Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "Don't stray from the topic! A bunch of shameless people, the two newcomers are too scared to speak by you!"

  Ayanokouji Kiyotaka is here: "Mengxin shivering jpg!"

  Yi Xiaochuan loves tomato scrambled eggs: "Stunned for [-] years jpg!"


  Chen Xian, who noticed the information in the chat group, even scolded the old man as shameless. He really lost his heart because of Emei.Besides, he is now the ultimate true god, isn't he so easy to have offspring?Even playing Zhou Zhiruo every day is enough!

  "By the way, the sacrifice policy of the treasure house of heaven and earth has not been uploaded to them yet."

  In order to prolong the fighting time with Ying Huanhuan, Chen Xian, who was deliberately dedicated to two purposes, thought about it, and a "Sacrifice Policy of the Treasure House of Heaven and Earth" was formed in an instant!

  "God of Luck" uploaded a "Treasure House Sacrifice Policy"!

  God of Luck: "In order to enrich the categories of treasures of the kingdom of God, first upload the "Sacrifice Policy of Heaven and Earth Treasure House" to the group file, and sacrifice different grades of heaven and earth treasures to enter the kingdom of God, and you will receive rich longevity rewards and even Shinto exercises. , please wait and work hard."

  As soon as Chen Xian said this in the chat group, the audience was instantly silent!

  Then everyone went crazy!

  Ouyang is not crazy: "My god has appeared!!! Praise my god, Ouyang Ke, a believer, obeys the oracle!"

  They all call me Long Ma: "Praise my god! Believer Daenerys obeys the oracle!"

  Tu Shan Yaya's stinky girls don't pay wages: "Praise my god! Believer Bai Yue will follow the oracle!"

  This young master Zhang Zifan: "Praise my God! Believer Zhang Zifan will obey the oracle!"


  The person called extinction: "Praise my god! Believer Daenerys obeys the oracle! Poor Ni immediately goes to search for the Heavenly Sword and Dragon Saber, and build an altar to offer sacrifices to my god's treasure house of heaven and earth!"

  Tazmi didn't want to kill: "Praise my god! Believer Tazmi obeys the oracle! I have a lot of Teigu on my side, hahaha, Esdes must have missed her Ice Emperor, I am here. Make sacrifices for them!"

  Tu Shan Yaya's stinky girls don't pay wages: "I'm going to dig up the giant tree of affliction and sacrifice it together! Smile jpg!"

  Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "Pfft—you really are shameless!"

  The name is still Sasuke Uchiha: "Cover your eyes and dare not look directly at jpg!"



  "No way! Even the treasures of heaven and earth can be sacrificed! Even my followers have grown to the 10 mark!"

  "Beauty and treasure! Equal to endless longevity!!!"

  In the world of "Gu Jian Qi Tan", Baili Tusu squeezed his fist anxiously. .

Chapter 316

  "It's strange, your swordsmanship entered the realm so quickly, but it didn't trigger the rebound of evil spirits in your body?"

  Tianyongcheng, the only real sword immortal Ziyin in the world, looked at Baili Tusu who was practicing swordsmanship and said in amazement.

  With Baili Tusu's current immortal realm, he is already the best among his peers, almost surpassing Baili Tusu's senior brother Lingyue!

  The speed of cultivation makes Ziyin real person ~ amazed!

  You must know that under Ziyin's calculation, Baili Tusu, who coexists with Fen Jijian, will inevitably arouse the evil spirit in his body once he cultivates to the sword-wielding link.It is because of this that Ziyin really went out of customs ahead of schedule and planned to help Baili-Tu Su solve the problem.

  Who would have guessed that Baili Tusu's condition was surprisingly good!

  "Cough! Shizun, you can't be in seclusion for a long time. I need to report to you when I have time."

  "You were right. When I practiced swordsmanship half a month ago, I really accidentally triggered the evil spirit that you suppressed in my body and it was painful. But then I got the guidance of a god by chance and started to believe in it. That god, and with the help of that god's divine light blessing, he easily suppressed the evil spirit in his body."

  "And since the worship of God, everything I do has been very smooth, and there is no obstacle in my cultivation. This is how I have reached today's tiny realm."

  Baili Tu Su put away his sword and came to the real Master Ziyin to bow and report.

  Over the past few days, he has quietly helped many villagers at the foot of the mountain to fall into the faith of the God of Fortune!At present, according to word of mouth, there are already as many as [-] believers!

  Under the blessing of the divine light of such a believer level, he actually remembered what happened when he was a child, and knew that his mother and the people of Wumeng Linggu were harmed by others!

  And he was under the pressure of real Ziyin staring at the forces of all parties, and he was brought under the door!Otherwise, he would have died dozens of times just because of that magic sword!

  With such kindness, Baili Tusu has no deception!

  Moreover, Baili Tusu has read through the various group files in the chat group and the teachings of the God of Fortune, and knows that he believes in a God of Love, God of Light, and God of Luck!

  Such a god should be worshipped and known by the world!

  "Instructed by the gods, after worshipping the gods, suppressed your evil spirits?"

  "Come here! I'll check it out for you again!"

  The real Ziyin's expression was shocked, and his face was serious.

  With his Sword Immortal body, he can perceive many things. Real Ziyin knows that the world has changed now, and it is no longer the state of the gods and gods walking all over the ground in ancient times!Now that the heavens are revolving, the power of the gods is exhausted, and they are no longer able to interfere in the human world!Otherwise, there would not be the tragedy of Wumeng Linggu's genocide!

  You must know that Wumeng Linggu is the legacy of the will of God Nuwa!That is the inheritance of immortality that has been passed down for thousands of years!

  Now Baili Tusu actually said that he had the help of the gods, if this is true, it is no trivial matter!

  "Yes! Master!"

  Knowing how powerful Ziyin is, Baili Tusu didn't talk nonsense, and he stretched out his arm honestly.

  A burst of profound energy instantly flooded Baili Tusu's dantian spirit sea, and finally slowly retreated!

  "There is such a bright and pure power in your body???"

  "Tell me, which ancient god blessed you? It's not like the gods of Nuwa and Heaven!"

  The real Ziyin became more and more surprised.

  "Master, that true god transcends the three realms and is the strongest true god in the universe! His power is more powerful than Pangu and Nuwa who created the world and human relations in ancient books!"

  "As long as the disciple sticks to his belief in that god, you no longer have to worry that the evil spirit in my body will explode!"

  Baili Tusu smiled.

  "A god outside of the Three Realms... The power of the other party is so pure and mysterious, just a trace of legacy is already better than my thousand-year cultivation base, and it can easily suppress the suffocating suffocating qi!"

  "It's too strong and too powerful! It's definitely a good thing at present! I'm worried about the day of Tiansha's backlash after half a year for Shizheng."

  "You have to meet the true god, the creation is infinite, it is really the way of heaven and man!"

  The real Ziyin said with emotion.

  "Master! I want to go down the mountain to find out the truth of the genocide of Wumeng Linggu, and seek justice for my mother and my clan!"

  Seeing the real person Ziyin mentioning his mother, Baili Tusu looked at the real person Ziyin very seriously.

  "You??? Already remember what happened back then?"

  Real Ziyin frowned.

· · · Flowers · · ·

  "Yes! The blessing of that true god not only gave me the cultivation of diligent, but also cured my amnesia!"

  Baili Tusu bowed.

  "No! If you are bent on revenge, once your anger detonates the suppressed evil spirits in your body, all your efforts will be lost!"

  "In the past few days, a group of newcomers have entered. You are responsible for the reception and placement work! If you can calm down and do something without being arrogant or impetuous, I can allow you to go down the mountain to find the truth."

  The real Ziyin waved his sleeves.

  "Disciple obey!"

  Hearing the reply from the real Ziyin, Baili Tusu said with joy.

  "A true god outside the realm? I really want to see the other party's true face..."

  Seeing Baili Tusu leaving happily, Ziyin exclaimed!

  As everyone knows, when the real person Ziyin was investigating the aura in Baili Tusu's body just now, he was shocked by the aura of the god and broke out in cold sweat...

  "What? Today's newcomer reception work has to be entrusted to you? Is there a mistake in Ziyin? In previous years, I did this thing! Can you, a little junior brother who hides in the back mountain to cultivate every day, can do this? Chief?"

  Seeing Baili Tusu coming to the consul with a jade token, Ling Duan, a disciple of the same generation as Lingyue, said angrily.

  "You dare to question the imperial order of my master!"

  "No matter what you say, I want to ask you for advice as a junior brother!"

  Baili Tusu looked at Mausoleum, who was against him on weekdays, and scolded unabashedly.


  "Baili Tusu, did you take the wrong medicine! How dare you take the initiative to ask me for advice, hahaha, it seems that the last time I was beaten wasn't enough!"

  Ling Duan smiled strangely.

  It is not for nothing that he entered the school five years earlier than Baili Tusu, because the fat bird and Baili Tusu started hands in half a month, and he brought him down in three or two!

  If it hadn't been for Fuchuan, the daughter of the real person in charge, to arrive, otherwise, Baili Tusu would have to be beaten to the point of crying for his father and mother!

  "Senior Brother Lingduan, look over there!"

  "Taking advantage of the presence of those newcomers is a good opportunity for you to establish your prestige!"

  Zhao Lin, the follower next to the mausoleum, said with a wicked smile.

  "I'm going? There are so many beauties in this new class! That must be a fight!"

  Lingduan saw Feng Qingxue and others who were looking over here from a distance drooling.Down.

Chapter 317

  "Is it Feng Qingxue? This girl actually came to Tianyong City. Could it be because of that magic sword?"

  Seeing that beautiful woman in the distance, Baili Tusu was also surprised.

  A few days ago, when he secretly went down the mountain to preach among the villagers, he encountered Feng Qingxue!For this little girl who helped him when he was a child, Baili Tusu has always been grateful.

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