesh is not enough."

  Chen Xian exclaimed.

  With a thought, his ultimate kingdom of God was born!Under the golden brilliance, the bells of the heavens and the Buddhas sang, and the entire stars chanted along with them!

  Everyone was stunned!

  They have never seen the Divine Kingdom in the palm of their hands like this!

  Before everyone could pay their respects again, Chen Xian's divine kingdom in the palm of his hand had turned into a streamer, shattering Xuanwu's divine kingdom with one blow!


Chapter 159



  The kingdom of God in the palm of his hand was destroyed by Chen Xian without even holding his breath. Xuan Wu's mind was severely injured, and his mouth spurted blood!

  "What are you? Don't pretend to be dead, you won't be able to get out of this arena without being beaten to death."

  Chen Xian put away the kingdom of God in his palm, and the figure appeared in front of Xuan Wu, bang bang bang!

  The violent fist smashed the flesh and blood of Xuan Wu, who was about to resist, but still didn't mean to stop, because the lower god's recovery ability was very strong, and he had to keep hammering until he got a headshot.

  In such a scene, the audience was silent!

  "how can that be……"

  Listening to the screams of the god Xuanwu's soul in the field, Lin Hongye and the others turned pale, completely stupid!

  That is the supreme student Xuanwu!

  Is it a genuine 5th-order lower god? ! !To be so crushed by a first grade without a divine position?

  "Chen Xian, has the ability to crush the lower gods..."

  The more Zhao Ye, Concubine Mencius and others looked in a trance, they couldn't believe their eyes!

  Su Xue and Feng Lin Xuanya stood with bright eyes and bright teeth, smiling!

  This is the man they chose, the invincible legend!


  "You can defeat Xuan Wu so easily without the Great Bright Sword..."

  "We were wrong, very wrong! He is the only child of heaven in this universe, the limit of eternity."

  Jiang Hongyu, a 7th-order low-ranking divine student under the stage, groaned with his eyes closed, his body trembling violently.

  She knows that from now on her time has passed, and the glory of all the supreme students will also become history!With Chen Xian around, any student Supreme will become a joke!

  "But...but I still can't accept such a thing!"

  "His godhead aura has actually reached rank 7? Didn't he say it was still rank 5 some time ago? The difficulty of each promotion of the ultimate true god is ten thousand times more difficult than that of ordinary true gods! Why is he so easy and simple!"

  Hong Xinghe collapsed and smiled bitterly.

  "What to do...Xuanwu lost! I lent him the bet of those 9-star immortal treasures 々¨!"

  Lin Hongye and others collapsed even more!


  2 minutes later, the fifth-order lower god Xuanwu, his soul exploded, and the duel was over!

  The ring formation automatically activated the protection program, and the law of time and space of the supreme god slowly restored the sluggish Xuanwu back again.

  But Xuan Wu was obviously numb from being beaten, and he was lying on the ring with a dull expression!

  "In this arena, Chen Xian wins and gets all the betting funds in the arena."

  The adjudicator announced with a wry smile.

  He knew that after this game, the entire Shenhe Starfield would be boiling, and Shendu Academy could no longer hide Chen Xian's edge!

  This is completely inconsistent with the original intention of the old principal and others!

  "He has the strength to kill the lower gods!"

  "Hehe... It's ridiculous, I shouldn't have made a bet with him the day before yesterday!"

  Pei Li, the poor Vulcan god in the corner, said in despair and bitterness.

  Rong Feifei, who originally wanted to see Chen Xian pay the price, couldn't hide her remorse, and stared at Chen Xian in a daze with a delicate face!

  She couldn't help but imagine why Chen Xian appeared by her side?in your own class?How could I have a bad relationship with such an existence destined to become the occupier of the universe...

  If I had known that Chen Xian was so defiant, maybe I would have taken the initiative?In that case, it wouldn't be Su Xue and Feng Lin Xuanya standing beside Chen Xian, but himself?

  "Wait! No!"

  "Chen Xian has the strength to kill the lower gods, so the Chen family Zhang who died some time ago came to Chen Jianchao and the Viper of the Blood Moon God Cult... It is possible that he killed him!"

  Rong Feifei thought of that terrifying possibility, her face suddenly pale!

  "That's right! That's right!"

  "Hahaha, this kid is in trouble! If his strength is exposed like this, it is impossible for the Chen family and the Blood Moon Divine Sect to let him grow!"

  "Rong Feifei, do we want to share these news-"

  The fire god Pei Li grinned.

  "Are you stupid? With so many reporters present, you still use your nosy! You're as stupid as a pig!"

  Rong Feifei snorted coldly.

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