
  The cry of the tailed beast Shouhe broke out in Gaara's body.

  The surrounding villagers of Shayin Village who entered the divine religion panicked!Because they know how powerful the one-tailed beast Shouhe is!

  "Gara! Stop, don't let Morizuru come out! Sasuke-sama is the messenger of the gods, the one who gave us the light of the sandyin village!"

  Morita, the captain of the Sand Hidden Village escort team, exclaimed.

  "Ahahahaha! I'm out, I'm finally out!"

  "I love Luo, you really still need my strength!"

  Ichio Morizuru's huge body appeared in front of Sasuke.

  "Oops, this is out of control!"

  Temari said with a cold sweat.

  "It's noisy."

  Uchiha Sasuke's six-god jade reincarnation eye appeared in his left eye, staring at Ichimori Tsurudo with great dissatisfaction.

  "You little-"


  "Reincarnation Eye!!!"

  When Izuku saw Sasuke's eyes, his originally evil and arrogant attitude suddenly made a 180-degree turn!He shivered and crawled down, looking at Sasuke Uchiha in horror!

  Such a scene directly shocked Temari!

  The sandy ninjas who came back with Gaara and Temari were equally stunned!

  Their strongest weapon in Sandyin Village, the one-tailed guard crane, actually took the initiative to crawl in front of Uchiha Sasuke?

  As everyone knows, at the beginning, their 9 big-tailed beasts were split into 10 tails by the immortals of the six paths, and the power of the 10 tails was distributed to them!

  At this moment, seeing the Six Gou Jade Samsara Eye again, of course, I am afraid!

  "It's a sensible tailed beast, so I will save your life and stay in the reincarnation space."

  Sasuke raised the corner of his mouth.


  Liugouyu's Samsara Eye activated the power of space, and took the shivering one-tailed Shouhe into it.

  Only Gaara, who was unconscious, was left.

  "Please don't kill Gaara! We are willing to surrender!"

  Seeing that Sasuke was going to do something to Gaara, Temari knelt down in panic and prayed!

  Even the tailed beast Shouzu dared not resist Uchiha Sasuke, she could no longer imagine what realm Uchiha Sasuke's power had reached!

  "Oh? You've learned to be good."

  "Now is the time when there is a shortage of manpower, and I will give you a chance to make up for it!"

  "Bai, tell them the steps to enter our religion."

  Uchiha Sasuke smiled.

  It's good to be able to add one more believer, and it will add up to a lot...

  "Yes! Sect Master!"

  Under the mask, Bai nodded and said, and then, under the extremely embarrassed expressions of Temari and the others, followed the worship and chant of Suizuebai, and completed the conversion of faith!

  This was solved by Sasuke with absolute power, but Konoha Village did not have such luck!

  The three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Hizen, who never recognized the gods, still failed to escape the arrangement of fate, and used the same perishing trick against Orochimaru - the ghoul seal!

  "You immortal!"

  "Return my hand! Return my ninjutsu!"

  Looking at his completely unconscious hands, Orochimaru roared in despair.

  "Lord Hokage!"

  The outer Konoha guards screamed and knelt down!

  "The future of Konoha will be handed over to you..."

  "Naruto, Sasuke, Shikamaru..."

  Sarutobi Hizan flashed in front of his eyes all the youthful figures, especially the news of Sasuke Uchiha's attack on Sandyin Village, which made Sarutobi Hizan completely relieved and relieved his burden easily.

  "Master Orochimaru!"

  Looking at Orochimaru, who was also hit hard, the strong man of Yinin Village hesitated.

  "Come on, it's over."

  Orochimaru said with a low expression, having lost his hands, he was no longer in the mood to stay and do anything.

  He can only pin his last hope on the next body!



  "What old Sarubi is dead? What's going on?"

  Senju Tsunade, the princess of the Senju clan who was losing a lot in a distant town, frowned when she heard Jiraiya's words.Although she didn't like the old man, she was still her master.

  "That bastard, Orochimaru, has returned, and he has also learned to reincarnate in the dirt. He defeated the teacher with the power of the first and second generations! Now Konoha is in desperate need of a new Hokage. I recommend you to the old people in the village. ."

  Zilai also helplessly spread his hands.

  Naruto behind him looked curiously at the woman with unique temperament in front of him.

  "Huh! I'm not interested in that position. Instead of working hard to deal with things all day, how can I be comfortable drinking and gambling here!"

  Qianshou Tsunade snorted coldly.

  The disciple on the side was silent and hesitant to say anything, thinking that if he didn't go back like this, he would really lose all his money...


  Just as the timelines of the Naruto Plane are progressing rapidly, Chen Xian, who has left the Fenglin Xuanya and Wenrou Township in the distant and supreme Shenhe Star Region, has been in the dungeon hall of Shendu Academy for a whole day!

  Li Mei, the dungeon task manager on the top floor, went numb when she saw the record-breaking information on the dungeon screen!

  Not only is she numb, but the supreme students and tutors of all grades around the lower god level are numb!

  "Even the 'Crystal Snake Cave', which even the 8th-rank lower gods dare not play alone, has broken the record?"

  "Director, this little monster in our school can't hide..."

  The third grade tutor Cheng Feiyue said in a dry voice.

  The boss of the single copy of "Crystal Snake Cave" is infinitely close to the level of the median god!I can't imagine how a Rank 7 True God can kill and clear the level!

  "I couldn't hide it for a long time! Didn't I see that the old principal didn't dare to leave the school for a moment, and even the school guarding formation was activated! Otherwise, it is not only Chen Xian's enemy, but also other temples and even the official royal academy. They'll rush in and grab people..."

  An Yongsheng, director of the Academic Affairs Office, said with a wry smile.

  "But there are still 5 days before the school competition! It's impossible for Chen Xian to stay in the school and his own kingdom of God all the time. The school competition is held in Shengtian Temple!"

  Su Xue said helplessly.

  "At that time, I will count on you, the number one beautiful teacher in the whole school, to watch over him, and I will do everything possible to prevent other schools from robbing him."

  An Yongsheng looked at Su Xuedao with strange eyes.

  Su Xue's mouth twitched!

  I can't wait to find a hole to dig into...

  In the evening, inside Su Xue's Crystal Palace.

  Chen Xian, who redeemed the second Samsung artifact, was extremely excited!

  Just tired and crying, Su Xue, goddess of ice and snow...



Chapter 181

  "It turned out that he was kicked out before dawn again. To be honest, he would lose his temper."

  In the early hours of the morning, Chen Xian, who had returned to his kingdom of God, said angrily.

  Just now, he was having a good time at Su Xue's Frost Palace, when suddenly, "Who is more beautiful, Feng Lin Xuanya or me?"

  This kind of fatal question, for someone like Chen Xian to answer at will, of course, "each has its own merits".

  However, this is obviously not the answer Su Xue wants...

  It ended up being kicked out...

  "Lord God, please use tea. This is the 'Drunken Lotus Gold Dew Tea' that Sister Huaizhu asked us to prepare for you. It is very effective for restorative sleep."

  Ying Lili, who was dressed in a refreshing green maid outfit, put the tea set in front of Chen Xian cautiously.

  "Yes, it's really comfortable to have you to take care of your daily life, and you're still waiting for me so late?"

  Looking at the young and beautiful girl in front of him, Chen Xian-mo was in a much better mood.

  "No no, it's my duty - what!"

  "Xiazhiqiu Shiyu and I live near your bedroom, and the perception formation that Sister Huaizhu set up for us, as long as you come back to the Palace of the King, we will know."

  "Eriri is on duty today. If you don't sleep, Eiri can't rest!"

  Ying Lili lowered her head and blushed.

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