"It wasn't our Kazekage-sama who fought Naruto, we were taken advantage of!"

  "Hurry back to the village! Sandyin Village was captured by Konoha's Uchiha Sasuke!"

  On the chaotic battlefield, the cries of the sandy ninja rang out.

  The Sandyin and Tone-Ninja allied forces, who had the upper hand, were instantly in jeopardy!

  "What! Sandyin Village was captured by Sasuke Uchiha???"

  "Pfft hahaha!"

  "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we haven't heard such an interesting thing for a long time!"

  The trio of Konoha, Pig, Deer and Butterfly, who just started to reappear, almost didn't laugh when they heard the tragic cry of Sandyin Ninja!

  "No way, Sasuke actually ran to attack Sandyin Village at this time? How did he know that the village was suffering!"

  Kakashi's mouth twitched.

  However, this news is really good!

  "Sasuke-kun... occupied Sandyin Village?"

  "As expected of the sect master!!!"

  Ino and Haruno Sakura laughed.

  Temari and Kankuro, who were fighting against them, were like black charcoal!

  Lord Fengying was faked by Orochimaru, and the village was occupied by Konoha's Shimonin trumpet!Today, they have lost all their faces in Shayin Village in the Land of Wind!

  "Go back with me and let that Uchiha Sasuke pay the price he deserves."

  Gaara looked at Temari and Kankuro with a pair of black eye circles that were about to kill.


  Temari and the two screamed in their hearts and quickly left in the direction of their village.

  "Orochimaru, you see, without the help of Shayin Village, your action this time has been lost!"

  Sarutobi Hizen struggled to defend against the attacks of Orochimaru and Hokage from the two generations of dirty soil reincarnation, while grinning.

  "Yeah, it seems that the target I want to get has done something that surprised me 々¨."

  "Is it your plan to let Sasuke Uchiha attack Sandyin Village? If so, you must be a little scary, teacher."

  Orochimaru squinted at the collapsed coalition forces outside the formation.

  He killed Kazekage, and then faked an order to let Sandyin Village and Yinin Village unite and attack Konoha together.

  It is the greatest irony that such a perfect plan was ruined by the goal of his trip!

  "What do you want to achieve???"

  "Sasuke Uchiha?"

  Sarutobi Hiizhan's face changed in shock.

  "Yes, because you know my goal, right?"

  "Coming to kill you is only part of the plan. Using Sasuke's body to regenerate and obtain the blood of the Uchiha family is the most important thing for me."

  "Since Sasuke Uchiha is no longer in the village, then after I kill you, I will naturally go to him."

  Orochimaru sneered.

  "Mu Dun, Senhai is born!"

  As Orochimaru issued an urgent attack order, the atmosphere of the first-generation Hokage Senju Hasuma and the second-generation Hokage Senju Tobirama changed drastically!Have used their own special skills!

  "I won't let you succeed! Those children are Konoha's hope!"

  "Spirituality, Ape King Demon Ape!"

  Sarutobi Hizen also began to fight for his life!

  "I still refuse to accept the youngest, then I'll go too!"

  Orochimaru licked the corner of his mouth.

  The grass pheasant sword appeared in his hand, and went straight to the heart of Hizan Sarutobi!



  Just as Orochimaru and Sarutobi Hijen were in a decisive battle, Gaara and the others had already rushed back to Sandyin Village at full speed!

  It's just that everyone was stunned after seeing the actions of the villagers in Shayin Village!

  "Praise my God, you are the incarnation of light above the mist, and you are the lucky ruler above all living beings! Your loyal believer, Mori Tai, I pray for your favor. May you have endless luck and glory forever!"

  Morita, the captain of the escort who originally guarded Sandyin Village, took the lead and bowed to the east.

  Countless villagers have followed suit!

  Immediately, divine light descended from the sky, illuminating the entire Shayin Village!

  "How can such a thing happen, stop! You idiots, are you all crazy!"

  Gaara said with a grim expression.

  "That young man is Sasuke Uchiha!"

  Temari exclaimed, pointing to the smiling young figure standing in the distance.

  "To mislead our village with a cult and a mystical ninjutsu, damn it!"

  Kankuro scolded, and rushed to Sasuke Uchiha first!


  Sasuke Uchiha was originally in a good mood. Counting the villagers of Shayin Village, the number of believers has reached 80!Another 20 can build the gate of the kingdom of God!

  As a result, these guys who came back, after seeing the miracle of their gods, not only did not bow down, but called their sect a cult?

  "kill him."

  Sasuke Uchiha looked at Kankuro expressionlessly.


  Shui Wuyuebai's figure instantly disappeared in place!

  "Ice Escape! Thousand Kills Shui Xiang!"

  "Kankuro be careful! He's Bing Dun, a blood-based limit ninja!"

  Temari exclaimed, and the iron fan flew over to help resist.

  "Ice escape! Magic mirror ice crystal!"

  Shui Wuyuebai caught Temari's fan with his left hand and made a seal with his right.

  "One-handed seal???"

  I love Luo stunned.

  Kankuro and Temari didn't even think that Mizunoyukihiro would have this kind of ability, so they were directly trapped in the ice crystal formation, and they were only left to be beaten passively.

  However, Kankuro's puppet technique was excellent in defense, which made the scene a bit stalemate.


  Uchiha Sasuke obviously didn't want to waste time on the little minions, the kaleidoscope in his right eye opened, and Amaterasu black flames descended on Kankuro.


  The indestructible puppet was burnt through in an instant!Kankuro, who was hiding in the puppet, let out a horrible scream, and was burned to ashes in just a few breaths!

(is the money good)


  Temari was stunned!

  She didn't expect Sasuke Uchiha's ninjutsu to be so powerful!One face-to-face deal with Kankuro, the strongest defense? ? ?

  "What kind of Tongshuxing is this!"

  Looking at Sasuke Uchiha's kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, Gaara shivered inexplicably.

  With his icy heart, there is fear, this is simply impossible!

  "That's... the legendary kaleidoscope writing wheel eye!"

  "We're fucked!"

  Behind Gaara, the senior expert from Sandyin Village recognized the origin of Sasuke's eyes and slumped on the ground with a plop.

  "It's still a little insightful. I'll give you 10 breaths to consider joining my religion."

  "Otherwise, die."

  Sasuke Uchiha looked at Gaara and the others and sneered.

  ps: The first two chapters that hang up will be released after reading at night~ I hope it is dangerous to drive~, please comfort me.

Chapter 180

  "What... what! 10 breaths, want us to join your religion?"

  Hands trembled.

  Looking at Sasuke Uchiha's kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, she can estimate that standing without kneeling is already her limit, and it is a joke to let her fight with the existence with such eyes!

  "Dare to insult me ​​like this!"

  "You die for me!"

  Gaara was crushed by this pressure and humiliation!

  He is the main force of the guardian crane, and he is an existence comparable to Kazekage. He came back from Konoha Village to clean up Uchiha Sasuke, the Konoha kid!How can I endure being bullied by the other party like this now!

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