"Shame on your face! Could it be that you really think you can beat me!"

  When Chen Xian saw through the murderous intention, Mie Wuyan snorted coldly, and stamped his exclusive divine seal of destroying the fourth prince of the Divine Realm on the contract of Tiansheng Linglong!

  "Mie Wuyan, I still admire your courage."

  Seeing that Mie Wuyan really put on the divine seal of the royal family, Tiansheng Linglong trembled with excitement!

  You must know that it is a super-grade ore vein!

  A single one can feed the terror resources of the entire Beixinghe Military Department!

  "Tiansheng Linglong, did you give this guy some explosive pills?"

  "Or does he have a 7-star supreme artifact on him?"

  "There must be an additional clause in the contract, both parties are not allowed to use artifacts and medicinal pills! And the marriage contract is attached as a condition, otherwise the gambling contract will say another!"

  Mie Wuyan sneered.

  "Uh- well, that's it, it's okay to marry you if you win."

  Tiansheng Linglong pretended to be helpless.

  Everyone is speechless!

  "As expected of Mie Wuyan, what you think is really safe and thoughtful!"

  "This time, Tiansheng Linglong has trapped himself!"

  "It's not a joke to put on the royal seal on both sides, and Tiansheng Linglong can't go back if he wants to."

  "Princess Linglong think twice!"

  On the side of Shengtian Longting, the gods who were sealed by Tiansheng Linglong could not help but persuade.

  "Hey! The seal of the gods has been covered, you can't go back and regret it!"

  "Come on kid, let everyone see where your ultimate true god is?"

  Seeing that Tiansheng Linglong was also stamped, Mie Wuyan laughed.

  "First take off your artifact and store it in the notary office. According to the rules of the ring, if you die, your artifact will belong to me."

  Chen Xian pointed at Mie Wuyan's 6-star artifact armor.

  "...Humph! So you have the idea of ​​hitting my two 6-star artifacts!"

  "as you wish!"

  "I'll let you take a breath and let you look at the appearance of Tiansheng Linglong in my arms!"

  Mie Wuyan said with a strange smile, and regardless of the rules of bullying the small arena, the throne of the supreme god rose up in the air!The supreme power of the divine source appeared, controlling all the surrounding laws in his hands, condensing it into a spear of divine scourge, and stabbing Chen Xian's eyebrows!


  Where the Spear of Scourge passed, time and space shattered into nothingness, and even time retreated in terror!

  Chen Xian was right, Mie Wuyan didn't even want to give Chen Xian, the only ultimate true god in the universe, a chance to live. As soon as he came up, it was the nirvana of a half-step supreme god!

  "Chen Xian, be careful!"

  Tiansheng Linglong exclaimed, the power of Mie Wuyan's display is completely in the realm of a half-step high god!A bad situation can really cause big things!

  The surrounding gods of good deeds, because they underestimated Mie Wuyan's power range, were pressed by the breath of the "Spear of Heaven's Wrath (Li Qian's)" and sat on the ground at a distance of [-] meters, their souls shattered!

  The other gods also screamed and retreated, frightened by the power of Mie Wuyan.

  "Hehe, this is the half-step supreme god?"

  "I will borrow your dog's life and let me see clearly in this galaxy, who is the master of the universe!"

  Looking at the "Spear of Heaven's Wrath" that was close at hand, Chen Xian's temperament suddenly changed greatly, and the only limit god seat in the universe emerged from Chen Xian's soul star sea!

  Three thousand true dragons roar!The galaxy is reversed, and the world changes color!

  Chen Xian turned around and sat on the throne of God, and with a flick of his fingers, he shattered the time and space that was banned by Mie Wuyan.

  "You!! Qin!"

  Mie Wuyan covered his neck and widened his eyes in horror!A sense of annihilation drifted out from his endless divine body!

  Everyone around is stupid!

  Even Tiansheng Linglong is stupid!

  In the face of the half-step supreme god Mie Wuyan, Chen Xian actually directly...killed? ? ? .

Chapter 330

  Just when Chen Xian killed a half-step Supreme God in one move, scaring the universes into a fool.

  All the members in the chat group are running around because of the "Treasure Sacrifice Policy of Heaven and Earth" uploaded by Chen Xian!


  "Even if you are the strongest in this world, you must never try to make a giant tree of affliction. This is the foundation of our Tushan, and it is the most precious treasure left by the three heads of Tushan to our clan!"

  "Bai Yue, if you bastard dare to dig the roots of the tree secretly again, I will kill Tu Shan for a long time and die in front of you. I will see how you explain when Tu Shan and the others come back!"

  Tu Shan's old face was flushed with anger, and his beard was flying wildly!

  But he can only use suicide to threaten the slut Bai Yue. After all, Bai Yue is a more powerful existence than the third young master of the country.

  "Tushan is old! Tushan is old! If you have something to discuss, don't seek death at every turn!"

  "Nowadays, there are not many treasures in our world that can be sacrificed to my god! I can tell you secretly that when this giant tree of affliction is sacrificed, it will actually fall into the hands of the three masters of Tu Shan, and it will not be cheap to others. "

  "And sacrificing such a big guy, the benefits of the true god's blessing are definitely beyond your imagination, maybe it can make you rejuvenate?"

  "Tushan is old, you are old--poof! Why don't you change your name first, and keep taking advantage of me?"

  At the beginning of the month, he vomited blood.

  "No, the name can't be changed, and the roots can't be dug!"

  "Bai Yueyu even pried open our small vault in Tushan. You are a thief. Others are afraid of you and I are not afraid of Tushan's old age. Where is my knife? Who saw my arrival?"

  Tu Shan was old-fashioned looking for someone who could wipe his neck.

  The corners of Bai Yue's mouth twitched, Tu Shan Yaya and Tu Shan Rong Rong went to the Kingdom of God to serve the Lord God, but they passed on the position to such a stubborn old man to guard Tu Shan's foundation.

  "Oh? Bai Yue? You are so bold, you even pried open my Tushan's treasury?"

  An indifferent voice of the sky sounded from the sky, as if the whole earth shuddered, and began to concentrate on waiting for the master's words!

  "That's... Tu Shan Yaya? No, I can still come back!"

  Looking at the blossoming ice lotus on its feet, the beautiful figure with a shining light slowly descended from the sky, Bai Yue shivered inexplicably!With Bai Yue's current strength at the level of congenital spirits, it can be felt that Tu Shan Yaya is now unimaginable, and I am afraid that he has become the realm of true gods mentioned in the "Shinto Book"!

  "Tu Shan is in charge!"

  Tushan Laojiu and other Tushan guards fell to their knees in ecstasy when they saw Tushan Yaya returning like this, with tears flowing!

  During the time when Tu Shan Yaya and Tu Shan Rongrong went to the Kingdom of God, they were the same as Bai Yue's shameless battle of wits and bravery...


  "It's really like what Sister Yaya said, Bai Yue ran to dig the roots of your giant tree of misery."

  "Sure enough, it's ridiculous!"

  There were two more laughter like wind chimes in the sky, and Bai Yue looked up in amazement!

  I saw two beautiful angels with stretched white wings descending from the sky, their temperament and appearance made everyone in Tushan dumbfounded as soon as they appeared!

  "Angel... Mr. Tu Shan, you brought an angel guard back to clean up Bai Yue!"

  "It's great to know!"

  Tu Shan lost one tooth in his old smile without knowing it.

  As soon as these words came out, Bai Yue's old face was pitch black!

  I said in my heart how old Tushan hated me, didn't I accidentally step on the house when I came to dig the roots of the tree the day before yesterday, and as a result, I always wanted to kill myself...

  "Don't talk nonsense, these are my sisters in the kingdom of God, Yun Yi and Angel Queen Yan!"

  "They are gods just like me, you can't ignore them."

  Tu Shan Yaya's icy spiritual thoughts filled the world.

  "I'm dying of laughter, even the old people are so funny. Sister Yaya's world is really fun."

  Yun Yi covered his mouth and snickered.

  "The old man is very loyal to his duties. Let me fill in the teeth for you."

  It was the first time Yan came to another world, and he was in a good mood. Once the divine sense mobilized the Golden Wood Law, it would shroud Tushan's old age.In an instant, Tushan became old and possessed a diamond tooth...

  "Thank you, Lord Shenming!"

  "The old man can finally chew on my Tushan's local specialties!"

  Tu Shan Kneeling and thanking the old man thankfully.

  "That's fine too? Is it a golden tooth? I want it too!"

  "I beg Sister Angel to give me a pair of golden teeth too!"

  Bai Yue looked at it with red eyes and said, he doesn't have the ability to turn a stone into gold, that's the power that only gods have!

  "You, please ask Sister Yaya. For the sake of you being the leader of the Lucky God Cult here, I can protect you from being beaten to death by Sister Yaya."

  "Does this count as grace?"

  Yan Yan looked at Bai Yue and smiled.


  "Forget it! Thank you Queen Yan!"

  Bai Yue smiled bitterly.

  "It's still sister Yan who knows how to do business, so this reward is enough."

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