"But the heart of God is not fake. What's going on? Now everyone believes in the god of luck, so please explain the situation to us."

  Ke Qing looked at Li Yongsheng very puzzled.

  "Cough, okay, it's pretty tiring to pretend like this anyway."

  "Actually, I was a passing traveler, and when I knelt down and chanted the God of Luck, I inexplicably picked up a God's Heart of the Rock King, I just picked it up casually 々¨."

  "But I was able to get in touch with the God of Luck and know how to develop believers to get better blessings, so I pretended to be the Rock God to preach."

  "You won't blame me, but everyone has gained unimaginable benefits."

  Being dismantled by Ningguang, Li Yongsheng laughed dryly and said.

  Everyone! ! !

  "A random God's heart picked up..."

  "Thinking that condensing the light to get the power of the two elements of water and fire is extremely lucky, and you are the luckiest person who has been troubled for a long time! Just praise my god and get the heart of the god and become a rock god!"

  Ke Qing was a little broken.

  "It's really incredible! But I believe what you said, I have seen the ghost of the kingdom of the god of luck in the divine light before. You have brought unimaginable benefits to me and Liyue, so after I enter the kingdom of God , I will leave the Qunyu Pavilion to you to take care of it."

  "With this financial resources, I believe that you can do a better mission for the Lord of God."

  Ningguang looked at Li Yongsheng very seriously.

  "Really? That's a big thank you!"

  Li Yongsheng's eyes lit up.

  Ke Qing and others were speechless, once again confirming that this guy in front of him was a fake Rock King Emperor!

  "Can you really contact the god of luck! In this case, we don't have to fear the punishment of 'Tianli'!"

  Coconut Sheep's originally frightened eyes flashed a ray of hope.

  Having traveled in many countries, she knew that the Tivat Continent actually contained great terror!

  The body of the seven gods has "the law of heaven", and the abyss beneath the earth is nothing but the poor kingdom of Kanria that was once destroyed by the law of heaven, and even the more terrifying dark sea outside the Tivat continent!

  There was once a senior bard who said that this continent seemed peaceful and beautiful, but in fact it was already on the verge of destruction!

  Today's Coconut Sheep is a pessimist, and I have some belief in this...

  "Don't be afraid! I have read the information on my god's ability, and if I want to fight against the principles of heaven, I don't even need my god to take action. As long as we develop the number of followers of the Lucky God Cult to 10, we can have the ability to summon the 'Sacred Beast of the Kingdom of God'. Opportunity!"

  "You know, that kind of holy beast can swallow the existence of the entire continent in one bite!"

  Li Yongsheng said proudly.

  "The holy beast that swallowed the entire continent in one bite???"

  "That kind of existence is just the spirit beast of the god of luck?"

  Ye Yang and the others were stunned.

  "That's safe! 10 believers can activate the summoning authority to summon the sacred beasts of the kingdom of God, right?"

  "There are thousands of people who have participated in the 'Invitation to the Immortal Ceremony' alone. Now everyone spreads their beliefs and benefits by word of mouth, and I believe that there are already more than ten thousand believers!"

  "We want to get the number of believers over the 10 mark before other gods and 'Tian Li' come to obstruct us!"

  "Now that we know the existence of true gods, we no longer need false gods like the Seven Gods and Tianli!"

  Ningguang's dignified and exquisite face showed a firm look.

  With the blessing of two elements and a glimpse of the kingdom of God, she has become the most faithful believer of the true God!


  Hearing Tianquan Ningguang's bold and rebellious words, even Ke Qing, who is known for his courage, changed his face in shock!

  If such remarks are preached to the ears of the gods of other countries, they are going to start a war after all!

  "...Lord Ningguang is indeed the daughter of destiny!"

  "So, let's all act separately!"

  "I will continue to use the identity of the King of Rock to develop believers in Liyue. After Liyue fully believes in my god, I will go to Mond! At that time, our strength will not be afraid of false gods such as the wind god Barbatos!"

  Li Yongsheng said excitedly, he was really moved by Ningguang's rhetoric!

  "Okay! I'll issue an announcement in the city! And send someone to preach on the spot in Wanmintang!"

  "Yeyang, you go outside the city, and develop all the adventurers, gourmets, etc. (Li Zhao's) in Liyue into believers of my god, but remember, in the lucky gods, the believers did not reach 10, and they have the kingdom of gods. Before the summoning authority of the holy beast, try your best not to conflict with other countries! Especially the fools under the ice god!"

  Ningguang looked at the crowd and ordered.


  Ye Yang, Ke Qing and others nodded seriously.

  "Why do you emphasize the Ice God alone?"

  Li Yongsheng was puzzled.

  "Because... people are collecting the 'Heart of God', you may die when you meet the Ice God now."

  Ningguang looked at Li Yongsheng with some teasing.

  Just in the world of "Yuanshin", when the missionary cause was officially launched!

  Divine Kingdom Space Chronicle.

  The bold and beautiful Daozong little princess Ying Huanhuan has already stepped into Chen Xian's bedroom under the admiration of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu and others.

  She doesn't want to wait passively, she wants to let the Lord God fully know her beauty and enthusiasm...

Chapter 315

  "As expected of the daughter of the head of the Taoist sect, she is indeed a lovely fairy."

  Seeing Ying Huanhuan, whose skin was as lustrous as jade, with a beautiful posture, Chen Xian couldn't help but admire.

  Such a brave and straightforward Daozong beautiful girl, I really like it.

  "It's good that Lord God likes it."

  Ying Huanhuan said shyly.


  "Yi Xiaochuan loves tomato scrambled eggs' join the chat group!"

  "'Ayanokouji Kiyotaka is here' to join the chat group!"

  Just when Chen Xian was about to go through the barrier again, the voices of two newcomers joining the group made Chen Xian even more surprised.

  "Beautiful! It's the two worlds of "Mythology" and "Strength Classroom". When the beliefs of these two worlds are hatched, it will be enough for me to be promoted to the median limit true god!"

  Chen Xian said happily.

  In the past few days in the Kingdom of God, Chen Xian's realm has been promoted to 3 small levels, reaching the third level of the lower gods. It seems that the realm level is average, but Chen Xian's throne is the only limit god in the universe. A true dragon with three thousand laws!Even the godhead level of the lower gods is enough to compete with the supreme gods!

  If you are promoted to the median god, the ninth-order supreme god will have to kneel when he encounters Chen Xian!

  The only one so far, Chen 570 Xian has not shown the power of his own throne in the Shenhe Star Region. Once he uses it, it will be a time for the outside world to change the sky...

  Under the heroic mood, Chen Xian became more and more powerful!

  "Master God!"

  Ying Huanhuan said in panic.

  But this voice is simply the best encouragement.




  The chat group at this time is active again because new people join!

  Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "A newcomer is here again! My sister likes to be lively, and the recent newcomers are working hard! You two newcomers can't lose their chains! Blow kisses and scattered flowers jpg!"

  This young man Zhang Zifan: "Ahhh! Sister Yuemei's blowing kisses should not be given to others, just give it to me! JPGs are accepted in your pocket!"

  I, Liu Chuang, will no longer be a hooligan: "I will give it to you and you will sell it, why don't I give it to me! Oh, Mrs. Yuemei!"

  Ouyang is not crazy: "Spicy eyes jpg! Liu Chuang, you are a bad guy, don't take advantage of Miss Yuemei!"

  Dagu doesn't want to be an Ultraman: "Sister Yuemei! Wink jpg!"

  Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "Go, don't mess with the old lady if you are less than 300 years old!"

  Shane of Primal Survival: "Pfft - 300 years old???"

  Support Dumbledore: "Haha, there are no 300-year-olds in our group yet."

  Tu Shan Yaya's stinky girls don't pay wages: "Then it depends on the master of the moon! Smile jpg!"

  The old man worshipped the moon and no one was convinced: "Hey, the old man is only old, and the old man is young. Why don't you ask the old nun @人called extinction"

  The person called extinction: "Get out! Poor nuns are even less interested in women, and poor nuns care about whether the Emei sect can live forever! If possible, I hope Zhiruo can give birth to a daughter for my god, and inherit my Emei incense in the lower world! Squinting! Smile jpg!"

  Everyone! ! !

  A mouthful of old blood!

  The name is still Sasuke Uchiha: "This old nun is helpless! Cover your eyes and don't look directly at jpg!"

  They all call me Long Ma: "This king's clothes, really clothes! You are really the best in the world! Smile jpg!"

  My Song Ming ultimately wants the whole world: "I'm afraid this can only be an extravagant hope. If my god really has a daughter, she will be the god of the gods. How can I see your Emei faction! Headache jpg!"

  Swear not to be the king of evil: "Please talk about some young people's topics, we are not allowed to fall in love even after studying! Cover your face jpg!"

  Tang San, who didn't want to travel again: "It's really not suitable for children! But if Gu Yuena and the others can also conceive for my god, there will definitely be extra rewards for me... rubbing hands and snickering jpg!"

  I just want to kill Lin Langtian: "Hey, you said that, I don't know what happened to Ling Qingzhu and Ying Huanhuan, whether they have won the favor of my God! These two willful fellows didn't wait for me and My sister will go to the kingdom of God when she comes back! Qingtan is so unhappy that she has to wait for another companion of destiny. Helplessly spread her hands jpg!"

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