Now that he has the blessing of the gods, he even wants to send the descendants of the Nuwa family into the kingdom of God and enjoy eternal youth!

  As for the Burning Quiet Demon Sword, Baili Tusu doesn't care anymore!

  With the suppression of the divine light of luck, the suffocating aura of the Fen Jijian has already been overcome. As long as the number of believers exceeds the 10 mark, Baili Tusu will have the authority to summon the sacred beast of the kingdom of God, and no one in this world can threaten it. to yourself!Not to mention a mere magic sword!

  "Five-seven-thousand-hundred-mile Tu Su! Haha, you are really in Tianyong City!"

  Feng Qingxue apparently also saw Baili Tusu who was arguing with Lingduan, and ran over excitedly.

  "Feng Qingxue, you are amazing, Tianyongcheng has never accepted female disciples."

  Baili Tusu smiled and waved.

  "Isn't that Senior Sister Fuchuan helping me?"

  Feng Qingxue smiled charmingly.

  "Damn! You actually know each other? Baili Tusu, when did you sneak down the mountain and meet such a beautiful girl?"

  "Dare to secretly go down the mountain to meet a strange woman privately, you have violated the rules of the house! Come with me to the sword-wielding elder!"

  Ling Duan laughed wickedly.

  "What nonsense are you talking about! Baili Tu Suke and I have known friends since childhood, we will meet your sister privately!"

  Feng Qingxue said angrily, as a ghost girl of Youtu and the inheritor of Nuwa's bloodline, how could she endure Ling Duan's slandering of her own innocence.

  "You dare to scold me! Lie down for me!"

  Ling Duan was just about to stand tall in front of the newcomer, when he heard Feng Qingxue didn't care about him so much, he kicked him straight with a kick of profound strength!

  Feng Qingxue obviously didn't expect that Ling Duan's second senior brother, who was a disciple of this generation, would take action directly, and he did it for real.

  However, just when Feng Qingxue felt that she was going to be bad, she just heard a bang!Ling Duan was kicked and flew out with a hoot!

  "Second Senior Brother!"

  Zhao Lin was stunned!In disbelief, he looked at Baili Tu Su who attacked the mausoleum!

  In the eyes of Zhaolin and Lingduan, Baili Tusu was a fool who would never attack from behind, but now he actually attacked?Don't you care about the reputation of his master, the real Ziyin? ? ?

  "What are you looking at? Could it be that you want to try Zhaolin too?"

  Baili Tusu sneered.

  Since joining that chat group and seeing all kinds of sophistry and things that subvert the three views in the group files, Baili Tusu is no longer the elm knot that just sat and waited to be bullied.

  From Baili Tusu's point of view, he is now the protagonist who will surely ascend to the top of the world with the blessing of the True God!The protagonist should live as he pleases, and all troubles will naturally have the god of luck according to him, right?

  Anyway, it just means that after becoming a believer of the true God, no matter what you do, you will not die, and you will continue to have good luck!

  Now Ling Duan dares to do something to Feng Qingxue, and dare to let Feng Qingxue lie down, this is simply an insult to the daughter of destiny, and disrespect to the gods, but a sneak attack and a kick are already very cheap Ling Duan.

  "I... dare not dare!"

  Looking at the mausoleum who was still mourning and unable to get up in the distance, Zhao Lin swallowed and said.

  With the strength of Lingduan falling like this, it can be seen how ruthless this kick was just now!

  "Thank you!"

  Feng Qingxue said happily. Before, she always felt that Baili Tusu was very indifferent, but now she still remembers the affection of her childhood!

  This time, she received a request from her mother-in-law to bring Baili Tusu and Demon Sword Fen Ji back to Youdu for sealing, but it was a little embarrassing to be protected by Baili Tusu like this.

  "a piece of cake."

  Baili Tusu smiled.

  The chat group announcement said that the Daughter of Destiny must be well maintained, otherwise it will be a big deal when someone comes back from the kingdom of God and becomes a god.

  "It hurts! It hurts to death!"

  "You dare to attack me? Baili Tusu, you are so bold!"

  "I'm going to sue you at the sword-wielding elder!"

  The mausoleum over there howled while covering his swollen forehead and injured waist.

  "Then I'm sorry. The master who is the sword-wielding elder has already retreated. Otherwise, how about I suggest you go to the master and cry like a bitch?"

  Baili Tusu looked at Ling Duan Road with a mocking expression on his face...

  "You!!! Who do you say is a bitch! You are a bitch, your whole family is a bitch!"

  Ling Duan was so angry that his face turned purple!

  Zhao Lin is speechless!

  The look in Baili Tusu's eyes is even more bizarre. This kind of aggressive method actually came out of the mouth of Baili Tusu, who was an old wooden man?

  Feng Qingxue and several new disciples couldn't help but snicker!

  "Haha, so Senior Brother Ling Duan is not a girl? Then find another time to use a man's method to decide the winner!"

  Baili Tusu laughed.

  "Okay! Wait for my waist to heal, and see if I won't kill you! Don't expect Junior Sister Fuchuan to help you!"

  "Zhao Lin let's go!"

  Ling Duan said with a dark face.

  "Ah? Did you just leave?"

  Zhao Lin held on to the limping mausoleum, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

  "Then what else can I do? Seriously, I really want me to go to the head master to complain."

  Ling Duan cursed.

  Zhao Lin...

  "It's amazing! It's the first time I've seen someone use this kind of aggressive approach."

  "Baili Tusu, you are not an elm lump!"

  Feng Qingxue clapped her hands and said fast.

  "It's easy to say! Feng Qingxue, come with me, I have something important to tell you."

  Baili Tusu looked at Feng Qingxue with a dusty appearance and said with a smile.

  "Yes! Senior Brother!"

  Feng Qingxue's eyes moved, she nodded and followed.

  She came to Tianyong City originally to capture Baili Tusu and Fen Jijian and go back, so she couldn't pass up this opportunity to be alone.

  "Feng Qingxue, I know why you came to Tianyong City. In a word, I can help you with Fen Ji. But you also have to promise me a condition."

  When he came to a place where no one was halfway up the mountain, Baili Tusu looked at Feng Qingxue and said bluntly.

  "You??? What did you say? I don't understand!"

  Feng Qingxue took a few steps back in panic.

  She never expected that Baili Tusu would guess her purpose!

  "Stop pretending, I don't want to do anything to you!"

  "As long as you praise a god with a spell as I say, I can grant your request."

  Baili Tusu smiled.

  Wind and snow? ? ? .

Chapter 318

  "We've known each other since we were young, we won't lie to you, I swear we can't do it!"

  Seeing Feng Qingxue being so alert, Baili Tusu raised his hand and swore.

  In the cultivation world, swearing is a very taboo thing, especially Baili Tusu, a disciple of the immortal master Ziyin!

  "You... are you really willing to help me get back the smoldering silence? How do you know my purpose?"

  Feng Qingxue was a little embarrassed.

  Baili Tusu has said this, and it is useless to hide it.

  "Blessed by my God, my heart is wise and wise."

  "Cough, if you want to know the real reason, just follow the method I told you to try, even if you only try it once, you will understand."

  Baili Tu Sugan laughed.

  "All right……"

  "I hope that the god outside the heavens you are talking about isn't some kind of evil god."

  Feng Qingxue gritted her teeth.

  The matter has been exposed, this is the only chance to get back the burning silence!

  "Praise my God, you are the incarnation of light above the mist, and you are the lucky ruler above all sentient beings! Your loyal believer Feng Qingxue prays for your favor..."

  Feng Qingxue knows the key to prayer. Even if she doesn't want to believe it in her heart, she believes it at the moment she recites it!This is a psychological hint when reciting a mantra!


  The divine light of the sky came as promised, shining on Feng Qingxue's forehead!Let the ghost Turin girl, who was originally beautiful and beautiful, even more wonderful and moving!

  And Feng Qingxue herself is even more shocking and indescribable!

  "That man...God???"

  Looking at the image of the infinitely bright and stalwart strange man at the end of the divine light, Feng Qingxue was stunned!

  She, who lived in the secluded valley, had a cold heart, and it was the first time she was so eager to see a person of the opposite sex!With the spiritual creation of Fengqingxue Nuwa's blood, the moment I see that figure again, I know that there is my destiny! ! !

  "What a pure girl from the Spiritual Race. Since you have a fate, I will give you a blessing. Remember to help me spread my beliefs."

  Chen Xian's voice is rich in heaven and truth, and with a smile, he sounded at the end of time and space, and together with the divine power of blessing, he entered the source of Feng Qingxue's spiritual sea!

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