"That's really hard work for you. Now the two of you are the maids of God, and the task is indeed a bit heavy. In a few days, I will find some candidates for the maid of God from the lower world, so that you have time to do what you want to do."

  Chen Xian said seriously.

  "Thank you, Lord God!"

  "I didn't expect such a great god like you to be so gentle and considerate to us! Ying Lili has already obtained a lot of good fortune in the kingdom of God today!"

  Ying Lili's courage gradually grew, and she raised her head, her charming eyes flashing agile.

  "Oh? But tell me what kind of creation you got?"

  Chen Xian wasn't able to enjoy himself at Su Xue's side, and he didn't feel sleepy, so he looked at the beautiful girl in front of him with interest.

  Now that I take a closer look, I realize that Ying Lili is the only girl with long blond hair in the kingdom of God.

  "Of course it is life level and knowledge!"

  "Your Divine Kingdom's aura is so abundant that it has already made me and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu automatically advance to innate spirits, and we have achieved nearly a thousand years of life for nothing!"

  "Also, Sister Huaizhu and Queen Medusa took us to visit the Myriad Realms Library and the Divine Realm Cinema! It's amazing, and when we got here, we realized that we were completely short-sighted just staring at the animation material before!"

  Thinking back to the two places with countless materials, Eiri's eyes lit up.


  "Okay, it's getting late, I'll take a shower."

  After chatting with Ying Lili for a while, Chen Xian stretched his waist.

  "Take a shower..."


  Ying Lili's pretty face flushed red, and she ran to clean up the bathing equipment in a panic.

  "Strange, why are you so nervous?"

  Looking at Ying Lili who was helping him change clothes, Chen Xian wondered.

  "You... don't you know how attractive you are to our girls!"

  "Especially now..."

  Ying Lili covered her face.

  Chen Xian, who has embarked on the path of the ultimate true god, is automatically improving and evolving his appearance and temperament every day.Now that Chen Xian's realm has skyrocketed, he has reached the point where ordinary women meet for life by mistake!

  It is extremely rare for Ying Lili to be able to speak normally to Chen Xian!

  "No, I want to be so handsome and still haven't been kicked out by Su Xue?"

  "I'll have to experiment and see."

  Chen Xianle said.

  Seeing Chen Xian showing off her perfect figure, Ying Lili's heartbeat exceeded her limit, and her heart fluttered in Chen Xian's arms.



  "Oh my God, Eiri, you—"

  In the early morning of the next day, Shiyu of Kasumigaoka, who came to take over, was shocked when she saw Yingli Li sleeping in Chen Xian's bedroom!

  Then he quickly switched to a black belly mania, and got up to Eiri to pick up a pen and paper!

  "Xia Shiyu what are you doing!"

  Ying Riri covered her face with the quilt.

  Fortunately, the God Lord Chen Xian had already left the palace, otherwise she would be embarrassed.

  As a maid of God, on the first day of coming to the Kingdom of God,...

  "Of course, write down your experience and real feelings!"

  "That's Lord God! Not an ordinary campus flower boy!"

  "This is the most precious writing material!"

  Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at Ying Lili with a frenzied expression.

  "I...Xiazhiqiu Shiyu! I fought with you!"



  The distant king's land!

  Han Tiao and Han Xin, who are members of the group, are holding the banner of the God of Luck in their hands and carrying out missionary activities in the Wilderness Canyon!

· · · Flowers · · ·

  During this period of time, Han Xin, who has been strengthened by lucky divine light several times, has reached an appalling level in strength, agility, and magic power!

  Yesterday, Han Xin, one person 1v5, crushed Lu Bu, Marco Polo, Liu Bei and other five generals in the city of natural disasters, and his strength shocked the entire King Continent!

  Even the Queen of Calamity City, the Queen Mother Nuwa, was alarmed and used a full-screen big move to kill Han Xin!

  It's a pity that, with the blessing of lucky divine light, how could Nu Wa's "order destruction", which is not high on average, be hit?

  Therefore, the heroes of Chang'an City, who were still in a state of swinging, had to believe in the existence of the true gods of the heavens and became a member of the Lucky God Cult!

  "Sect Master! Li Bai came to see him, saying that the gate of the kingdom of God is the last step, and the destiny formation has not been activated!"


  "It's just that I don't know whose blood to use to do it!"

  Ma Chao, who was good at running errands, rushed to Han Xin and bowed out of breath.

  "Wait a minute, I'll ask the people in the group, the situation in our mainland is a bit complicated."

  Han Xin scratched his head.

  Han Tiaotiao: "Call everyone! The little brother has encountered a puzzle! In the group document, the last step of the Destiny Formation said that starting the formation requires a bowl of blood from the male protagonist of the plane! But everyone in our King Continent. They are all heroes, and the male protagonists are so hard to find! You can't try one by one, the formation is easy to break! I beg the big guys for guidance!"

  Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "Pfft - there is such an interesting world, I really want to go to your place to play!"

  They all call me Long Ma: "The martial arts skills in their world are interesting, and the people are also very distinctive!"

  Ouyang is not crazy: "cough, don't stray from the topic, okay, let me give you a trick! If the male lead is hard to find, in fact, the blood of the female lead is okay! This is the result of the old people in our group who practiced it themselves! Proud jpg!"

  Han Tiaotiao: "Ah? Then there must be a goal!"

  Bucky, who is still in prison: "Idiot, just look for the most beautiful heroine in your king's continent! The success rate is 99%!"

  Han Tiaotiao: "Received! I'll try Captain Hua Mulan and Wang Zhaojun first. They should have the courage to step into the gate of God to serve my god..."

  ps: The beauties of the King's Canyon, everyone hopes that who will go to the kingdom of God... Next.

Chapter 182

  "God! The formation is really activated! I am the blood of destiny!"

  Looking at the divine gate of the kingdom of God in front of her, Hua Mulan said in surprise.

  "Sister Mulan is valiant and brave. She must be the daughter of destiny! When you arrive in the kingdom of God, you must say hello to Han Xin and my god!"

  Han Xin bowed his hands to Mulan.

  Although he is now more powerful than the captain of the Great Wall Guard under the blessing of the divine light of luck, once Hua Mulan enters the kingdom of God, it will be completely different. His status is far beyond his IQ!

  "Sister Mulan is going to wear this dragon crystal armor to the kingdom of God?"

  Wang Zhaojun dressed as a girl singer said in surprise.

  "Of course, the dragon hunter is my favorite set of clothes, and I also bring other clothes."

  Mulan pointed to her own burden.

  Seeing that one-person-height burden, Han Xin's mouth twitched!

  It's like moving house!Even with the weapon and sword, can I really pass through the gate of the kingdom of God? I always feel that I will be stuck...

  "Hee hee, Sister Mulan is too exaggerated. It is the kingdom of gods there, so there must be everything."

  "Anyway, people wear this 'Ding Ding Dang' to go in."

  Wearing a Christmas costume, the extremely festive Diaochan snickered.

  "Uh, so good..."

  "In this case, only the three sisters will try first?"

  Han Xin looked at the other beauties who were watching with regret.

  "When they can become gods and come back, it's not too late for our other sisters to go."

  "After all, the sisters of Chang'an City can't go all at once, or you can't defend the city of natural disasters by yourself."

  Chang'e chuckled lightly.

  "Sister Chang'e is right."

  A frozen goddess Athena said seriously.

  "So, let's hope that we can successfully pass the Destiny Formation."

  Mulan smiled.

  Speaking of being the first to step into the gate of the kingdom of God, the three gate formations of faith, purity, and destiny are extremely smooth!

  "Sister Mulan succeeded!"


  "This is one step to the sky, some can't help but want to go!"

  "If you really want to go, you have to tell Empress Wu Zetian, it won't be too late in a few days."

  "That's right, anyway, the gate of the kingdom of God is here and can't escape!"

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