"Cut! How can such a mythical storyline appear! Captain Megumi, this video of Ultraman Tiga cannot be released to the global media, it will cause panic!"

  "Besides, even if we use the power of credit, it should be Shoubihui, Izanagi, Yaqi Orochi, etc. How can we believe in the Eastern Gods!"

  "You disbanded my Earth Defense Force, but you have to rely on Ultraman Tiga and his beliefs to resist the coming evil. It's ridiculous!"

  At the atc intelligence bureau meeting, police chief Asoda sneered.

  "You can't say that! Ultraman Tiga used his faith to replenish energy to defeat monsters. This is what everyone in our victory team saw with their own eyes! And what you said about Shoubihui God is a folk story, how can it be? Can you mix it up?"

  "Besides, Ultraman Tiga just asks people who are in difficulty to chant a spell, not for you to spend money to participate in a cult, what's so ridiculous!"

  Megumi said angrily.

  "Anyway, I don't believe in those gods and the like!"

  Asoda snorted coldly.

  "Stop arguing! Seeing is true and hearing is false. The video data of Ultraman Tiga is temporarily reserved! If it is true in the future—"

  Before the director Tetsuji Yoshioka could finish speaking, the guard outside the door suddenly screamed for help!

  The expressions of the officers changed in shock, and Megumi was the first to pull out her weapon and rush out the door!

  "Bosses of the stupid earthlings, we are the Rialods, the future rulers of the earth!"

  "Now I ask you to pay tribute to us Elrods, or we will open the gates of hell and plunge the whole earth into endless darkness!"

  The voice of the witch came from an office clerk, and the huge mental power even made the entire office building shake!

  "People of Lierod! Get out of my colleague's body!"

  Megumi was furious and raised her gun at the witch who flew up in the sky.

  Afterwards, the police chief Asotian, who followed, saw such a terrifying scene, he was at a loss, and fired a random shot into the air!

  "Small and cowardly ants! You first accept the punishment of our Elodes!"

  The witch with a distorted face looked at Aso Tian who shot and said with a wicked smile.


  Asotian, who was instantly enveloped by huge mental power, was grabbed by the volley and lifted up like a chicken!

  "Damn it! Asoda is going to be strangled!"

  Tetsuji Yoshioka, the director of tpc, panicked, he just wanted to raise his gun and shoot, but he was treated the same way!


  Kuzumi is in a hurry!

  There was no way she could shoot the possessed office worker with a gun!But if they don't act again, the director Tetsuji Yoshioka and Asoda will die!

  "Right! When you encounter evil! Use the power of faith!"

  "Praise my God, you are the incarnation of light above the mist, and you are the lucky ruler above all living beings! Your loyal believers pray for your care, and may you have endless luck and glory forever!"

  When Ultraman Tiga's explanation was heard, Megumi said decisively to the east and chanted and prayed!


  A beam of extremely dazzling light beams across endless time and space and buildings, shining on Juma Hui!Let Jujunhui bathe in the divine light of luck!

  "Ahhhh! My eyes!"

  The evil witch from the Lierod people covered her eyes in pain after seeing the light on Megumi's body!

  For a moment, the witch was like ice and snow under the blazing sun, screaming and turning into a place where the blue smoke dissipated!

  "You wait! You wait! The gates of hell are about to open, and you will pay the price with your lives!"

  Before the witch dissipated, she uttered vicious insults, and then completely died.

  Such a miraculous scene directly stunned the people around me!

  In particular, the light on Megumi has not dissipated, making Megumi look so beautiful and noble!Like a goddess who came to the world!

  "It's true! Megumi, you have been blessed by the gods!"

  "Great! Great!"

  "With such an invincible light of the gods, we humans can protect ourselves even without the help of Ultraman!"

  "Praise my God!"

  "Come here! Hurry up and announce the image of Ultraman Tiga's beliefs spreading to the world! And the video surveillance of the scene just now is also called up, so as to increase the credibility!"

  "We Earthlings have found the real god!!!"

  Tetsuji Yoshioka, director of tpc, said with ecstasy.

  "I... I seem to really see the shadow of a god in the light, so handsome and holy..."

  Megumi's face blushed, and her voice trembled. .

Chapter 164

  "Major news, the tpc office was attacked by aliens! Director Tetsuji Yoshioka and others were rescued by Captain Megumi!"

  "The real source of power of Ultraman Tiga has been revealed! We earthlings can also have true belief in gods!"

  "Captain Megumi chanted the gods and gained the power of light!"

  "Behind the giant of light is the blessing of the god of luck! When you are in trouble, chant the name of the god!"

  "Today's live connection with Captain Megumi! Tell me in detail all the details of obtaining the power of the gods!"




  As soon as he stepped out of the hidden mountain top, Dagu, who incarnated as Ultraman Tiga, ushered in waves of great power blessings!

  "Great! The method worked!"

  "The number of believers of my god is skyrocketing, and it has reached more than 80!"

  "Praise my god, Dagu thanks you for your great blessings!"

  While storing the blessed divine light with Tiga crystals, Dagu sincerely worships Dongfang!

  Previously, because of the energy of the divine light of luck, he sensed the existence of the base Erod and the Gate of Hell in advance. He did not expect that such a scare would greatly promote the propaganda effect!

  In just one and a half days, he has already obtained more than 8000 years of lifespan rewards. Under the illumination of tens of thousands of times of lucky divine light, his Tiga crystal energy is unprecedentedly powerful!There is even a feeling of being invincible to the Ultra Universe!

  "There are only 20 believers to build the gate of the kingdom of God!"

  "Captain Juma Hui's work efficiency is really admirable. After the gate of God is built, I hope Juma Hui can successfully enter the kingdom of God and achieve immortality."

  Dagu looked at from a distance and said blessings to the middle of the city who is still spreading faith for Chen Xian.

  "Alert! Alert! Monsters appear in the k1 area!"

  "Uh--no more now, a citizen summoned the Lucky Light and killed the monster..."

  "God, it's really amazing, where are there monsters? Please come out and let me show my prestige!"

  Complaints of digging wells came from the communicator.

  "Pfft! How can you expect monsters to appear when you dig a well!"

  "Tell you, I was patrolling the Xisha Reef in the morning, and I found a Kyrierod, and I killed it! I ran to the monster and prayed, and I could use the light of my god to kill those people as soon as possible. monster!"

  Lina's playful voice came from the communicator.

  "Keep your reverence for the gods and don't play around, Lina!"

  Ju Zhonghui reprimanded.

  "Hee hee! I was wrong, I was so wrong!"

  Lina stuck out her tongue.

  The hum of the communicator made Dagu's mouth twitch!My heart says that the glory of my God is about to be ruined by you!Should I completely reveal that I am Ultraman Tiga to restrain myself?

  "Ultraman Tiga turned out that you were hiding here!"

  "You have brought such a terrifying belief for the people of the earth, leaving us Kyrierod and the Abbass who are afraid of light have no place to stand, we will kill you, destroy you completely!"

  "Welcome to the final judgment!"

  Behind Ultraman Tiga, four or five behemoths appeared!

  At the same time, a scarlet gate that was slowly opening appeared above the sky!

  "Door of hell!"

  "Look at the sky over there!"

  "The gate of hell really appeared, Ultraman Tiga didn't deceive us!"

  Crowds in the city screamed as they looked at the top of the mountain.

  "It's finally here, this time let me pray first!"

  The victorious team dug well excitedly drove the spaceship and ran quickly!

  The reporters from all sides in the crowd also boldly ran in the direction of the gate of hell. Now they are people with the belief of gods, and they are not afraid of threats and dark forces at all!

  "These guys are too disrespectful to the monsters!"

  Seeing such an abnormal scene, Lina covered her eyes and couldn't bear to look directly.

  "Excessive! Hurry up and stop those people, there is Ultraman Tiga there, there is no need to make trouble."

  "With the glory of my God shining, you can't deliberately seek death!"

  Megumi said angrily.

  "Uh... yes, I'll turn to look at those people now."

  "What about Dagu's No. [-] machine, why can't he find Dagu when he encounters a monster? Isn't he where he went to date the eldest girl?"

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