"Ah, is this the ninja team that is going to escort me? The shortest guy who looks super stupid is also a ninja? I always think it's not very reliable."

  Dazner walked over while drinking.

  "Huh? The shortest and stupidest? Who are you talking about?"

  Naruto wondered.

  Sasuke and Haruno Sakura approached at the same time, looking down at him.

  "Asshole drunkard! I killed you! Don't stop me!"

  Naruto reacted, completely mad.


  "Mr. Dazna is from the country of waves, Kakashi-sensei, is there a ninja village in the country of waves?"

  A group of four were walking on the road, Haruno Sakura said curiously.

  "On this continent, the main ninja villages are Konoha Ninja Village in Fire Country, Mist Ninja Village in Water Country, Cloud Ninja Village in Thunder Country, Sand Ninja Village in Wind Country, Rock Ninja Village in Earth Country The village, this is the five strongest ninja kingdoms."

  "Other small island countries like the Land of Waves do not have the strength and conditions to establish a ninja village."

  Kakashi explained.

  "The country of waves is indeed very small and too poor..."

  "So, that bridge has to be repaired!"

  A trace of sadness flashed in Dazner's eyes, who was still drinking.

  "Haha, don't worry, with me Uzumaki Naruto, I can easily escort you to your destination!"

  Naruto patted his chest.

  "There is no ninja duel in the C-level mission, of course you can say that."

  Haruno Sakura pinched her waist in disgust.

  "No ninja duels? Maybe."

  Kakashi glanced at the two pools of water in front of him, squinting and chuckling.

  Sasuke was stunned for a moment, but also looked at the water trail in front of him thoughtfully.


  The moment Naruto stepped on the water stain, two shadows emerged from the water, and instantly attacked Kakashi with a serrated sickle, crushing Kakashi's whole body!

  In such a scene, Dazna and Haruno Sakura were stunned, their eyes widened and they couldn't believe what was happening in front of them!

  "The teacher was killed? Kakashi-sensei was killed!"

  Haruno Sakura hugged her head and screamed.

  Naruto's head is humming!

  As a Joinin-sensei, Kakashi was killed?Isn't it said that there is no ninja duel in the C-level mission!Kakashi is dead, what should I do!

  "Women are trouble!"

  "Haruno Sakura, protect your employer, Naruto will come with me!"

  Sasuke said with a dark face.

  It's not normal for Kakashi to be killed so easily as a jounin!So it is very likely that he took the opportunity to hide and try to hone the team.

  "Ah good!"

  Haruno Sakura responded with chattering teeth, she was ready to chant the life-saving spell at any time...

  "A few brats! Your captain is dead, yet you dare to resist!"

  "We will make you feel the real pain before you die!"

  The sound of two negative tests came from the fog, and the picture gradually became clearer.

  Two black-clothed men with masks and bowed backs appeared right in front of Sasuke and the others. The weapons in their hands were two sickles, still dripping blood, Kakashi's blood!

  Such a terrifying scene made Naruto, who was facing actual combat for the first time, take a few steps back uncontrollably, and his legs began to swing. If Sasuke was not watching, Naruto would have collapsed on the ground.

  "Cheer up Naruto! The more afraid of death, the faster you will die!"

  Seeing Naruto's unsatisfactory appearance, Sasuke scolded angrily, and then without hesitation used Konoha Fluid Technique to attack the two sickle men.

  "I still don't obey my legs!"

  Naruto wanted to cry aggrieved.

  He really didn't understand, it was the first time to face such a terrifying killer, why Sasuke's movements were still so agile?

  "Fire Escape - The Art of Great Fire!"

  Being blocked by the combined force of the two scythe killers and unable to get close, Sasuke took a breath and created the best fire escape.

  "This level of fire escape! How is this possible!"


  The two men with scythes, who were completely careless, were hit by a big fireman from Sasuke, screaming and burning to ashes.

  "Sasuke, you killed them alone..."

  "This is too awesome!"

  Haruno Sakura held her face in admiration.

  Naruto swallowed and slumped on the ground without saying a word!

  "It's just the development of 10 or so village believers in Konoha Village to have this kind of power. The country in front of the wave must win all the villagers' beliefs for my god."

  "Everything else is behind! It doesn't matter if you betray the village!"

  Sasuke narrowed his eyes. .

Chapter 171

  "Sure enough, do you still have to rely on Sasuke in the end?"

  "Naruto, you can't be Hokage like this."

  Kakashi's figure appeared behind Naruto, touching Naruto's brain in disappointment.

  "Kakashi-sensei! Great, you're not dead!"

  Haruno Sakura said in surprise.

  "as I expected."

  Sasuke rolled his eyes.

  If it wasn't for the blessing of the divine light yesterday, the chakra soared, and the writing wheel had some signs of awakening, or else it would not have been possible to find someone hiding in the water trail.

  You can find out for yourself that Kakashi is naturally a Joinin~ no exception.

  Dazna, who was frightened over there, also breathed a long sigh of relief. If the death of the ninja team was caused by his secrecy, he would also feel uneasy.


  Naruto bowed his head in shame, Kakashi's words deeply hurt his self-esteem!

  "Mr. Dazner, it's time to talk about your business. The current situation doesn't seem to be a C-level mission."

  Ignoring Naruto, Kakashi looked at Dazna.

  "Yeah yeah!"

  "Mr. Dazna, you are too much. This is the first time our team has set out on a mission, and it has allowed us to face such a terrifying ninja assassination!"

  "This is definitely over the limit! I suggest to immediately give up the mission and return to the original path!"

  Haruno Sakura clenched her fist and said.

  "Sakura is right. If you can't give a reasonable explanation, we can only go back the same way."

  "Originally, the C-level mission was only set up to deal with the Jianghu gangs and mountain bandits, but the other party has dispatched two Chunin a long time ago. This is already an A-level or even an S-level mission."

  "Beyond the scope of the mission, it is not a breach of contract for us to give up the escort mission now."

  Kakashi narrowed his eyes.

  Sasuke watched this scene and was speechless. For him, no task was important. What he needed most was to find a place where it was easy to preach!

  And preaching to commoners is definitely easier than preaching to ninjas!So even if Kakashi gives up the mission, he will find the opportunity to go to the country of wave by himself. The poorer and more poor places, the easier it is to preach.

  In addition, pay attention to the beauty of destiny, maybe a beautiful girl can exchange him for [-] years of life!


  "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, I deceived you!"

  "I knew from the beginning that this mission was very dangerous. I kept drinking and pretending to be drunk on the road because I was afraid that you would see through it when we communicated. I was too despicable."

  "I know this is my fault, please listen to my explanation! If you ignore me now, I will definitely die!"

  Seeing that he couldn't hide it any longer, Dazna bowed 90 degrees to Kakashi and the others with red eyes.

  Following Dazna's statement, Kakashi was a little speechless!

  Everyone didn't expect that the country of Bo was so poor. If even the princes had no money, Dazna, a bridge-building expert, would naturally not be able to pay the employer's fees for A-level tasks.

  What made Kakashi even more troublesome was that Dazna's enemy, or the enemy of the Land of Waves, turned out to be Cardo, a super rich sea man full of evil!

  Such a character is very terrifying in terms of human and financial resources, and if it cannot be handled properly, Konoha will get into trouble.

  "So you're just kidding?"

  "Do you know that this is likely to kill Konoha's escort ninja."

  Kakashi hummed softly.

  The life of the country of waves is life, so isn't Konoha's ninja life?It happens that he is so provocative that he can't refuse it...

  "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for you guys."

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