"These people are not under the control of the universe by our Shengtian Longting. They are separated by the enchantment of heaven. Of course, they don't know about your actions against the sky, otherwise they would have come and hugged their thighs long ago."

  "Now everyone is waiting for the entrance to be officially opened, and this period of waiting is also a time to test the strength of each cosmic team. You can hide it from me later, you are my killer, do you know? Exposing your strength in advance will cost you a lot of money. what."

  Tiansheng Linglong voice transmission explained.

  "Linglong! Are you talking to that little guy on purpose to provoke me?"

  Seeing that Tiansheng Linglong was still communicating with Chen Xian, a burly man wearing a carved dragon armor behind the crowd walked in the air with a stern look. .

Chapter 328

  "Six-star artifact armor! This one is so rich, he seems to be a person worthy of acquaintance."

  Seeing that someone jumped out to find trouble, Chen Xian looked at the artifact armor on the opponent's body and his eyes lit up.

  "He is Mie Wuyan, the little prince who destroyed God's Domain in other people just now. There is more than this 6-star artifact, and he is much richer than me."

  Tiansheng Linglong chuckled lightly.

  "More than one 6-star artifact? It seems that Destruction God's Domain is richer than your Holy Dragon Court!"

  Chen Xian's eyes lit up.

  "That's not it, the god-source spar ore veins that destroyed God's Domain are well-known all over the world. There are 15 super-grade ore veins on the main star alone! And we have only 5 in the Holy Dragon Court. Although the father gave me to do it, I still have to do it. The Bei Xinghe military headquarters is now running out of space."

  Tian Sheng Linglong said to Chen Xian with a distressed expression.

  "Understood, it turns out that the other party has a mine at home."

  Chen Xian nodded with a smile, indicating that he understood. 14 Just now, Tiansheng Linglong's voice transmission should not reveal his strength too early, so I am afraid that he is trying to find a way to dig mines or something...

  "Since you know that your mine is about to be mined out, why do you still refuse my marriage proposal!"

  "As long as you're willing to marry me, are you still worried that there won't be enough ore veins?"

  Mie Wuyan looked at Tiansheng's exquisite and beautiful face with endless rhythm, and couldn't hide the fiery words in his eyes.

  Such as his strength and financial resources, what kind of beauty can't be found?However, she is the only one who has never enjoyed such a wonderful woman who was born with a Dao fetus like Tiansheng Linglong. You must know that if you can cultivate with Tiansheng Linglong’s natural Dao fetus, you can make up for the shortcomings of the divine way, and the road ahead will be unimpeded!It is only a matter of time before being promoted to the High God!

  In addition, Tiansheng's exquisite Beixinghe army is full of talents, and it will also be an excellent help for Mie Wuyan to fight for the throne!Therefore, it can be said that there are countless aristocrats in the star field who proposed to Tiansheng Linglong!

  But Tiansheng Linglong has a cold and arrogant personality, and has never seen any man so far, so Mie Wuyan takes it for granted that Chen Xian, who seems to be very close to Tiansheng Linglong, is just a shield that Tiansheng Linglong found.

  "Want me to promise to marry you? Haha, that's not possible. They have already promised to double-cultivate with Chen Xian."

  "Chen Xian is the only limit true god in the universe, and I can do double cultivation and gain."

  Seeing the opportunity to make a fortune, Tiansheng Linglong simply no longer hides his relationship with Chen Xian, and leaned in Chen Xian's arms intimately.


  As soon as this statement came out, all the forces were in an uproar!They all looked at Chen Xian with incredible eyes!

  "What did Tiansheng Linglong say just now? The ultimate god? Someone in this universe has really embarked on the path of the ultimate god???"

  "How is that possible! Legend has it that the road to the ultimate true god needs to start from the primary level of false gods. The body, the soul, and the kingdom of gods in the palm of the hand, each need to go to the extreme before they can be promoted again! That kind of cultivation is only a little bit bad luck. , if you make a mistake, you will lose all your achievements! No fool would bet on his own divine way like this!"

  "Yes, it not only requires unimaginable wealth and resources, but also requires that the cultivation process should not be a little bit of a mistake. How can the gods have endless years, who can keep themselves so lucky... Even the children of the royal family who destroyed the realm of the gods. It didn't work!"

  "This kid who eats soft rice actually cultivated into the ultimate true god? And he has reached the level of a lower god? I don't believe it, it must be a shield found by Tiansheng Linglong."

  "I went to the universe under the rule of Shengtian Longting last year, and I never heard of anyone achieving the ultimate true god!"

  Everyone was talking about it.

  "Hahaha! Tiansheng Linglong, it's ridiculous that you use this excuse to reject me!"

  "Don't say that I don't believe in this legendary cultivation method. What if it is true? Even if he is a low-level god, even if he has been going to the limit of shit, can he still be compared with a half-step supreme god like me?"

  Mie Wuyan sneered.

  "What! Half-step supreme? Mie Wuyan, who destroyed God's Domain, was promoted to half-step supreme god so quickly?"

  "No wonder I can't perceive Mie Wuyan's godhead level today. It turns out that he has already broken through to a half-step supreme god!"

  "Invincible! No wonder he was given a super-grade mineral vein some time ago!"

  "Half-step supreme god... He is less than 1 years old! There is no one in his peers, and he is a supreme realm enough to establish his own dynasty in any universe!"

  "Heavenly Saint Linglong was born with a Dao fetus, and is known as the fastest woman in the Shenhe Star Region, but now it seems to be a little worse than Mie Wuyan! Anything that comes into contact with the Supreme God Realm is already immortal. Destroyed! Even if you don't leave a separate soul elsewhere, you can still be reborn in one thought!"

  "Yeah, now there has been no such thing as the fall of a half-step supreme god in ten thousand years! The realm of Mie Wuyan alone is enough to be worthy of the heavenly saint, not to mention Mie Wuyan has two 2-star artifacts! This time No one on the battlefield of Heavenly Dao can overwhelm Mie Wuyan!"

  The gods in Chaoyang Star Territory couldn't help but exclaimed.

  "Half a step to the high god, the realm of Li Shenglong, the dean of the Shenhe Starfield First Academy, is really amazing!"

  Seeing Mie Wuyan's fairly young face, Chen Xian nodded.

  "I didn't expect him to advance to the half-step high god so quickly. Can you beat him?"

  Tiansheng Linglong whispered.

  If other people hear this, they must think that Tiansheng Linglong is crazy, or that he is dazzled by love to ask such a question!

  Because Chen Xian's godhead aura is a proper lower god!

  And the other party is a half-step supreme god!

  Counting the small realm in the middle, the two are more than twenty levels apart...

  But Tiansheng Linglong remembers that Chen Xian was able to kill thousands of high-ranking gods in the "Great Array of Gods and Demons" under Li Shenglong before he forged the ultimate throne!Now that Chen Xian has achieved the ultimate divine throne of three thousand true dragons, the breath of that throne even makes the soul terrified of the top gods like Tiansheng Linglong!

  Therefore, Tiansheng Linglong is still somewhat looking forward to a miracle!

  "It's only half a step to the supreme god. Before the other party has seen the world, open your appetite and slaughter him once."

  "The ore veins that I remember will be divided equally with me."

  Chen Xian smiled and said.

  Now his ultimate god body is already at the level of a supreme god!The Kingdom of God in the palm of the hand is beyond the imagination of ordinary supreme gods. To be honest, once he uses all his strength, even Chen Xian is afraid of himself...

  "Roger that!"

  "But don't divide the spoils equally, everything is yours, even Linglong is yours!"

  Tiansheng Linglong shyly transmitted his voice.

  "It's so sweet, I'll take good care of you tonight."

  Chen Xian laughed wickedly.

  Tiansheng Linglong covered his face and nodded shyly...

Chapter 329

  "Tiansheng Linglong! If you dare to ignore me like this, I will kill this kid directly!"

  Seeing Tiansheng Linglong and Chen Xian seem to be communicating with voice transmission again, Mo Wuyan burst into flames!The astonishing murderous aura frightened the faces of the surrounding gods.

  A half-step supreme god is angry, which can almost affect the current operation of the universal law, and it is very likely that people with low realms will be scared to death.

  "Hehe, it's good to be brave, my follower likes to fight with people the most."

  "Mie Wuyan! In order to celebrate your promotion to the High God by half a step, how about we play a gamble before entering the battlefield of Heaven?"

  "You fight against Chen Xian, if you can defeat him within 10 minutes, the super-grade ore vein under my name will be yours! If you lose accidentally, you will have to give away the two super-grade divine source spar in your name. The veins are assigned to my name!"

  "With the power of a half-step supreme god, this is completely equivalent to giving you a gift, what do you think?"

  Tiansheng Linglong smiled and looked at Mie Wuyan.


  "It turned out to be this level of gambling???"

  "Isn't Tiansheng Linglong crazy! He even made his subordinate gods take a half-step against the supreme gods, and he is still making bets on his own super-grade ore veins..."

  "I can't understand it! This gift is too exaggerated. There are only 5 super-grade ore veins in all the universes under the rule of Shengtian Longting!"

  "Haha, I just said that the kid named Chen Xian is a shield that can be abandoned at any time! Isn't this thrown out as a chess piece and killed immediately?"

  "That shouldn't be the case! I guess Tiansheng Linglong must have changed his mind. After seeing Mie Wuyan's promotion to the high god, he will definitely follow the other party. This bet is just to find a way to go down and give Mie Wuyan a half-step. Sweet!"

  "But...that's a super-grade divine stone ore vein that is enough to feed the Beixinghe Military Department! If Mie Wuyan was given to Mie Wuyan in the form of a bet, how should the Beixinghe Military Department deal with it under the rule of Shengtian Longting?"

  "Tiansheng Linglong's uncle, Tiansheng Yilong, is the supreme god and the supreme commander of the North Star River Army. It is absolutely impossible for him to agree!"

  "Dead mind, if Tian Sheng Linglong is really willing to be with Mie Wuyan, that day, General Sheng will have 3 super-grade ore veins that can be used, okay 々¨!"

  "Hi--Gao Ming!"

  "Fourth Prince! Promise her! People and wealth will benefit both parties!"


  "Linglong, have you really changed your mind on me? If so, why bother, just promise to marry me!"

  Hearing the analysis of his subordinates and others, Mie Wuyan laughed out loud.

  "It's a bit of a meaning, but you have to prove that you are really stronger than Chen Xian, the ultimate god, in case your half-step supreme god is a fake."

  Tiansheng said with a playful smile on his exquisite and beautiful face. With a move of his mind, the betting contract for the super-grade ore vein was ready and appeared in his hands.

  As long as both sides have stamped their own royal seals, then it will really take effect!With the strength of the royal families of the two stars, it is impossible for anyone to breach the contract and not give it.

  "Since you value this kid so much, I will play against him!"

  "Chen Xian, right, since Linglong thinks that you are the ultimate god, you are a rare talent! As long as you can stay in my hands for 5 minutes without dying, I will spare your life and give you the opportunity to serve me in destroying the realm of the gods!"

  "Kow down and thank you!"

  Mie Wuyan looked at Chen Xian with a wicked smile.

  "Haha, with such a heavy murderous aura, Mie Wuyan doesn't seem like you're trying to give me a mouthful."

  "So it's okay to thank you or something, you should hurry up and sign the ore vein contract, the province will not admit it if you lose."

  Chen Xian smiled.

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