"Sister Qi, Gao Yao is also very gentle and obedient!"

  Gao Yao waved his hand.

  Then he was distracted, and was swept away by the god-level Demon King with his tail!

  Ah Qi and the others are speechless!


  "Looking at everyone's progress, this king's group is still ahead."

  Medusa looked at everyone's expressions, and made a steady move to suppress the emerging King of Warcraft!

· · · Flowers · · ·

  "That's because Sister Medusa has the highest realm, and we all followed suit."

  Yun Yun's true divine law appeared from the void.

  "It's only 2 levels higher than you. Yunyun, you've cultivated so fast, and you will make the Lord God think about you. You're really a dark horse in this king's group."

  Medusa smiled.

  "How can there be... Sister Yanlingji is the treasure in the palm of the Lord of God, and I wish I could take it with me wherever I go."

  Yun Yun waved her hands.

  "Master, don't be humble, don't forget that Lord God just helped you upgrade the 'Fire and Rain Divine Sword'!"

  Nalan Yanran snickered.

  "There is such a thing, no wonder Sister Yunyun is so powerful! The 3-star artifact 'Fire and Rain Divine Sword' is comparable to Team Leader Medusa's Rain and Rain Ring!"


  Gu Xun'er exclaimed.

  "Speaking of the generation efficiency of natal magic weapons, it is none other than Sister Medusa's 'Rain Rain Ring'"

  "Your team is really talented, and the realm is high. It's hard to lose."

  Kaisha looked at Gu Xun'er's 2-star Excalibur speechless.

  "Even Sister Xun'er has a 2-star artifact? When will you give me the Demon Hunting Sword from the Angel Weapons Zone, Keisha?"

  Lian Bing appeared in front of Queen Keisha with a gust of black wind.

  "Get out of here!"

  "Did you throw away the dark magic sword you just changed as a fire stick!"

  Keisha said with a dark face.

  Lian Bing pouted and entered the battle circle again angrily.

  Yan, Zhixin and others snickered.

  Boom!dong dong!

  Just when the sky and the earth were bloodied in the trial square, five figures descended from the platform of the lead formation!

  "God! What's the situation? One side is as beautiful as a painting, but the other side has three black holes!"

  "This voice! This breath... is a monster???"

  "Didn't Baili Tusu say that the kingdom of God is infinitely beautiful, why is it so terrifying!"

  "I feel like I was fooled by Baili Tusu!"

  Feng Qingxue and Fu Chun who came out of the teleportation light array held their faces and screamed.

  "Don't be afraid, this is the beast trial prepared by the Lord of God for us, and it won't really kill people."

  Hexi explained helplessly.

  This is probably the first time in history that I have welcomed a new girl in such a terrifying environment... Next.

Chapter 327

  "Ah ah ah! Such a beautiful elder sister, with wings! Are you the master here!"

  Xiangling trembled.

  "Don't talk nonsense, this must be the Lord of God, the Lord has made it clear just now!"

  "The Wumeng Linggu Great Witch wishes Xiuning, and has seen the Lord of God!"

  Xiuning bowed and bowed.

  As a great witch of Wumeng Linggu, with the inheritance of the great god Nuwa, even when she was a young girl, she still has an early and wise mind, and the girl is prudent!

  This is also the reason why Baili Tusu traveled to the past and said that it was so hard to come to the kingdom of God, unless he really saw the power of the true god and knew that he could meet a being greater than Nuwa after he came to the kingdom of God, otherwise he would use Ning's arrogance is not so easy to be someone else's woman.

  "The ghostly girl Feng Qingxue has seen the Lord of God!"

  "Lin Wuqiqichuan Fang Ruqin, I have seen Lord God!"

  "Xiangling, the little fox demon, I have seen Lord God!"

  "Fuyuan, the daughter of the headmaster of Tianyongcheng, has seen Lord God!"

  Seeing Xiuning kneeling and bowing so cautiously, Feng Qingxue, Fu Yun and others also hurriedly followed Dao.

  Especially Xiangling and Fang Ruqin, they, like Xiuning, were found by Baili Tusu from the past, but their minds were far from Xiuning's. I'm speaking!

  "Several sisters, please, I'm Hexi, the Heavenly King of the Super-God Universe, the true god-level god of the kingdom of God! Lord God is out today, you and I are gods and don't need to kneel."

  "It's also luck that you came to the kingdom of God today. The situation there seems to be terrifying but there is no worry of life. I will protect you and experience the battle between the gods at close range. It will be of great benefit to your subsequent promotion."

  Hexi lifted the five people up with his spiritual sense, showed the boundless Dharma image, protected the five people in the palm of his hand, and went to the trial square.

  "Yes! Lord Hexi!"

  "Thank you so much!"

  Xiuning and the others bowed.

  But then after seeing the battle scene between those extremely beautiful women and the Demon King of Warcraft on the trial ground, I was completely stunned!

  On the infinitely vast trial plain, there are beautiful angels swinging their swords to penetrate the true god and demon king, and the sword light shines in the sky!There is a goddess of nine heavens who uses the supreme magic method to regenerate the world with lotus flowers and hold the stars in her hand!That level of battle is so bright and dazzling, even Hexi can't stop watching it!

  "This method... I'm afraid that it will be more condescending than Empress Nuwa!"

  "Can we be like this too!"

  Xiuning and Feng Qingxue watched with surging emotions, shocking beyond words.

  Xiang Ling, Fu Chu, and Fang Ruqin were completely stunned. They watched the girls in front of them evolve into the world as if they had lost their souls, leading the dance of thousands of laws!


  "Everyone is progressing so fast! Such a level of war between gods, I am afraid that it is rare in the Shenhe Star Region."

  "Just watch it here, my law clone will stay here to protect you!"

  Hexi's eyes were hot, and the figure was divided into two. The clone guarded Xiuning, Feng Qingxue and others, while the real body spread its wings and flew into the air, bringing a terrifying space-time storm to the battlefield!

  Such a sassy figure, like a god of war coming into the world, attracted Zhou Zhiruo and others to look at him for a while!

  "Sisters, the newlyweds are watching us! Let's go all out to make the blood boil!"

  He Xi smiled and said, the divine sword pointed in the air, shining brightly!



  In the space of the kingdom of God, a divine trial has evolved into an unparalleled sound at the level of a true god!

  And where Chen Xian appeared, a battle that shook Kamigawa was about to break out!

  "Is this the entrance to the Tiandao battlefield?"

  "I've always been in your little world, why don't you just take me in."

  Looking at the dark barrier like an abyss in front of him, Chen Xian walked to Tiansheng Linglong and smiled.

  There are many other Heavenly Dao teams from other cosmic galaxies around, all waiting to enter, all of them are of high realm, at least at the level of the median god!

  "Because your divine source fluctuates too strongly! Even if you have the Heavenly Dao Jade Card, my Linglong Pavilion Small World can't take you through the Heavenly Dao Barrier with you."

  Tiansheng Linglong pinched his waist and pouted.

  "Oh? Where is it too strong? Tell me."

  After not seeing Tiansheng Linglong for several days, Chen Xian suddenly teased.

  "Damn, don't say that kind of thing here..."

  Seemingly recalling the picture of Chen Xian cleaning up himself, Tiansheng Linglong's originally indescribably precious face was filled with shame and anger, biting his lip and whispering...


  Seeing the little princess of Shengtian Longting, who is famous for her savageness and arrogance, revealing such a little daughter's attitude to a lower god, immediately attracted dozens of sharp eyes to notice Chen Xian!

  "Who is this guy? How dare a low-ranking god dare to molest the little princess of Shengtian Longting in public?"

  "Isn't it a little white face raised by Tiansheng Linglong?"

  "How is this possible! That day, Sheng Linglong was born with a Dao fetus. As soon as he was born, he amazed the world, and now he is known as the number one beauty in the Shenhe Star Region! How could it be possible to see a mediocre low-ranking god boy!"

  "Some time ago, this exquisite princess refused even the Falling Star Prince who was about to destroy God's Domain by half a step to the High God. Naturally, it was impossible for him to fall in love with that guy. The kid probably just wanted to climb the high branches and eat swan meat unilaterally."

  Several high-ranking gods in the distance looked at Chen Xian and sneered.

  They are not the sphere of influence of Shengtian Longting, but they are regulars on the battlefield of Tiandao, and naturally they know the beauty of Tiansheng Linglong very well.

  "Oh? They don't even know me. Thousands of great gods were killed in vain a few days ago."

  Hearing that he was being maliciously speculated again, Chen Xian said happily.

  Of course, this is not a malicious speculation, because Tiansheng is exquisite and the most beautiful swan meat in the Shenhe Star Region, Chen Xian has already eaten it twice, and used a method that everyone can't imagine...

  "Are you killing in vain, the ultimate throne throne has been forged, and I am panicked when I see your throne aura."

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