"Why can't I understand?"

  Angel Yun Yi, who followed Liang Bing, blinked his beautiful big eyes and said.

  As the youngest and most beautiful female angel of the new generation, Kaisha and Yan have always protected Yun Yi very well, but they never thought that they would be fooled by Liang Bing today.

  "Yun Yi, let's come back at noon. When that time comes, I will help you consult the Lord of God about the upgrade secrets of the 7th generation divine body."

  "Remember to dress nicely when you come at noon, you know?"

  "By the way, I saw the 'fish scales like water skirt' in the ready-to-wear pavilion today. The silky and transparent material is very good. You are absolutely beautiful when you wear it! Let the Lord God see how beautiful our cloud can be..."

  Lian Bing crossed her shoulders and pulled Yun Yi, who was stunned, to the distance.

  Hua Mulan……

  Zhao Linger and Tang Xuejian in the distance...

  "Who's going to save Yun Yi's cuteness? Are Yan and Queen Kaisha still in retreat and practice? No one cares."

  Gao Yao grabbed her two ponytails and said anxiously.



  After noon, the red jade side hall of the Palace of the King of God.

  "Help me spread the word to everyone, I'm going to the Tiandao battlefield to stay for a while."

  "The trial of the gods here in the kingdom of God will start automatically, so everyone will gather on time at 2 pm. If there are new people arriving in the middle, let Kaisha and Huaizhu figure it out."

  "Also, Yun Yi is dressed beautifully today."

  Chen Xian smiled and said, kissed Yun Yi's delicate forehead lightly, and left with satisfaction.

  "Yun Yi respectfully sends Lord God Lord!"

  Yun Yi covered his face.


  "Master God actually went out? Haha, does this mean that even the last-to-last group doesn't have to wash the dishes!"

  Hearing the news from Yun Yi, Ola's eyes flashed.

  "That can't be done, the Lord God is not here, I have to abide by my duty and try my best to practice."

  "The team with the worst performance must be punished, and this king will supervise it personally."

  Medusa narrowed her eyes.

  "Sister Medusa said that you can't make jokes just because the Lord of God left. This kind of mentality is easy to lose."

  Dongfang Huaizhu looked at Aura and smiled.

  "Ah? I know I'm wrong. The two adults, please don't put on small shoes for me."

  Ola shrank his neck.

  She and Yue Du both came late, and the group strength was weak, so they thought they would be able to muddle through!

  "Bring me here and stand upright, what's the shame of going out, we're not bound to lose."

  Yue Du brought Ola to his side and scolded him.

  "Hey, shame on you, don't say you came with me."

  Toba Laiye shook his head in disgust while holding the fairy sword and "asking for love".

  Back then, in the lower world of Kamen Rider, she and Aura were in a hostile relationship. Now even if they are both gods and they are with the same man, they still can't see eye to eye.

  "Toba Laiye, you are so embarrassed to say that you are also at the bottom of the pack, okay? You only surpassed me with a broken immortal sword."

  Ola waved his fist.

  Although he has the bloodline of the Time Clan, he has been able to use some of the power of the Immortal Treasure Magic Sword as Toba came to Ye Realm.When we were sparring yesterday, Aura had experienced the power of the 5-star fairy sword ".~Qingqing".

  If it weren't for that, Ola wouldn't be so worried that she'd be the bottom of her godly trials.

  "Haha, if you have the ability, you can also let the fairy sword recognize the master."

  Toba Raiha deliberately stuttered.

  The sword of my own was exchanged for my own body... I had to make the best use of it and fully show its value.For example, annoy Ola again, and then clean up the other party?

  "Shameless! If it wasn't for the fact that Captain Huizhong took you to the Temple of the King of God, you would still be posing with a branch!"

  Aura was angry.

  "Alright, alright, it's all about to start."

  "Ola, you don't have to worry. When it comes to the ranking of strength, isn't the martial arts team more anxious than you?"

(Li Zhaozhao)

  "At least you still have some time and strength to use to protect yourself."

  Midway smiled.

  "Look, even the Victory Team knows that we are the weakest. Zhou Zhiruo, if you rush ahead of me and serve the Lord God, won the approval of Xianjian, you have to do your best."

  Zhao Min spread his hands.

  "You bastard can suffocate you if you don't speak!"

  Zhou Zhiruo covered her face and said.

  Yesterday, I was staying overnight by the Lord of God, and almost everyone knows that my lady image has been completely ruined...


  The bell of the kingdom of God rang, and the girls were shocked!

  "Isn't it? There is a divine entry now? In a few minutes, the divine trial will begin!"

  Tianji Wang Hexi said with a headache.

  "It's really troublesome, Hexi, go and wait for them on the platform. The others will stay in the trial square and wait for the trial to start." Queen Keisha rubbed her forehead and said. .

Chapter 325

  "This is a way, let Hexi settle the newcomer by himself, let's prepare for the challenge!"

  Dongfang Huaizhu nodded.

  "Well, anyway, our angel team is so strong, I won't lose many points if I delay a little time."

  Hexi snorted, and a beautiful and noble figure had already appeared on the platform of the reception and lead formation.


  With the sound of a bell, three terrifying space-time impulses appeared in the Trial Plaza!

  "My God! The Lord of God is really playing this time, and he actually opened three doors of monsters at once!"

  Yan Lingji's mouth twitched slightly.

  "Because our strength is more than three times stronger than last time, there are 20 true gods."

  The purple girl said helplessly.

  "Having said that, but such a high intensity is not friendly to newcomers."

  Bo Yahan Cook looked at Ling Qingzhu and Ying Huanhuan who were nervous in the distance, and couldn't help but snickered.

  "Let Sister Hancock laugh."

  Aya Qingzhu's beautiful face flushed slightly.

  There is no way, even if it has not officially started, the breath that penetrates through the gate of time and space is really terrifying and outrageous!

  You must know that Ling Qingzhu is the young master of the Jiuqing Palace in the world of cultivation, and when she came, she was in the realm of wheel-turning cultivation!Who knows that after arriving in the kingdom of God, her comprehensive strength is only equivalent to the 2nd rank of the innate spirit!

  Although compared to other women in the martial arts world, it is already very high, but the monsters at the level of false gods and true gods have come!Aya Qingzhu's soul is afraid!

  Ling Qingzhu is really envious of Ying Huanhuan at this moment. Anyway, Ying Huanhuan still has an immortal treasure and jade bracelet to protect her body, which was given by Chen Xian, who served God the day before yesterday!

  For this kind of thing, Ying Huanhuan is really much braver than her Ling Qingzhu...

  "Don't worry too much, we all come here like this. Those too terrifying beasts are naturally dealt with by sisters at the level of true gods, and will not cause you psychological shadows."

  "Aijia's group is not far from you and will help."

  Boyahan Cook waved his hand to comfort.

  "Thank you Sister Hancock!"

  Aya Qingzhu said gratefully.

  "Haha, Sister Qingzhu also has moments of fear. Anyway, she can be reborn infinitely and face the storm bravely."

  Ying Huanhuan urged the 9-star fairy treasure "Frozen Jade Bracelet" presented by Chen Xian to form a law shield in front of him, and then vigorously waved his fist.

  Aya Kiyoshi...

  All the girls around are laughing!

  "Ying Huanhuan, you are too bad. Show off your fairy bracelet in front of Sister Qingzhu."

  "Little Dragon Girl, you can't learn Ying Huanhuan, let me keep a low profile! Don't wear your cloak all day long"

  Li Mochou said happily.

  The little dragon girl in the distance blinked, she obviously didn't do anything, she just wore the 9-star cloak that Chen Xian gave her...

  "I really can't stand your favored ones, all of them are full of fairy treasures, and they are all 9-star best!"

  Lu Wushuang covered his eyes and said.

  "Our team, Xinyuehu and Xinyuekui, also have good fairy treasures."

  "As expected of two sisters!"

  The stars have tears and the holy king of angels spread their hands.

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