"It's over! His grievances are much stronger than before!"

  The Tiezhuguan spectator groaned.

  The better the mausoleum is, the better he doesn't talk nonsense, a vertical sword is drawn and slashed, but it is slapped hundreds of meters by the claws of the moon-devouring Xuandi with a strange smile, and he vomits blood.

  "Bastard! Dare to hurt my senior brother, and dare to attack me!"

  "Flying swords linger!"

  Fuchuan said angrily, and the flying sword behind him began to rapidly absorb the spiritual energy of the surrounding world, turning into a giant sword of [-] meters and crashing down!

  "What! Your girl actually has such a cultivation base? How is this possible!"

  The Moon Devourer Xuandi said in shock.

  "Fuyu, when did you become so powerful!"

  Ling Yue was stunned!

  With such a sword stance, I am afraid it has the power of a real person in charge! !

  "It's Senior Brother, you are ignorant, Junior Sister Fuchuan is the daughter of destiny!"

  Baili Tusu laughed.

  Speaking of which, he was also sacrificing the flying sword, which turned into an electric light and swiped across the neck of the Moon-devouring Xuandi!

  The huge wolf beast of the Moon-devouring Emperor, with an expression of disbelief, rolled to the ground!

  Tiezhuguan Guanzhu was stunned!

  Ling Yue was stunned!

  The thousand-year-old wolf demon who could not be suppressed even by their hard work, Xuandi, was just solved by Baili Tusu and a few people?

  What the hell happened in this world... Next.

Chapter 322

  "Gods beyond the nine heavens? The God of Luck... the daughter of destiny???"

  "Sorry for my headache, I have to go back to retreat for a while, and the peace of this world will be handed over to you!"

  Hearing Baili Tusu's explanation, the big brother Lingyue's head buzzed, and while he was still able to fly, he said goodbye to the three of Baili Tusu and fled away in panic!

  Baili Tu Su three...

  "Is it so hard to accept? Forget it, if you can run, the monk can't run away from the temple! When we clean up that prince Changqin, let's develop this guy into a member!"

  Fuyu hehe smirked.

  "This statement... I always feel that I want to sell the organization."

  "Don't worry about these, it's time to go to Linchuan to find Ouyang Shaogong for the finale!"

  After watching the return trip of the senior brother who had been destroyed Sanguan, Baili Tu Su said happily.

  Knowing that there are enough "Time and Space Escape Talismans" in the chat group, and he can even ask other group members for borrowing, and use the power to revive his mother and clansmen through time and space, Baili Tusu no longer has much resentment in his heart.



  "What? Can you really use Yuheng to make an immortal medicine?"

  "Just give you one day, if you fail, don't blame me for being rude!"

  In the main hall of Qingyu Tan, the hall master Lei Yan hesitated for a moment and handed Yuheng to Ouyang Shaogong.After all, only Ouyang Shaogong can mobilize the power of Zhulong Scale and Yuheng, which is also the power necessary for refining the Longevity Pill.

  "Shao Gong, there is no real elixir in the world that can bring people back from the dead. Even with the sacred artifact of the ancient Longyuan family, it is impossible to change one's life against the sky. Shao Gong, you are afraid to do this. Suffering from the backlash of heaven, the result will not be good!"

  Jitong, the white-haired woman who had been following Ouyang Shaogong's side, objected.

  "Hehe, Jitong, you should have known what kind of person I was when you rescued me. I have been punished by the gods and knocked out of reincarnation and suffered for hundreds of years. Even my favorite Penglai princess, Xunfang, died! I What do you still care about?

  "I'm not afraid to tell you, I didn't plan to make any elixir at all. What I want to make is Jiao Ming! I want to use the power of Yuheng and the blood-coated formation to make that eternal curse!"

  "At that time, I will be able to build a Penglai that will never be destroyed, and once Yuheng's power is integrated with this Burning Ji, I will be invincible in the world, without fear of Ziyin, Feng Qingxue and others!"

  "Compared to them, they are already on their way to crusade against me!"

  Ouyang Shaogong sneered.

  "What! You want to fuse the blood-smeared formation with Yuheng. That kind of power that destroys the sky and destroys the earth will burn the entire people of Linchuan to death!"

  "And Lansheng, Xiangling, Ruqin and the others! They worship you so much..."

  Jitong said in shock.

  "Worship me, do you like me? Isn't that just enough to die for me? Don't worry, I will also turn them into Jiao Ming! In this way, they can live forever on the Penglai Island I created. Come on, immortal and immortal! And you will be very obedient!"

  "Jitong, you saved my life, how about being the first to taste this immortality pill later?"

  Ouyang Shaogong looked at Jitong Road with a strange expression.

  "No, I can die for you, but you can't become such a demon! You can't use the lives of the entire Linchuan and Ruqin as your bargaining chip for revenge!"

  "If Xunfang was still alive, she would never want you to be like this!"

  The face under Jitong's mask was terrified and pale, and he said that he had mobilized his spiritual power and wanted to stop Ouyang Shaogong!

  She knew that once Ouyang Shaogong really did this, it would be truly doomed!

  "You don't understand me either? There's nothing you can do."

  Ouyang Shaogong thought, and Fen Jijian automatically rose from the sky, knocking Jitong unconscious.

  "let's start!"

  "Just use Qingyutan's population as the first link to start the blood painting formation!"

  Ouyang Shaogong said madly.


  The ancient god Yuheng was sacrificed, and once the blood-colored formation was formed from Ouyang Shaogong's handprint, the rapid loss enveloped the entire sapphire Tan!

  "What! Ouyang Shaogong, you bastard! You are not refining medicine, you are sacrificing blood to my sapphire Tan???"

  Lei Yan was furious, raised his sword to kill!

  "Idiot! Who do you think is the master all these years? Do you really think you can control a fairy of me to do things for you?"

  Ouyang Shaogong was obviously prepared. The Burning Quiet Demon Sword, which had been charged in advance, turned into a black beam and instantly pierced the heart of Thunder Flame!

  "You!!! Who are you?"

  Lei Yan widened his eyes, covered his heart in disbelief, and said...

  "I'm an ancient fairy, Prince Changqin! Now, thanks to your help, I have merged with Burning Silent and obtained the completed soul. So you should die in peace, you did a good job."

  Ouyang Shaogong smiled.

  Lei Yan opened his mouth wide, as if he couldn't believe that Ouyang Shaogong, who couldn't even take a single move on his own, was so powerful and his identity was so mysterious!

  "The altar master? The altar master of Lei Yan!"

  "He actually killed our altar master! Avenge the boss!"

  "kill him!"

  "I knew there was something wrong with this little white face!"

  The other Qingyutan disciples who came to hear the wind, drew their swords and rushed to kill.

  However, under the power of the magic sword Fen Ji, they all turned into stumps and broken arms, and fell into a pool of blood. The blood-smeared formation absorbed enough spiritual energy and blood, and suddenly expanded to cover the entire Linchuan City!

  "What! What happened to our Linchuan?"

  "Blood cloud! A lot of blood-colored clouds are floating over there!"

  "It's Ouyang Shaogong's yard!"

  "This doomsday scene!"

  People all over Linchuan City were panicking, and even Fang Lansheng, the eldest young master of the Fang family, looked up in panic.


  "Worship God! There are rumors in Tianyong City that there is an immortal who is very effective recently. Any worship and praise can give believers peace and health!"

  "I can't handle that much anymore, try it now!"

  Fang Ruqin, the eldest lady of the Fang family, is smart and smart, and she followed the steps from the hall and worshipped the east without hesitation!

  "Praise my god, you are the incarnation of light above the mist, you are the lucky ruler above all living beings..."

  Seeing the eldest miss doing this, the other servants and guards of the Fang family all followed suit in a panic!

  In the face of danger, more and more people are chanting and worshipping!


  The worship and praise of thousands of people has attracted feedback from the blessing mechanism of the kingdom of God!The extremely dazzling lucky divine light broke through the blood cloud and shone on the heads of the people of Linchuan!

  The people of Linchuan are stunned!And then bow down even more devoutly!

  Ouyang Shaogong from Qingyutan was also stunned!

  "This... what is this tm situation!!!"

  Ouyang Shaogong's face was as black as carbon, and for the first time he scolded swear words. .

Chapter 323

  "Hahaha! Ouyang Shaogong, thank you so much this time, how to develop followers for my god, you have come to help me!"

  The voice of Baili Tu Su came from the sky.

  "We should call him Prince Changqin. He has merged with Fen Ji, and his suffocation is so strong, it's really hard to imagine that he used to be an immortal."

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