Tu Shan Yaya glanced at Yan helplessly.

  Although Yan went to the Kingdom of God a little later than himself, Yan seemed to be an angel queen with 8000 years of age, and he was not even 500 years old when he was fully counted.In some Shinto practice, Yan's analysis is often unique and can give himself good advice, so Tushan Yaya also likes to communicate with Yan and others.

  This time, they had just completed their godly trials, and the Lord of God was not in the kingdom of God, so they didn't need to serve or want to accompany them, so many sisters went to all walks of life to play in the name of "New Deal of Sacrifice" under the guise of supervising the lower realm.

  Yan and Yunyi chose to come to Tushan's world with him!

  Tu Shan Honghong and Tu Shan Rongrong went to the cosmic plane of "Super God" with Hexi.

  "Sister Yaya! You can't really beat me! After you agreed to follow the Lord God and cultivate into a god, you can't avenge me and wear small shoes."

  "You are a god now, you can't break your promise!"

  Bai Yuelu simply knelt in front of Tu Shan Yaya and kowtowed, snot and tears.

  "Okay, I don't know what kind of virtue you have, don't get in the way in front of us."

  Tu Shan Yaya snorted coldly, a force of ice brought the cold wind and threw Bai Yue into an ice sculpture [-] miles away!

  Yan and Yun also looked at each other and smiled, expressing sympathy for what happened to Bai Yue.

  "Tushan is old, and this time I'm returning to the lower realm, mainly for the sake of the giant tree of grief."

  "I will use the law of time and the law of civil engineering to give birth to a few new seedlings, and then sacrifice them to the treasure house of God Lord."

  "In this way, Sister Honghong and I can cultivate the same small gift from our hometown in the palm of our hands."

  Tu Shan Yaya narrowed his eyes. .

Chapter 331

  "Ah? Do you still want to sacrifice the giant tree of affliction?"

  Hearing Tu Shan Yaya's words, Tu Shan grinned out a big golden tooth.

  "Sister Yan, the big golden tooth you gave him is so interesting."

  Yun Yi couldn't help but laugh again.

  Yan also squinted happily.

  "You two guys are really here to play in the lower world."

  Tu Shan Yaya is a little mad, such a boring joke, it is better to stay in the kingdom of God and be bullied by the Lord of God!

  "Why do you start thinking about him again..."

  Recalling the days when he was with the God Lord Chen Xian, Tu Shan Yaya blushed inexplicably, and in order to hide the embarrassment on his face, he teleported directly to the Affliction ~ Jushu.

  "This is the giant tree of affliction? The spiritual energy is not weak. No wonder it has the power to reincarnate and continue the fate. The small reincarnation system in this world is also complete."

  Yan's eyes glowed, and data analysis involving the Law of Reincarnation kept popping up in his mind.

  "Sister Yan is done, so fast! I'm only halfway through."

  Yun also exclaimed.

  "I said that you have an occupational disease! This thousand-year-old tree is not spared! It is estimated that it has a hairy use."

  Tu Shan Yaya reluctantly complained while using various laws to spawn new saplings of the tree of bitterness.

  "Haha, I'm really used to it. Do you want my sister to help you figure out when Sister Yaya can help the Lord of God conceive a child?"

  A wicked smile appeared on Yan's graceful and noble face.

  As soon as these words came out, Tu Shan Yaya stumbled immediately!

  "No need to thank you! It's still time for you to give birth to a child for the Lord of God."

  Tu Shan Yaya glared at Yan angrily.

  Yun Yi over there blushed and felt his heart beat. He seemed to remember the shameful thing he had with Lord God the day before yesterday.

  "Haha, this is hard to do. Our angel has a long life. Now that I have become a true god, it is even more difficult to give birth."

  "Unless Sister Yaya asks Lord God to accompany me more."

  Hiko admitted very generously.

  "Stop, stop, it's as if Lord God can completely listen to me."

  "I suggest you two go somewhere else, and don't always use dirty jokes to disturb my spellcasting! By the way, there should be some things worth bringing into the kingdom of God in the world outside the circle, find some rare monsters to sacrifice, and then guide you in. Isn't the kingdom of God in the palm of your hand very good?"

  Tu Shan Yaya suggested.

  "Good idea! The Divine Kingdom in the palm of my hand is in urgent need of thunder-type monsters, so let's go to the world outside the circle you mentioned."

  After Yan finished speaking, he roughly identified the direction, and the figure passed through the void.

  "Ah, Sister Yan, wait for me, I can help!"

  Yun Yi first waved to Tu Shan Yaya, and then jumped into time and space.


  "Finally gone, this bastard Yan has learned badly from King Liang Bing, and he is too embarrassed to say that kind of joke."

  Tu Shan Yaya was relieved.

  But for some reason, I really miss Chen Xian.

  "Bastard man, is I, Tu Shan Yaya, being bullied for feelings..."

  Tu Shan Yaya said the more she thought about it, the more shy she became.



  Just when Tushan Yaya, Yan and Yunyi were looting treasures and rare birds and beasts on the plane of "Demon Fox".

  Peach Blossom Island on the plane of "The Condor Heroes", Huang Yaoshi, who welcomed his daughter's return as a god, started to have a headache!

  "I said baby girl, you know better than me what treasures are on our Peach Blossom Island, how could there be a treasure that is in the eyes of the true gods. The most valuable thing we have is this Peach Blossom Island, you can't put the whole island Let’s go to the treasure house of heaven and earth that is moved to the kingdom of God.”

  Huang Yaoshi smiled bitterly.

  He finally realized what a married daughter is, and the water poured out is not even letting go of the cost of his own retirement.

  The most important thing is that Huang Rong didn't bring him a god-level grandson...

  "What do you want the island to do? My daughter is now a god, a true god who can create a small world."

  "If I want any island, I can create it myself, like this!"

  Huang Rong snapped her fingers a few times towards the wide sea ahead!


  Three islands ten times larger than Peach Blossom Island were born out of thin air on the sea. The green hills on the island are more beautiful than Peach Blossom Island!With such supernatural powers, Huang Yaoshi, Hong Qigong and others will be seen as stupid!

  "It's amazing! Huang Laoxie, your daughter is absolutely omnipotent. Why didn't my old beggar give birth to a daughter who could go to the kingdom of God! It's a big loss!"

  Hong Qigong beat his chest and paused.

  "Rong'er... These three islands are all owned by our family?"

· · · Flowers · · ·

  Pharmacist Huang swallowed.

  I have worked hard all my life to get the foundation of Peach Blossom Island. Huang Rong is very good, and with a snap of her fingers, there are three more beautiful islands!

  "Of course, my daughter finally came back, and these three islands should be used as gifts to honor my father, but you probably won't be able to take care of them, so you can give Qigong one."

  Huang Rong smiled.

  "How can I not be able to take care of it, the old beggar has been used to it for a lifetime, and it is useless to give it to him."

  Pharmacist Huang said with a straight face.

  "Bah! Huang Laoxie, you are so good! I used to be Rong'er's master anyway, so you are so stingy! How many beggar chickens can you sell an island for!"

..... 0

  Hong Qigong fried Mao Dao.

  "Hey, it seems that there is really nothing good here that can enrich the treasure house of God Lord."

  "By the way, that bastard Ouyang Ke is the leader. He must have collected good things over the years! I'll call Cheng Yaojia and let this bastard spit out the good things!"

  Huang Rong ignored the quarrel between Huang Yaoshi and Hong Qigong, and walked away with a chuckle.

  "Ah ah ah ah! My decades of collection!"

  "Aunt Huang Rong, it's fine if you don't bring me gifts when you come back. Why do you still bring people to search for my rare treasures. This also prevents me from living."

  Looking at the purple coral, the blood jade bracelet, and even the three-eyed frog surrounded by Huang Rong, Ouyang Ke wailed and knelt down.

  Even if these things are sacrificed, they will not be able to exchange a few lifespans, but they are Ouyang Ke's collection for many years, okay?

  "Don't be so stingy, anyway, you have so much life expectancy, you just need to spend time looking for it in the future. Do you think it's Sister Yaojia?"

  Huang Rong said, and put the treasures all over the ground into her own divine source space.

  Looking at Ouyang Ke's mourning face, Cheng Yaojia over there laughed!

  "Ouyang Ke, don't be sad. The main thing is that the kingdom of God does not have a hometown. It's a good idea to bring it with you."

  "Now Rong'er's younger sister Bingxuezhi has been promoted to the realm of true gods. Wouldn't it be better to give you some benefits in exchange for turning stones into gold."

  Cheng Yaojia snickered.


  Ouyang Ke wanted to die, and he was not short of gold, he just wanted to get back his treasures... Next.

Chapter 332

  Ouyang is not crazy: "woohoo! It's too bad, I was harmed by the daughter of destiny who returned from the kingdom of God!"

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