"But I really can't die. At least I can't die before this bridge is built. This is the only hope for our country of waves to get rid of the monopoly of sea power!"

  "If I die, my grandson, granddaughter, and the whole country of Bo will draw a circle and curse you on Konoha!"

  Dazner burst into tears.

  As soon as these words came out, Kakashi, Sasuke and others stumbled, with black lines all over their faces...


  "Crossing this river is the border of the country of waves!"

  Dazner said excitedly looking at the foggy scene ahead.

  Through his own strength, he finally persuaded Kakashi and others to continue to escort him. As for the commission, he can only promise that the country of waves will be enriched.

  "It's good to be here, I'm so nervous all the way!"

  Haruno Sakura sighed in relief.

  Since she knew the seriousness of the matter, she, like Naruto and Sasuke, never dared to relax.

  "No wonder the two ghosts failed. It turned out to be Kakashi, the clone ninja of Konoha Village."

  A cold and chilling voice came from the fog.

· · · Flowers · · ·

  Before he finished speaking, a sharp air-breaking sound had already sounded!

  "Look down!"

  "Sasuke protect Dazna!"

  Kakashi shouted.

  Haruno Sakura and Naruto screamed and lay on the ground!

  Sasuke holds Kuwu in his hand and is on guard!

  With his current strength, he is not yet an opponent of Shang Nin, there are too few believers, and the blessings are not strong enough.


  As soon as everyone finished dodging, a huge machete slashed over Naruto's position and slashed into a big tree.

  A slender and sturdy figure appeared on the big sword, looking at everyone coldly.

  "My God! What a terrible murderous aura! Kakashi-sensei, is he also a Joinin!"

  Haruno Sakura trembled.

  Naruto Uzumaki, who thought he was ready, found that he was still trembling with fear.

  "That person is called Taodi Zaibuzhu, and many years ago, he was hailed as a ghost by the ninja world. He once assassinated the water shadow in the country of fog. After failing to escape and becoming a rebel, he did a lot of bad things and was listed on the bounty list of various countries. "

  "This guy is very good at 'silent killing technique' and the water escape series of ninja techniques. You and Naruto can't deal with such a guy, just hide."

  Kakashi narrowed his eyes.

  "As expected of a well-known Jōnin from a big country, your Konoha's intelligence system is very powerful."

  "Since you know what I'm capable of, then die!"

  Taodi said with a sneer.

  hum!The fog is surging!

  Taodi Zabuzhan and his big sword have disappeared in place, and when they reappeared, the fire was full of fire, fighting Kakashi's Kunai in one place!


  The confrontation between Kunai and the beheading sword was extremely harsh!Kakashi only lasted for two seconds before being blasted out by the terrifying force on the sword!

  "Go to hell, old man!"

  If Taodi is not cut again, he obviously did not expect to solve Kakashi with one move. His target person is Dazna!


  Slashing the air with one knife, no longer stunned, he looked at Sasuke Uchiha in amazement!

  It turned out that Sasuke Uchiha seemed to have anticipated where he was going to cut in advance, and he took Daznara away in advance!

  "Little devil! Your eyes... are they useful?"

  Momoji stared at Sasuke with a cold voice.

  "Fortunately, God bless you."

  Sasuke responded with a sneer.Down.

Chapter 172

  "Stinky brat!"

  Seeing that Sasuke still has the mind to make fun of himself, Taodi will never kill again!As fast as lightning, it was cut down with a knife, and even without hearing the sound of the wind, Sasuke's head was already in a different place!


  Seeing Sasuke's head flying up, Haruno Sakura and Naruto were stunned!

  Haruno Sakura's tears poured out uncontrollably. After all, she was a partner of the seventh class. Now that Sasuke was beheaded by another knife, the sadness was so huge!


  With two voices, Kakashi and Taodi were in the same direction.

  I saw that Sasuke's head was chopped off and turned into a piece of wood!


  Haruno Sakura and Naruto are stunned!

  The person who has been talking beside them turned out to be a substitute for Sasuke?It's fine if I didn't see it myself, how can I see that even Kakashi and Momochi have been deceived even if they don't cut it?

 [-] "Are the little devils so difficult today?"

  Taodi snorted coldly and waved the beheading sword towards the nearest Haruno Sakura.

  Haruno Sakura screamed and closed her eyes. The murderous aura from the beheading sword alone made her dare not move. It was impossible to defend herself!

  Naruto finally moved his footsteps under intense stimulation, standing with Haruno Sakura to prepare to defend against the enemy.

  With his and Haruno Sakura's abilities, the result is obvious.

  "When I am a decoration!"

  Kakashi shouted, the large amount of chakra accumulated before burst out at this moment!The figure appeared like electricity behind Zaibu Zhan, and without hesitation, it was a trick to wipe the neck!


  No more beheading and flying!

  Become a sky full of water droplets!

  "This guy! It turned out to be water!"

  Haruno Sakura's eyes widened.

  Naruto gritted his teeth and couldn't keep up with the rhythm at all. He felt that Sasuke, Kakashi and Momochi would be super powerful if they didn't cut it!

  "Kakashi! Do you think I'll forget, you are my biggest threat!"

  The savage laughter came from under his feet.

  "not good--"

  Kakashi's face changed when he felt his legs being grabbed.

  "Water escape, the technique of water prison!"

  Taodi will not cut the speed knot again, trapping Kakashi in the water prison!

  "It's over..."

  Dazna screamed in terror over there!

  Even the captain was taken down by the enemy, he was helpless!

  "Naruto! When do you want the crane to end!"

  Sasuke's figure appeared in front of Dazna and Naruto.



  Naruto was so angry that he stabbed the back of his hand with a knife!The intense pain finally took away his tension!

  "Multiple Shadow Clone!"

  Naruto is angry and seals!Hundreds of physical clones were slaughtered towards Taodi without slashing!

  "Sir Naruto!"

  "That's like talking!"

  Haruno Sakura and Sasuke said in surprise.

  Kakashi, who was trapped in the water dungeon, nodded with relief, but the scene was still grim. This kind of water dungeon cannot be broken from the inside, and he can only rely on Sasuke and Naruto to interrupt and do not cut the spell!

  Bang bang bang!

  Naruto's hidden clone died in pieces in front of the big sword that never cut the peach land. Obviously, it is impossible to rely on Naruto to interrupt the operation.

  "Sasuke, use your fire to escape! He can't stand your fire in this state!"

  Suddenly remembering Sasuke's fire escape power, Kakashi's eyes lit up.

  "Hahahaha! This little devil's fire—"

  "Damn it!"

  Taodi Zabuzhan just laughed out loud, and instinctively sensed the fatal danger, and shouted in alarm, but helplessly let go of the left hand of continuous casting!

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