Pei Li's face was ugly, and he secretly hated Rong Feifei's teeth!

  I said in my heart that if it wasn't for you the day before yesterday, I wouldn't have lost all of my net worth and those points!

  Thinking of the place of hatred, Pei Li looked at Rong Feifei's back, and gradually emitted a red light of evil intent!A bold plan comes to mind...

  "Xuanwu, the style of your ancestral cloak is really good. The 2-star artifact can also strengthen the law of wind and fire. Such a beautiful artifact is suitable for women."

  "Just send my beauty."

  Under the eyes of countless fiery jealous eyes, Chen Xian put the 2-star artifact cloak on Feng Lin Xuanya and said.

  Such a scene!

  The women in the audience screamed in surprise, their envy was indescribable!

  Su Xue rubbed her forehead, and was also drunk on Chen Xian's habit of giving away artifacts!

  That is a supreme artifact that is enough to revitalize a super-first-class family!I was convinced by Chen Xian's generous and forthright means, moved inexplicably, and dedicated himself...

  As a result, today Feng Lin Xuanya confessed to Chen Xian and got another one...

  "... Really give it to me? This is a 2-star artifact!"

  Feng Lin Xuanya's beautiful and unparalleled face showed a look of happiness and happiness.

  Even though she is the eldest young lady of Fenglin World, she is not able to possess a divine weapon at a low level now!If Chen Xian gave her this 2-star artifact, her status in the family would be unparalleled!

  "It's rare for you to be so brave and make a serious confession. As a man, you can still make your woman suffer."

  Looking at the dignified and beautiful Feng Lin Xuanya, Chen Xian smiled with satisfaction.

  With such a precious gift, Feng Lin Xuanya did not get carried away with excitement so she couldn't find Bei, nor did she pretend to refuse, and with such a mind and demeanor, she could be called a phoenix among women!

  "Your woman..."

  "Yes, HyunA is your woman."

  Hearing Chen Xian's straightforward words, Feng Linxuan Yarong (Zhao's) was intoxicated and kissed Chen Xian's cheek seriously in front of countless eyes.


  Xuanwu over there was hit so hard!

  I couldn't hold on any longer, my heart rhythm was unbalanced and I passed out!

  The field is even more noisy!

  Countless male gods are heartbroken!

  "I really gave... a 2-star artifact!"

  "Wu wu wu, people don't even have a 2-star fairy treasure!"

  "Junior Brother Chen Xian! Are you still short of women... Chuang"

  The female student under the stage blushed.

  "How can this be! I can also confess!!!"

  "Zifei, you are also an idiot, let you act faster, let you take the initiative and take the initiative again! Are you okay now? Feng Lin Xuanya can let go of her identity!"

  "Otherwise that artifact cloak is yours!"

  Song Yu stomped her feet with a blushing face.

  "I...I'm really shy..."

  Concubine Mengzi covered her face. .

Chapter 160

  "One 1-star artifact, and 10 9-star fairy treasures, just meet the minimum requirements for the divine aura of the advanced 8th rank."

  "If you want to advance to rank 9, you have to keep fighting."

  Chen Xian stood in front of his Immortal Treasure Pavilion and said with satisfaction.

  This 1-star artifact was exchanged by Chen Xian with the points lost by Xuan Wu, Pei Li and others. The 2-star artifact cloak was given to Feng Lin Xuanya. If it was the 2-star artifact given to Su Xue the day before yesterday, this is a girl. The cost is not too high!

  However, with Chen Xian's current terrifying strength, artifacts below 3 stars are just average for him, and it is more appropriate to send a woman out to protect him.

  As for the female gods who can be resurrected infinitely in the gods, it is difficult for 9-star fairy treasures to recognize their masters, so I will add them later.

  "The smell of the law of wind and fire..."

  "Does the Lord of God still have a confidante who is proficient in the law of air and fire? When will we meet?"

  Queen Medusa walked over, leaning on Chen Xian's side, sniffing her nose.

  "You have a good sense of smell, you can smell it."

  "Her name is Feng Lin Xuanya, she is well versed in the law of the dual elements of air and fire, and is currently one level lower than me. When you have the ability to travel the Shenhe Star Region, you will see it."

  Chen Xian hugged Medusa's snake-like waist and said.

  For his own woman, he has always been calm, and he also cultivates the Dharma of great freedom.

  Therefore, Feng Lin Xuanya also knew about Su Xue's existence when she was briefly lingering with Feng Lin Xuanya just now.However, Feng Lin Xuanya was obviously well prepared. With Chen Xian's excellence, how could there be no other woman.

  Godly women like them, once they are identified as Taoist companions, they don't care about it.

  Queen Medusa naturally didn't care.

  "Feng Lin Xuanya? It's only one level lower than you... What a terrible cultivation. It seems that the concubine needs to work harder. Otherwise, if I meet you in the future, I am afraid that I will be bullied to death by others."

  Medusa said in surprise.

  "You have the lucky divine light that shines billions of times in the kingdom of God, and your practice will be much faster than the outside world, so you don't need to worry about it."

  "However, I suggest that you find the scriptures of the Water Element Law in the Sutra Collection Pavilion, and practice with the Fire Element. When your Water and Fire Laws are compatible, you can go to the Immortal Treasure Pavilion and try to get Qingyujie to recognize the Lord!"

  "I can tell you secretly that although the Rain and Rain Ring seems to be only a 9-star fairy treasure, it is naturally raised and has the ability to self-evolve. If you can make it recognize you as the master, the benefits are limitless."

  Chen Xian embraced Queen Medusa and petted her.

  "Really?! Thank you Lord God for your suggestion!"

  "I know that the Lord God loves people the most!"

  "Sir, let's go back to the Palace of the King of God, Medusa wants to serve well..."

  Queen Medusa's beautiful eyes were ashamed, and she leaned into the man's arms and said.

  "So good for the kidneys..."

  Chen Xianyi moved, his eyes caught fire.

  Just now with Feng Lin Xuanya, she originally wanted to completely take over the other party, but before she took off her dress in the hotel, Feng Lin Xuanya received an urgent call from the family and ran away with a blushing face.

  Now, with a beautiful woman like Queen Medusa taking the initiative to accompany her, it is really the most beautiful...




  "My God, it's Queen Medusa's voice."

  The garment pavilion near the Temple of the King of God.

  Song Yan, who was choosing a new dress, covered her ears shyly.

  "Hee hee, with the strength of Sister Medusa, she is begging for mercy, Lord God is really scary."

  "Song Yan, think about it, I won't save you if you can't stand it."

  Gao Yao snickered.

  A woman is a person who pleases herself. She and Song Yan came to choose clothes thinking that they would have a chance to meet the Lord God one night.

  Ever since Gu Xun'er became a concubine god in the morning, triggering a discussion on the benefits of concubines and goddesses among the godly sisters in the kingdom of God, even Tu Shan Yaya, whose heart is like an iceberg, couldn't help but be moved, let alone Song Yanyan. and Gao Yao.

  Now that God Lord Chen Xian and Queen Medusa are in the bedroom, Song Yan turns around in circles in shame when she thinks of what she is about to face...

  "Gao Yao, why don't you go and greet the Lord God in the evening!"

  "Then... come back and teach me?"

  Song Yan covered her face, her voice was so small that she could no longer gossip.

  "Ahhh! Sister Song Yan, I'm 3 years younger than you. You're too embarrassed to say such a thing... How could a weak and poor girl like me be bullied first!"

  Gao Yao stomped his feet.

  After going through the "Concubine God's Benefit Discussion Meeting", Gao Yao knew that being with the Lord God as soon as possible would not only speed up the cultivation of the realm, but also contaminate the aura of the limit of the Dao, making him more beautiful and unparalleled!

  With such a good thing against the sky, Gao Yao finally made up his mind to serve the Divine Master...

  But let her take the lead and dare not!

  "Well, then why don't we wait for a while? Wait until my cultivation base is high before doing this!"

  Song Yan said shyly.

  "Sister Song Yan...what does this have to do with realm?"

  "No matter how high your realm is, you still don't have to lie down..."

  Gao Yao covered his face and said.


  The little medical fairy who passed by here really couldn't help laughing.

  "Cough, cough, sorry, two sisters, I didn't hear anything, you continue!"

  Seeing Song Yan and Gao Yao looking over, Xiao Yixian blushed and quickly waved her hands!

  "Don't go!"

  "Sister Xiaoyixian, you are here, pass on your experience!"

  Song Yan and Gao Yao's eyes lit up, and they ran over and grabbed the sleeves of the little medical fairy.

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