Digging the well while changing the flight path, complained again and again.


  "Kirielod people? You even found the Abbass to deal with me together?"

  "Do you think you can win if you have more people? I'm afraid you don't know how powerful my God's Light is!"

  Dagu looked at the five monsters in front of him and sneered.

  Ultraman Tiga directly switched to flight mode and jumped into the sky!

  "Don't let him run away!"

  "catch him!"

  Seeing Ultraman Tiga taking off, the Kyrierod hurriedly urged.

  However, the five monsters had just left the ground, and Ultraman Tiga had already stopped in mid-air, and the endless divine light of luck bloomed from the Tiga crystal on his forehead!

  Under the brilliance of the sky, the Kirialodes and the Abbass screamed and exploded into a cloud of smoke in the air!

  The people below looked at the immeasurable golden figure in the sky, worshipped and recited the gods!

  ".~Everyone of the earth! I am the messenger of the true God in the world!"

  "Keep your faith with me, and all darkness will be annihilated under the glory of my God!"

  "I will destroy the gate of hell and build the real gate of the kingdom of God. Any girl who has the blessing of destiny can try to step into the gate of God, go to the kingdom of God, and enjoy eternal youth!"

  Dagu's voice came from Ultraman Tiga.

  After talking about Dagu, a ray of light completely destroyed the scarlet gate of hell!

  People cheer!

  "Ah? Is it really possible to build the gate of the kingdom of God? Praise my god! Under the light of my god, my cancer has been cured!"

  "Long live my god! Please let my daughter step into the kingdom of God!"

  "The chance of immortality..."




  In the space of the kingdom of God, the bell of the entry of God is ringing!

  Under the more interested eyes of Queen Medusa, two women with the most powerful figures appeared in front of everyone.

  "Ahhh! What a beautiful place! Captain (Zhao Hao), we really entered the kingdom of God, Diga didn't lie to us!"

  The first to walk out of the beam Lina looked at the fairyland-like country and cheered.

  "Lina, calm down, I didn't see so many god sisters staring at us!"

  "I'm Megumi, this is my team member Lina! I've seen the gods and sisters, please take care of me!"

  In the middle, Hui pulled Lina and bowed to Medusa and the others nervously.

  Pfft off!

  "Their manners are so cute!"

  "The clothes are also very distinctive!"

  "It should be from the modern plane. There are clothes of this type in the ready-to-wear pavilion. Lord God, let Sister Yanlingji wear it, it's beautiful and sassy! I like it..."

  "God, you like that kind of thing! Shame to death!"



  ps: Too many chapter descriptions have been banned. If you haven't read it, please read it at night. It's very suitable for watching at night... For more heroines you want to see, please leave a message. .

Chapter 165

  "Captain Juma Hui, they are so beautiful, and they are good and bad..."

  Hearing Huang Rong, Shui Yunji and others teasing, Lina's pretty face became hot.

  Megumi is also embarrassed, she is a serious girl, okay, why did she suddenly mention uniforms and things like that...

  "Mei, Lina, don't be nervous, they're just too busy."

  "The Lord God is still cultivating, and it will not be too late to see you when your life level stabilizes."

  "Nongyu, how about you and Zi Nu introduce the sisters present to them, and then take them to choose their own palace? There are some changes in the Immortal Treasure Pavilion today, I have to go check it out."

  Queen Medusa squinted and smiled.

  "Yes! Sister Medusa!"

  "Very happy."

  Nongyu and Zinu bowed their heads and responded.

  Queen Medusa has the status of a concubine, and her strength and qualifications are undisputed, so she naturally has the power to arrange these little things.

  "Thank you so much!"

  Hui and Lina hurriedly bowed to Nongyu and Zinu again.

  "All of us are gods of the Lord God, so don't be so polite in the future."

  The purple girl stepped forward to help the two of them up.

  Then pointed to Shui Yunji, Huang Rong, Mitel Yafei and others to introduce them one by one.

  "Sister Zi is right. If you bow and salute when you see someone, I don't know if you think you are exercising!"

  Nongyu, Zi Yan and others covered their mouths and smiled.


  Hui and Lina heard the words and blushed again!

  "You will make fun of the newcomers and forget how embarrassed you were when you first came? I remember Zi Yan, you were so excited that you flew around in the shrine and almost hit the wall."

  Lu Linxuan snickered.

  "Ahhh! Alright, Lin Xuan, he became a concubine by the grace of the Lord last night, and he dared to make fun of me today."

  "I'm a dragon girl!"

  Zi Yan said angrily.

  "Haha, let's take a look at Shenlong girl, I have never seen you transformed into a dragon."

  Lu Linxuan laughed.

  She came earlier, her realm is not worse than Zi Yan, and she is not afraid of losing.

  "Sister Zi Yan, let's transform!"

  "We also want to see it, I wonder if there is such a big person as Dark Moon Wutian!"

  Cheng Yaojia and Inoue Orihime were also excited and coaxed.

  "Cough, she can really turn into a dragon, Zi Yan is the little princess of Long Island, and her body is the ancient dragon of Tianxu."

  Nalan Yanran, who just flew over, helped Zi Yan.

  Sifengyuan Yeyi, who has been laughing and watching in the distance, hears that Zi Yan can transform into a dragon, and her eyes brighten!

  She can only become a cat, but she has never seen anyone who can become a dragon!

  "Auntie doesn't show her power, you think I am fooling people."


  A crisp and melodious dragon roar emanated from Zi Yan's mouth, and under the terrified eyes of Hui and Lina, Zi Yan rose from the sky and turned into a white thousand-foot dragon lying in the sky above the platform!


  Midway Hui was stunned!

  She did not expect such a beautiful fairy to turn into such a terrifying dragon in the blink of an eye!

  Lina staggered back a few steps and hid behind Megumi like a bunny.

  "Amazing! This breath is so much stronger than the human form!"

  The purple girl exclaimed.

  Sifengyuan Yeyi is also in awe!

  Compared with the cat she has become, Zi Yan is the existence at the top of the food chain!

  "It seems that you must practice well, or you will be bullied in the future."

  Sifengyuan squinted at night.

  Inoue Orihime, Huang Rong and others were so excited that they rose up in the air, looked around Zi Yan in the east, touched in the west, and the itchy Zi Yan immediately changed back to human form, fighting with Huang Rong and others. Together.

  "Let's go, you are in a state of uncertainty now, so as not to be frightened by their group of crazy girls again."

  "After tonight, your advanced life level inborn beings will not be so panicked and fearful."

  The purple girl wrapped the middle Hui and Lina with gentle spiritual power.


  "Thank you, Sister Zi!"

  Megumi and Lina nodded gratefully.



  "Tushan Honghong? It turns out that you are charging the 9-star fairy treasure Five Elements Holy Heavenly Sword! No wonder the fairy treasure pavilion has such fluctuations in magic tools, and even the fairy treasures on the first floor are restless."

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