
  Sasuke's flamboyant technique blew over and directly evaporated the water cage that would never be cut again!

  "Good job! Sasuke!"

  "Leave it to me next!"

  Kakashi took off his blindfold and said.

  "Writing round eyes!"

  Seeing Kakashi take off the blindfold, Sasuke and Momochi exclaimed!

  "How could he have my family's bloody eyes! Damn, we must find out about this!"

  Sasuke's heart trembled.

  If he wants to really open his eyes, he still needs to develop a few believers to obtain blessings, and Kakashi has already been able to use the wheel-writing eye, and the gap between the two sides is clear at a glance.

  "Kakashi! Don't underestimate me! Water Escape Water Dragon Bomb!"

  Taodi will not cut the seal of anger again.

  "Water Escape Water Dragon Bomb!"

  Kakashi Sync!


  Taodi is no longer shocked and angry!

  "Exactly the same! Ninjutsu has been copied!"

  Haruno Sakura and the others were stunned.

  "Water escape! The great waterfall—"

  "Ahhh! It's impossible!"

  This time, Taodi's mentality collapsed without slashing again, because Kakashi was not only copying his ninjutsu, but the speed of printing was faster than him!

  The huge water ninjutsu slammed into the peach ground first and then didn't cut it!


  Kakashi narrowed his eyes.



  Haruno Sakura and Naruto cheered...  

  Sasuke was also relieved, but Kakashi, who used the Blood Wheel Eyes to copy the opponent's ninjutsu, made him annoyed, and once again determined the idea of ​​establishing the Lucky God Sect after arriving in the Land of Waves!The blood wheel eye of his Uchiha family was poached and used at will by Konoha's people, which is simply a shame for the family!

  "I'm not dead yet!"

  Taodi no longer lay on the ground and vomited blood.


  Two silver needles pierced into the neck which was never cut again.

  Sasuke and the others exclaimed!

  Kakashi squinted his eyes and saw a young man wearing a mask of Kirigakura chasing the ninja appeared in front of everyone.

  "Everyone, thank you for helping me kill Taodi and not cut it, can you give me his corpse to go back and recover?"

  The masked man bowed.

  "He...he killed Taodi and didn't cut it!"

  Naruto was stunned, the endless anger and self-doubt made Naruto squeeze his face fiercely.

  It's not as good as Sasuke, at least Sasuke is blessed by God!

  But the voice and age of the young man in front of him were clearly not much different from his!How could it be possible to kill Taodi without knowing it?

  "It is indeed dead."

  "Are you the ninja of Kirikin's pursuit? In that case, the corpse is at your disposal."

  Kakashi agreed after considering it again and again.

  "Thank you so much!"

  The masked man bowed again, and disappeared into the jungle with the uncut body of Taodi on his back.

  "This guy... always feels something is wrong..."

  Sasuke looked at the background where the masked man was leaving, squinting and thinking.

  But thinking that you can reach the country of waves for missionary later, you don't care about other things!


  Finally reached the village of the country of waves with Dazna.

  "Villagers, do you want to see miracles? Do you want to make money?"

  "I can teach you a method. As long as you sincerely worship and recite the incantation, you can communicate with the gods and show miracles! All wishes can be realized!"

  Sasuke Uchiha went out alone and smiled at the adults and children who were bored in the sun.

  He even took out the little pocket money he had...

  "Is it really possible!"

  "You can get money just by reciting a mantra and bowing to the gods?"

  "Ahhh we want to see miracles!"

  The adults and children who have been poor and crazy for a long time, their eyes are instantly frantic.



Chapter 173

  "It's really a miracle! My injured arm is healed! Praise the gods!"

  "There is light in the sky!"

  "God's blessing... This feeling is so happy..."

  On the dock plaza of the Land of Waves, more and more people joined the crowd of worshippers!

  Because the divine light shines, the effect is right in front of you, it is hard to believe it or not!


  With the sharp increase of believers, a beam of dazzling divine light shone on Sasuke Uchiha's head, the chakra energy on Sasuke's body soared sharply, and anything that hindered the improvement of the realm disappeared!

  "2000 years of life! 3 chances to summon my sacred beast!"

  "And this Chakra like the vast sea..."

  "My eyes! Totally different!"

  Uchiha Sasuke just closed his eyes for a while in pain, and when he opened them again, the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye had already formed, and he directly entered the second stage of the writing wheel eye!

  Such terrifying eyes frightened the surrounding villagers who saw this scene!

  "Don't be afraid! This is the power given to me by my God to protect everyone..."

  "From now on, we will set up the Lucky God Cult to spread the teachings for our gods and attract believers from all over the world!"

  Uchiha Sasuke smiled.

  The evil and powerful aura of Wanhua Xueyuan's eyes 14 automatically convinces those who see it!

  "Yes! Meet the leader of the Lucky God Cult!"

  The villagers worshipped Sasuke Uchiha as if possessed by a demon.

  "Get up! We are all believers of my god, we just need to kneel and worship my god in the future!"

  Sasuke grinned.

  "My God! You have given me the power of revenge and the chance of immortality! Sasuke will become your eternal preacher of faith!"

  "The believer Uchiha Sasuke, thank my god Hongen!"

  Uchiha Sasuke, who was completely reborn, bowed to the east with incomparable sincerity.

  "Sasuke, what are you doing!"


  "your eyes!"

  Haruno Sakura, who ran out to look for Sasuke, saw Sasuke Uchiha's kaleidoscope writing wheel, and the whole person stood on the spot!

  "Sakura, believe in the gods with me, and spread the teachings for my god."

  "These eyes are the power blessed by my God! When we grow to millions of believers for my God, maybe you will be lucky enough to go to the kingdom of God and serve the gods."

  Sasuke Uchiha looked at Haruno Sakura and smiled.


  Being stared at by Sasuke Uchiha's kaleidoscope, Haruno Sakura nodded in horror, as if her body did not dare to disobey Sasuke Uchiha's order!

  "Very good, now you are also a member of Lucky God Cult."

  "I hope you can follow Kakashi and the others back to Konoha to develop believers for my god, and I will stay and start from this wave of kingdoms and spread my god's beliefs throughout the continent!"

  Sasuke Uchiha was very excited.

  Now that he has opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, he already has the abilities of "Amaterasu", "Susanohu", "Adding Earth Life" and "Yue Reading" that come with his bloodline!

  This is just the development of 2 believers!

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