Feng Qingxue sighed.

  "He just wanted to use the power of Yuheng and the blood-stained array to sacrifice the entire people of Linchuan in blood! It's a heinous crime, unforgivable!"

  Fu Chun scolded, saying that the slender figure had turned into a sword light, stabbing straight at the location where Ouyang Shaogong was.

  "I didn't expect you to come so quickly!"

  "Alright! Even if I can't complete the blood sacrifice to Linchuan City, my current strength is enough to take care of you!"

  Ouyang Shaogong said with a cold face.

  A series of accidents had made him completely impatient, and the broken blood-smeared formation brought together the grievances of the death of the surrounding sapphire Tan Martial Artists into the Burning Quiet Sword!


  The demonic energy collided with Fuchuan's blue-light spirit sword, and Fuchuan screamed and retreated!

  "Bastard! This guy is completely obsessed, and I can't beat him?"

  Fuquan said angrily.

  "If that 14 was so easy to kill by you, wouldn't it be embarrassing for me, the protagonist?"

  Baili Tusu laughed.

  "You're so thick-skinned, hurry up! We are still short of hundreds of thousands of believers to build the gate of the kingdom of God!"

  Feng Qingxue crossed her arms and said.

  Today, the number of believers of this scale can already summon the sacred beasts of the kingdom of God, which means that Ouyang Shaogong has already lost, so Feng Qingxue is too lazy to be thrilled.

  "You!!! You must die!"

  Being so flattered by Baili Tusu and Feng Qingxue, Ouyang Shaogong's eyes were red, and the turbulent demonic energy rushed into the hair bun, and his hair became disheveled like a ghost!

  "If you can make a comeback by yelling and losing your temper, you should practice your voice!"

  "Try my god's inheritance, the big mudra of the divine way!"

  Baili Tusu sneered, the most valuable inheritance of the chat group, the unique skill of "Shinto Books" is unfolded!


  As if the whole sky was roaring at Ouyang Shaogong, the spiritual energy boiled over a hundred miles, forming a huge palm in the sky!Photographed Ouyang Shaogong!

  "Do not--"

  "It's impossible! This world shouldn't have this level of practice!"

  "I hate it! It's that god who is playing with me!"

  Ouyang Shaogong collapsed.


  The demonic energy in the sky exploded, and Ouyang Shaogong, along with the demonic sword, turned into dust and dissipated.



  Feng Qingxue is super beautiful: "Finally, after defeating the boss, the gate to the kingdom of God can be built immediately! My brother asks for a 'Time and Space Escape Talisman', and I will give it back in double the amount in the future!"

  Ouyang is not crazy: "It's a good job, but it's not easy to buy and replace that thing, and everyone can keep it when they get it."

  Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "Yes, unless you are handsome, my sister won't lend it to you. Laughing jpg!"

  They all call me Long Ma: "Cough, Yuemei, you have been so hot lately, you are always flirting with the newcomers in our group! Saying @fengqingxue is super beautiful, you haven't introduced yourself yet, we don't even know your real name. I don't know how to lend it to you."

  This young man Zhang Zifan: "Hey, maybe it's a girl! You can't tell a man or woman from this name."

  Feng Qingxue is super beautiful: "No, no! I'm really sorry that I kept forgetting to introduce myself! My name is Baili Tusu, and in our group's words, I'm a newbie from the Xianxia plane!"

  "Feng Qingxue is so beautiful" upload a selfie!

  Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "I'm going!!! He's a handsome guy, the type that my sister likes! Drooling jpg!"

  They all call me Long Ma: "Look at people, this little appearance is much more handsome than Zhang Zifan! You are just average! Hey, @fengqingxue is super beautiful, send flowers to send flowers jpg!"

  This young man Zhang Zifan: "Pfft—that's not what the two queens said about them back then! They were called "Little Sweetheart", but now they're 'normal'! Heartbroken and ready to jump off a cliff jpg!"

  Bucky, who is still in prison: "Ahahahaha! Laughing to death jpg! Zhang Zifan, you are absolutely talented!"

  Shane of Primal Survival: "Laugh and turn jpg!"

  Feng Qingxue is super beautiful: "Awkward... Those two queens, can you lend me to me? I really have very important people to save!"

  Tu Shan Yaya's stinky girls don't pay wages: "Hey, I'm suddenly very curious! Baili Tusu, the one you're going to save in the past won't be your wife too! Smile jpg"

  Feng Qingxue is super pretty: "...How do you know???"

  Tu Shan Yaya's stinky girls don't pay wages: "Pfft!!! Vomited blood and died jpg!"

  I just want to kill Lin Langtian: "No way! Are you the same as Wu Geng? I plan to go to the past to give my old lady--horrified admiration and throw myself to the ground jpg!"

  Feng Qingxue is super beautiful: "Yes, my mother is already dead, and only by finding her when she was a young girl in the past, and then sending my mother to the kingdom of God, can I avoid fate! My mother is a great witch in Wumeng Linggu. , must be the daughter of destiny!"

  Wu Geng, who wanted a hand: "Brother! Pity for each other jpg! The 'Time and Space Escape Talisman' that I just drew will be given to you, no need to return it."

  Everyone! ! !

  Feng Qingxue is super beautiful: "Thank you for your kindness! Contact me in the future! @wu Geng!"

  Swearing not to be the king of evil: "This is really touching! I will also become such a great king in the future!"

  I, Liu Chuang, will never be a hooligan again: "Pfft—the king in your place is so busy!"



  On the plane of "Gu Jian Qi Tan", when Baili Tusu used the "Time and Space Escape Talisman" to cross the timeline to find other daughters of destiny.In the Divine Kingdom space, Gongsun Li, who was fooled by Hua Mulan to come to the Divine King Palace to serve the Lord of the Divine Lord, was already lost in the ocean of pain and joy.

  "No, Gongsun Li obviously doesn't have the talent of Zhou Zhiruo."

  "It's a horrible sound."

  Mulan and Nico Robin shook their heads and commented while eavesdropping outside the Temple of the King of God.


  Wang Zhaojun and Diaochan vomited blood!I'm really drunk on Hua Mulan, who has inherited the fine traditions of Liang Bing, the King of Heavenly Defilement!

  "Sister Mulan! I always feel that this time you came up with a bad idea! Gongsun Li was so miserably cleaned up by the Lord of God, can you still accompany us to play the Warcraft Trial in the afternoon?"

  Wang Zhaojun smiled bitterly.

  "If Gongsun Li can't escape, she will be tired of standing in the afternoon."

  Diao Chan covered her face.

  "Hey, so I have to find someone to rescue Gongsun Li, or change it out!"

  "Chang'e has a high level of cultivation and good physical fitness. If you say that when the Lord God summons you, Chang'e will definitely enter the pit!"

  Mulan rubbed her chin to make up her mind.

  The girls fell! ! ! .

Chapter 324

  "Lord God? Diao Chan said you called me?"

  Chang'e stepped on a white lotus flower and fell from the sky, and came to the balcony of the side hall of the Palace of Gods and Kings.

  "Diaochan said? You sisters in King's Continent should be sincere and sincere. Diaochan was also tricked by Hua Mulan last time. If so, do you want to stay and see?"

  Looking at Fairy Chang'e, who was wearing a wide-sleeved flowing fairy dress, with a peerless beauty, Chen Xian stepped forward and raised Fairy Chang'e's chin naturally and domineeringly, and asked with a smile.

  "Ah? God! How dare they have such an idea—"

  "I, I think..."

  Chang'e was embarrassed and wanted to retire in a panic, but was attracted by the breath of the gods of the gods, and was unable to move her footsteps.

  Knowing that she could not escape, Chang'e closed her eyes nervously and listened to the Lord God.





  "Can we still have a good chat? The Lord God has been stalked by the people of your king group all day long. My mother is just acting like a spoiled child to ask for a 3-star artifact."

  Hearing the voice from the location of the Palace of the God King, King Apocalypse Liang Bing choked his waist and said.

  "Sister Liang Bing, you have been occupied by you for two whole days in front of the time. If you count when you first came, you are the most favored woman by the Lord."

  "Don't be so stingy!"

  Hua Mulan spreads her hands.

  "Am I being stingy? I'm afraid that your sister is not an opponent."

  "I can tell you that if my lord Chen Xian's body of the ultimate god king is willing, even if the cosmic galaxy does not turn, he can continue to live and breathe..."

  Lian Bing said, slightly blushing and nostalgic.

  Obviously, some pictures made Liang Bing, who is known as the King of Heavenly Defilement, a little embarrassed.

  "Your metaphor..."

  "Mulan is really willing to give in to you in front of you."

  Mulan covered her eyes and said.

  "Where? What kind of cow?"

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