Chapter 162

  "Sasuke and Tang San... not bad! Naruto and Douluo are both worlds with a large population. The voice of this group is really wonderful!"

  "Your voice is as good as Yan'er!"



  In the chat group at this time, because newcomers joined the group, there was a lot of reaction!

  Ouyang is not crazy: "Hahahaha! Welcome! Let's just say that no new people have come in for several days!"

  Tu Shan Yaya's stinky girls don't pay wages: "Where is the honor guard, cute newcomers, the glory of my god depends on you to spread! Ah ha ha ha ha! jpg in the count of money!"

  The one who killed the monster with the knife: "Ichigo Kurosaki, you have enough confidence! The girl reported the measurements, and the man read the instructions! Stand with a knife jpg!"

  They all call me Long Ma: "Pfft - Ichigo, you really have the confidence to steal Ouyang Ke's lines! This king is optimistic about you!"

  Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "Sister is also optimistic about you. Last time you took a selfie, you were super handsome. Let's take another one tonight? Drooling jpg!"

  Killing monsters with a knife: "Ah! Don't seduce me, I'm afraid of snakes!"

  Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "I hate it! They are snake people, not snakes! Angry jpg!"

  Supporting Dumbledore: "..."

  Dagu didn't want to be an Ultraman: "Uh, with the blessing of my God, I want to fight a monster now when I see it!"

  Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "Bastard! Do you mean that people are like monsters? You don't want to mix up, another day I will let my queen go to your world and trample you to death!"

  Dagu didn't want to be Ultraman: "Woooooo-I was wrong, please let it go!"

  Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "Humph! It's been so long, and there are only a few believers on your side. If you can't exceed 100 million and build a gate of God within three days, I'll let Queen Medusa go down and punish you instead of my god. !@大古Don't want to be angry when Ultraman jpg!"

  Bucky, who is still in prison: "This trick works! Uncle Bucky likes it!"

  Dagu didn't want to be an Ultraman: "Three days... ah ah ah, eldest sister, you are too ruthless! I want to explode my liver! Tear my hair jpg!"

  This young man Zhang Zifan: "Cough, don't be too scary, the two newcomers are scared by you and dare not speak!"


  At this time, the plane of Naruto and the plane of Douluo.

  Sasuke Uchiha and Tang San, who had just entered the school, looked at the content of the chat group with bewildered expressions. They didn't know what to say or what to say.

  On the contrary, Dagu of the "Ultraman" plane, after being threatened by Yuemei, spun around in a hurry!

  "Believers! We must develop believers immediately, that Queen Medusa is definitely not easy to mess with, I can't wait for her to take care of me in the lower realm instead of my god! Then he will lose face..."

  "It has to be a showdown, otherwise it will never be possible to realize the belief of the whole people."

  Dagu was a little mad.

  So far, only Megumi, Lina and others from the Victory Team have seen him use prayers and chanting spells when he is in trouble, so the Victory Team believes in the existence of gods.It's a pity that the believers are only limited to the victory team and some witnesses when they killed Gorzan and other monsters at that time!

  After all the calculations, the number of believers barely exceeds a thousand people. This is still the case when those believers take the initiative to spread the word for Ultraman!

  Because this era is the era of science and technology, it is too difficult to break people's inherent thinking blockade and promote the teachings of an Eastern God, and it is possible to be sent to court.

  "Dagu! Call Dagu! The lightning man Garzot in the data has appeared, and we need support here!"

  Lina's shout came from Dagu's communicator.

  "Lightning man Garzot? Good to come."

  Dagu grinned and decided to showdown, he parked the spaceship directly on one side, transformed into Ultraman Tiga and flew to the destination!

  At this time, in Songza City, Dugong, who had read the information in advance, was holding a loudspeaker and trying to communicate with the lightning man Garzot!According to the information of the predecessors, Garzot is indeed a native of the lightning people, and it was mutated after being driven to the ionosphere by humans and previous giants, so the digger instinctively apologized to the lightning people.

  "Hello! Don't destroy any more, we humans are your friends! I'm your friend!"

  Dugjing shouted with a loud trumpet in fear.

  The lightning man Garzot, who was doing damage over there, was stunned for a while and stopped.


  "Gazot likes it!"

  "Gazot needs to eat friends!"

  The lightning man Garzot gave Duijing a kind look and rushed over with a bloody mouth!

  Shocked by the well digging!

  Lina and others are also stunned!This lightning man's thinking is so jumping!

  "Run for the nuggets! It's obvious from the data that the Lightning Man lived by devouring the same kind in the ionosphere. What my friend means is food!"

  In the commander's room, the captain Megumi, who made the final judgment, exclaimed...

  "Ahhh! I know the captain!"

  "But I'm too close to him to run away from him!"

  Digging a well groaned.

  "Gazot! Your opponent is me!"

  Dagu, who incarnated Ultraman Tiga, shouted angrily in the air.

  Just this sound stunned everyone in the winning team!

  "God! It's Ultraman Diga! Ultraman Diga has spoken!!!"

  "He can speak our language!"

  "Hurry up and contact the tpc intelligence bureau! The communication recorder is turned on!"

  Megumi stood up excitedly.

  To know that an Ultraman Tiga who can only fight monsters can be a Ultraman Tiga who can communicate with each other is a completely different concept!

  As long as they can communicate with each other, the victory team may find the latest civilization power from this giant of light!

  "Yes! Captain!"

  Ye Rui, a member of the commander's room, was also excited.

  "Help, Ultraman Tiga! It's really nice of you to come!"

  Dugjing looked at the savior who fell from the sky and wept with joy. If he was one step later, he would be treated as food by the lightning man Garzot!


  Garzot saw Ultraman Tiga appear, and an instinctual electromagnetic light ball hit it.

  "Humph! Let's see what light energy is!"

  Dagu snorted coldly. He, who had stored the lucky divine light because of the spread of the believers, directly found a dazzling beam of light from the Diga crystal!

  Through the chat in the group, Dagu knew that my god's lucky divine light is the energy that restrains the dark life the most!


  The lightning man Garzot was directly penetrated and blown away by the lucky divine light!

  The victorious team rejoices!

  Then the scene got weird, because after Ultraman Tiga killed the monster this time, he just looked at the winning team with a smile and didn't fly away!

  Suddenly being looked at by Ultraman Diga like this, Kuijing and others suddenly felt the chrysanthemum chill...



Chapter 163

  "Ultraman Tiga! I'm Megumi, the captain of the victory team, do you have something to say to us, right?"

  Megumi came over in a spaceship and looked at Ultraman Tiga very seriously.

  Their victory team has fought against monsters so far, and almost every member has been saved by Ultraman Tiga. It can be said that everyone's trust in Tiga is unparalleled!

  "Captain Megumi, hello, I'm Ultraman Tiga."

  Dagu looked at Megumi in a giant state and smiled.


  As soon as these words came out, Lina, Kuijing and others were completely excited!This is their victory degree, the first real communication with the giant of light in history!

  Everything that happened today will definitely go down in history!

  "Captain Megumi, and the members of the Victory Team, I'm here to communicate with you today for a very important matter. I need you to connect with the tpc intelligence bureau and major news media to release a message to the world. !"

  "According to the prophecy of the gods behind me, the gate of hell and the strongest monster in history are coming, and I alone cannot protect you well, so I need you to learn to protect yourself and use your faith in my god as a confrontation. Evil power!"

  "The god behind me is obviously the god of luck! When you encounter danger and pain, you can recite a praise spell I used before. As long as you believe in sincerity, you can turn disaster into good fortune and protect you and your side. people!"

  "Cant the mantra as follows..."

  After Ultraman Tiga explained carefully, he turned into a streamer and disappeared into the sky, regardless of the completely ignorant Megumi and others.

  "Oh my god!!! The gate of hell and the strongest monster in history are coming?"

  "There is really a god behind Ultraman Tiga helping him!"

  "Is this prayer true! Captain, this matter is too big! You took the initiative to let us publish it on every news platform around the world?"

  Duijing and the others dropped their jaws in shock.

  "All the video data just now were recorded, right? It's about the end of the earth, no matter if it's true or not, report it to the atc intelligence bureau first!"

  Megumi said with a serious expression.

  "What? The gate of hell? The strongest monster?"

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