"Ouyang is not crazy" uploaded a "collected robbed video file".

  Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "Pfft—hahahaha! I thought you were molested, but it turns out that the gods took something! This is your blessing, snicker jpg!"

  They all call me Long Ma: "It's so fun, Ouyang Ke, when you were robbed, you sent Huang Rong and the other six or seven women of destiny into the kingdom of God at one time, and when you got my god's favor, you even showed off to us. Come on, why are you suffering now! Snickering jpg+2!"

  This young master Zhang Zifan: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo together together, the world has become a human being! I'm so miserable, the Empress Shuiyunji is back! I'm still looking for something in my Treasure Pavilion now, it is said to be sacrificed to the treasure house of heaven and earth, when What are the thoughts of my hometown! My heart is bleeding jpg! Her Huan Yinfang is so wealthy, yet she still came to search for me, Yuan Tiangang has been beaten into a pig's head because she refused two sentences!"

  Xie En of Primitive Survival: "It's hard to imagine that kind of picture! I laughed to death. Fortunately, there is no Destiny Girl in my world."

  My Song Ming ultimately wants the whole world: "Don't talk about it, baby is suffering! Song Yan has also returned to the family, and she has become the pinnacle of pseudo-god realm, and she will be blown away a hundred thousand miles in one breath! Wait! I rush back, I'm afraid there's nothing left in the warehouse! Woohoo, who can help me jpg!"

  Don't call me Ethics Jun again: "Hahahaha! Fortunately, the girls I sent are god's maids, and I don't have the right to go home! I'm proud of jpg!"

  Dagu didn't want to be an Ultraman: "Oh my god, I can't believe it! Juma Hui is even younger and more beautiful than before! I was nourished by my gods and became a little girl! Shh - you have to be quiet, in case the captain of the middle Hui is caught. Knowing that I said that to her, I'm afraid she's going to beat me up!"

  Dagu didn't want to be an Ultraman: "Nani??? Captain Hui, can you use mind reading on me? Ahhhh! I was wrong, I'm sorry! I've caused you trouble!"

  (Dagu's screams!)

  Tazmi didn't want to kill: "Cover your face! Big Gu, are you okay? Are you still alive! @大古Don't want to be an Ultraman who will save this Ultraman! Worry about jpg!"

  I, Liu Chuang, will never be a hooligan again: "Don't do it! Here we are, the angels have come back from the kingdom of God twice! This time, I brought the Destiny Girl from other universes and took all the things I liked. That's it! Especially the one named Tu Shan Rongrong, who wanted to sacrifice my axe! Fortunately, her sister Tu Shan Honghong estimated the face of the true god and persuaded her!"

  I, Liu Chuang, will never be a rogue again: "But Hexi, the king of Tianji, is really cruel this time, and he directly sacrificed himself to two angel battleships! That scene was so spectacular!"

  Killing monsters with a knife: "Spicy eyes jpg! I can't believe some of the pictures, giggling!"

  Wu Geng, who wanted a hand: "Fortunately, the Destiny Girl in our world is not in enough realm to be able to go down to the realm, otherwise my mother will be fine when she comes down!"

  Feng Qingxue is so beautiful: "I really want to know how Mr. Xiuning is doing in the kingdom of God, but they have only been there for two or two days, so they definitely won't be able to come back to play!"

  The old man worshipped the moon and no one was convinced: "The old man wants to know how well Zhao Linger has cultivated, or whether she has given birth to a child for my god, but unfortunately, even if Zhao Linger is pregnant, she will only give birth to girls, and the blood of Nuwa cannot be provoked. "

  I just want to kill Lin Langtian: "The leader of the worship of the moon is really a believer of my god, and the deep worry is admirable!"

  Swearing not to be the king of evil: "But can you talk a little about minors! I'm getting precocious by you guys! I'm scared, scared, scared jpg!"

  Ying Zheng's two words: "Take care of young people, and if young people are strong, the country will be strong! Everyone, don't be crooked!"

  I, Han Fei, want to reform: "Your Majesty Shengming!"

  The name is still Sasuke Uchiha: "You bastard Tsunade! She was slept by my god, but it's my fault, forbearance! Heavenly hand strength! Escape jpg!"

  Ying Zheng: "..."

  I, Han Fei, want to reform: "..."

  Swear not to be evil king: "..."

  Tang San, who didn't want to travel again: "Pfft!!! Laughing and breaking my gut jpg!"



  "Boyahan Cook! You bastard actually asked me to hand in [-] Devil Fruits? Is it good-natured to be an old lady, even if you have really been to the kingdom of gods, the mere strength of Qiwuhai will never be able to act in front of the old lady! "

  In the world of "One Piece", Charlotte Lingling, one of the "big moms" of the four emperors, looked at Boyahan Cook, who stood proudly in the void, and shouted angrily.

  Although she has heard of everything that happened in the war on the top, and also admitted that the current clown Bucky has more strength than the original One Piece Roger, but this does not mean that she will be afraid of Boyahan Cook, the Qiwuhai!

  Nowadays, there are lucky gods everywhere in various sea countries, and everyone is surprisingly lucky. Her bigmom pirate group has not robbed a valuable merchant ship for a long time. During this period of time, it is equivalent to eating their old books!

  So even if she offends Bucky the Clown, Charlotte Lingling will never compromise with Boyahan Cook, who has returned from the Kingdom of God to visit relatives!

  "Mom said it well!"

  "Our bigmom pirates won't succumb to that lucky god!"

  "It's all because of the Lucky God Cult created by Bucky the Clown, it's about to make us all unemployed!"

  "Mom's dessert tribute is [-]% less than in previous years, [-]%! Isn't this killing my mother!"

  "Arrest Boyahan Cook, and then coerce Bucky the Clown to disband the Lucky God Cult. Our new world Totland doesn't need that sect that pursues peace and benevolence!"

  Several generals under Charlotte Lingling, Captain Star angrily pulled out their weapons...  

  "Hahahaha! You see it Boyahan Cook! You came to the wrong place today, this country is my territory!"

  Charlotte Lingling stepped into the air with "Thunder Cloud Zeus" and confronted Boyahan Cook.


  "Bucky the Clown, is this guy so lazy that he doesn't even bother to pass the news to you? It's been more than a year, and he still thinks that I, Boyahan Cook, is the original Qiwuhai?"

  There was a hint of helplessness on Boyahan Cook's beautiful and peerless face.

  "Hee hee, it's because Sister Hancock hides her aura well. Since being loved again by the Lord God that day, she has been promoted to the realm of true gods! Even I can't notice the strength level of Sister Hancock, of course this Charlotte Lingling. I can't feel it any more."

  Robin snickered.

  "God, I'm so shy, don't mention the shameful things about me and the Lord of God in front of these scumbags."

  Boyahan Cook covered his face.

  "What? We are scum??? Boyahan Cook! You are so bold!"

  Charlotte Lingling's hair burst into flames instantly!

  "The courageous one is whether you are good or not. I have never seen anyone who dared to die like this in front of the true God."

  Nicole Robin rejoices. .

Chapter 333

  "True God? When the old lady is scared, you only want to pretend to be a god to scare me in such a short time when you go to the kingdom of God!"

  "In the face of Bucky the Clown, I'll beat you all to death today, especially you Boyahan Cook! Your beauty makes the old lady upset!"

  The aunt smiled strangely. After speaking, she burst out with domineering, and the shark-toothed broadsword in her hand was attached to Weng Ming with a domineering look. She jumped up and slashed at Boyahan Cook with Charlotte Lingling!

  "You fat woman, originally Ai's family wanted you to add some vitality to the world of Ai's family, but you are so angry that sooner or later, you will harm the believers and people of Lord God."

  "Let me feel sorry for the family and think about how to kill you..."

  Boya Hancook wrinkled beautifully, thinking on the spot.

  Nicole Robin sighed softly, and felt a little pity for the four emperors who were about to fall. Thinking of how afraid she was of the four emperors at sea back then, just hearing the name would make her face pale.

  Now people like Charlotte Lingling can be seen as monkeys.

  "You bastard! How contemptuous of mother you are!"

  "You really don't even do any defense at all!"

  "I guess I'm going to be stupid in a kingdom of gods, haha ​​14 hahaha! Mom's sword power is too powerful!"

  "It's a pity that such a beautiful woman can leave a living room to marry me and have children for our Charlotte family?"

  Seeing that Boyahan Cook completely ignored "Mom"'s ultimate move, Charlotte Lingling's son captains laughed and laughed.

  "Damn, to hit the Empress's sister's idea, just have this idea, you must be drowned alive!"

  "This is also the retribution of your bigmom" Pirates for killing people from all over the world for many years! "

  Nicole Robin ignored the aunt who slashed at the Pirate Empress, and snapped her fingers at the "bigmom" Pirates who spoke filth!


  A storm cage in a ten-mile sea area completely enveloped everyone in the "bigmom" pirate group!

  Today's Nicole Robin is a pseudo-god of the 8th-order strength. Even the stars and the sea can be easily wiped out with all his strength. This way of casting the cage at will also has the law of the water system. The water inside is no longer ordinary sea water, and replaced it with highly poisonous "Weak Water"!

  Grumpy Grumpy!


  "Help - help!"


  "This dead woman!"


  Dozens of captains and thousands of crew members of the "bigmom" pirate group were struggling in the water! Not only could they not be able to use their fruit abilities, but even covering their mouths and noses would cause drowning and poisoning, and most of them died in an instant!


  "You dare to treat my children like this, give me death!"

  Aunt Charlotte Lingling watched such a scene, her hair burst and her eyes were bloodshot!The whole person accelerated towards Boyahan Cook and Nico Robin in black flames!

  Unexpectedly, a strange thing happened. I couldn't speed up the sprint. There was only ten meters left, but I couldn't get close no matter what!It seems that the surrounding time and space have automatically formed a defense maze, and no matter how mad and furious Auntie is, she can't break free from the time and space maze!

  "Damn it! How could this happen? What sorcery did you use on me!!!"

  Charlotte Lingling was bewildered by such a strange and incomprehensible situation!He slashed wildly, and cursed at the same time.

  "I'm sorry, but the surrounding law spirits automatically formed a time-space maze for Aijia."

  "You don't understand what I said. Aijia and you are no longer on the same level."

  "Robin, let's go, go to this fat woman's island to look for devil fruits or something, the Lord God may be interested."

  Boya Hancook suddenly said without interest.

  "What about her?"

  "She scolded some ugly words just now, and how disrespectful she was to the Lord God."

  Nicole Robin pointed at Big Mom.

  "It doesn't matter if she is punished, she can't stop, she can only fly like this until she runs out of life force."

  "With her strength, this process is estimated to last for half a year. Watching her slowly die for half a year should be considered a terrifying punishment category."

  Boyahan Cook thought.

  "Uh... It should be counted, the Empress sister is really kind, no wonder the Lord God likes to go to you so much."

  Nicole Robin smiled.

  "Do not!!!"

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