Jia Luo, Sun Shangxiang, Shangguan Wan'er and others were moved.

  "Then let's go too, I hope not to be beaten back!"

  Wang Zhaojun and Diaochan glanced at each other encouragingly and stepped into the gate of God at the same time!



  The space of the kingdom of God, on the platform of the lead array.

  "What a beautiful three newcomers!"

  "God, look at their clothes, they are so beautiful!"

  "People's parents are also good-looking, God Lord is blessed!"

  "The elder sister in the armor is so temperamental, she must be a trainer!"

  Tu Shan Rongrong, Gao Yao, Ya Fei and others exclaimed.

  "Hua Mulan, Wang Zhaojun, Diaochan have met several gods!"

  The three Hua Mulan girls, who had recovered from the shock, knelt down on one knee in front of Tu Shan Honghong and the others.

  The intuitive Hua Mulan was even more shocked when she saw the light and holy spirit around Tu Shanhonghong's body!Knowing that Tushan Honghong must be the god-level goddess woman in Han Xin's mouth!

  "You don't need to be polite to the three younger sisters, everyone is the god of the Lord God, and you can treat each other as equals."

  "Today, the Lord God and Queen Medusa have not yet come out of retreat, so I will be in charge of receiving you. I am Tu Shan Honghong, and I am currently a rank 3 god in the realm."

  "The other sisters can introduce themselves."

  Tu Shan Honghong narrowed his eyes and smiled.

  This time is rare without ventriloquism!

  No way, if you use ventriloquism for the first time, it will be too pretentious and will leave a bad impression on people.

  In fact, since being favored twice by Chen Xian, Tu Shan Honghong is not as cold as before, not to mention that there is still a really cold Tu Shan Yaya!

  She doesn't want Tu Shan Yaya to freeze herself, which is extremely unfavorable for cultivation, and the Lord God may not like it.Regarding this point, she agrees with Queen Medusa's words, Tushan Yaya is so beautiful, only in the arms of the Lord God is the most perfect moment, the moment that belongs to a woman...

  "I'm Tushan Yaya."

  Seeing that Tu Shan Honghong was the first to look at herself, Tu Shan Yaya said with some anger.

  After saying that, she glanced at the three of Hua Mulan apologetically, and her figure rose up from the sky and flew towards her extremely cold shrine.

  "Why is this guy so cold?"

  Nicole Robin clicked.

  "It may be that her shrine is too cold. I'm shivering from the cold just getting close to ten miles."

  Gao Yao stuck out his tongue and said.

  "Nonsense, obviously because of cultivating the law of ice, sister Yaya is still very kind on weekdays! Yesterday, I dismantled the "Nine Heavens Divine Sword" sword art..."

  Lu Linxuan retorted.

  "Forgot to introduce, I'm Lu Linxuan! She is Gao Yao, and this is Sister Xun'er!"

  Lu Linxuan looked at the embarrassed Mulan and smiled apologetically.

  "Cough! It doesn't matter, our newcomers don't understand the rules, and we expect everyone to take care of them."

  Mulan laughed dryly.

  The heart said that these women are so beautiful, what about the Lord God?I hope it's not the five-three rough-hearted type of gold...

  "Wang Zhaojun, Diaochan has met all the sisters!"

  The two daughters of Wang Zhaojun, who were beautiful in appearance and lost in fish and geese, also greeted everyone obediently.

  With a certain strength, they feel the pressure just by standing near Gu Xun'er and others. It can be seen that the cultivation of the girls is far above them!

  "Don't, just call me Gao Yao in the future. Gao Yao is too young to be a big sister!"

  Gao Yao tugged at her two ponytails and saluted.

  Gu Xun'er also smiled and waved, not saying much.

  "Let's go, I'll take you to find your own bedroom and settle down. After your life level is stable, I'll go to see the Lord God."

  "The three sisters are so beautiful, the Lord God will definitely like them."

  Tu Shan Honghong said seriously.

  After finishing speaking, the divine sense covered the three girls and left in the air.

  "Ahhh! So many beautiful lakes and buildings! It's a wonderland!"

  Wang Zhaojun looked at the scenery of the kingdom of God under the clouds, and his heart was relaxed and fascinated.

  "Just breathing the air here is about to be reborn!"

  Hua Mulan exclaimed.

  "I really want to meet the legendary God Lord! He must be very handsome..."

  Diao Chan covered her face shyly.

  At this moment.

  Tushan Yaya, who returned to her own Extreme Cold Shrine, saw the stalwart man slowly showing his body, and she bowed down with trembling in her heart.

  "Tu Shan Yaya, I have seen the Lord God!"

  Tu Shan Yaya greeted with a trembling voice, obviously surprised by Chen Xian's initiative to come!This is the scene she thought about, but didn't dare to...

  "The power of ice is generated by fire, but it is not necessary to cultivate the heart into ice. If I don't come again, your law of ice will really go astray."

  Chen Xian laughed angrily.

  He, who fully understood the beauty's intentions, picked up the unparalleled Tu Shan Yaya.

  "You need to come here often to cheer you up these days, otherwise it won't be clean."



Chapter 183

  "My God! It's the voice of Sister Yaya!"

  "It's so loud..."

  Lina and Nongyu, who were going to borrow ice cubes from the Chilling Shrine, were too ashamed to hold back when they heard the sound at the door.

  They never thought that Tu Shan Yaya would just come back from the platform..., they originally wanted to borrow some thousand-year-old ice from Tu Shan Yaya to make iced herbal tea.

  "Let's go first, there should be a thousand years of ice over there with Sister Rongrong."

  Lina covered her face.

  "Hmm! Don't be discovered by the Lord of God, otherwise it will be miserable!"

  "Sister Yaya is also super nice! Hurry up and go!"

  Nongyu and Lina blushed, their figures turned into streamers and disappeared without a trace.

  "I was heard..."

  Tu Shan Yaya had a high realm, and apparently noticed that Lina and Nongyu had just left the gate of the shrine.

  Everyone is drunk!

  But then once again immersed in the world of ice and fire.



  Just when Chen Xian was working hard in his own kingdom.

  Naruto plane.

  The fifth-generation Hokage Senju Tsunade who just took office looked at the report in his hand and twitched the corners of his eyes!

  "Sasuke Uchiha founded Lucky God Sect and occupied the land of wind and water..."

  "Are you sure that the U-14 Chiha Sasuke on the report is the teenage child in our village?"

  Chisato Tsunade rubbed his forehead.

  "That's right, master! I went to Kakashi-sama to confirm it personally!"

  "Actually, it's not an occupation. I heard that it was just spreading beliefs. Sasuke didn't take the positions of Mizukage and Kazekage! I heard that they have gone to the Land of Thunder now. This should be a good thing for us, right?"

  Silent suppressed the shock in his heart, and snickered and covered his mouth.

  "What kind of good thing is this! With the temper of a person like Raikage, Sasuke will be sent to preach? It's going to be a war soon, okay!"

  "The village was just messed up by Orochimaru, and it was even involved in such a war vortex!"

  Qianshou Tsunade gritted his teeth.

  In the past few days, she accepted Haruno Sakura as her second disciple, and learned about the Lucky God Cult from Haruno Sakura.Although he didn't want to admit those weird things, the fact that Shikamaru and the others had skyrocketed in strength was in front of him, and Tsunade didn't have any excuses.

  Therefore, [-]% of the ninjas in Konoha Village have begun to believe in the God of Luck!

  "Notify Kakashi, let Kakashi take Sakura to support Sasuke, this is the greatest support we can do."

  Tsunade grunted angrily.


  "Two people, and there are children among them. Well, you have the final say."

  Mute's mouth twitched and ran out.

  Now that Naruto is practicing with Jiraiya, the other teams have tasks, and it seems that Kakashi and Haruno Sakura are the only ones who can set off.

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