Sora, who followed Li Yongsheng, couldn't help but speak.

  "That makes sense!"

  Lisa's eyes lit up.

  "Who is this young man? Does he speak well?"

  Qin looked at Kong Dao.

  "I am empty, my sister was snatched by a god! It was the god of luck who gave me light and hope, and gave me the strength to find my sister."

  "You said that in my situation, should you believe in the god of luck, or should you imagine the seven gods who stole my sister?"

  Kong said with a grim expression.

  Qin and Lisa were speechless!

  Where is this multiple choice question...

  "Sorry to hear the news, we are deeply sorry for the pain of blood relatives being taken away by the gods."

  "You're right, the Lordless Mond is a free city-state, and our West Wind Knights shouldn't stop you. You haven't violated the laws here."

  "Please come with me, I'll treat you to Mond food as an apology."

  Qin made a gesture of respect.

  "Captain! You let him in, but how can we explain it to the fools?"

  "The mission of the Kingdom of Winter has always been domineering and powerless!"

  Lisa was worried.

  "Hehe, it turns out that the embassy of the Kingdom of Winter is in Mond. I said how could the always hospitable head of Qin stop me."

  "Don't worry, I'm going to the Kingdom of Winter anyway! Why don't I help you get rid of them first!"

  Li Yongsheng smiled.

  "Uh- I'm sorry, but please don't mess around! If you hurt the city people, you'll be in trouble. The Fools are the most powerful and powerless group in the Seven Kingdoms, you-"

  Before Qin could finish speaking, the city gate was already frozen over a kilometer radius!

  "Ahahahaha! How dare you, you are the newly appointed Emperor Yanwang? The rebel who established the belief in a new god in Liyue?"

  "You're brave enough to come to Mond for missionary work alone, and you just saved people's time!"

  An enchanting and luxurious figure froze everyone's bodies with a terrifying cold air, and then flew over to grab Li Yongsheng!

  "The Eighth Seat of Fools! Madam!"

  "You bad woman even froze us!"

  "Don't mess around!"

  Qin, Lisa and the others said in shock.

  It's a pity that he couldn't break free from the frozen power of "Ms." in a short time!

  "Don't waste your energy, the Queen has given us divine power, and even the Fengshen can't break free!"

  "Especially you, King Yan, you are not as good as Fengshen if you only get a god's heart, give the god's heart over!"

  The lady's cold voice came, and the figure had already flown to Li Yongsheng!

  "Huh? To take my heart of God? Did the Ice Queen of the Kingdom of Winter ask you to do this?"

  The fire element in Li Yongsheng's pupils was instantly unblocked!Easily pinch the arm of the visitor and easily suppress it in place...  

  "You!!! You can actually ignore my frozen power! Aren't you Emperor Yanwang, how can you have such a strong fire element!"

  The lady was stunned, she couldn't break free after trying several times!

  The other idiots behind him saw their superiors being controlled, and they rushed over in anger.

  "Frozen the world!"

  Li Yongsheng's backhand is to hit the foolish people with the ice element trick that "Ms." just performed!

  A dozen of his subordinates turned into ice sculptures by the way!

  Miss! ! !

  "How is that possible! Can you see it at a glance???"

  The lady is stunned again!

  "He can still use ice magic!"

  "Damn it! If you didn't see it with your own eyes, no one would believe you if you were killed!"

  "Is this the power blessed by the god of luck..."

  Qin, Lisa and the others also exclaimed!

  "It's pretty, maybe you can enter the kingdom of God too?"

  "Do you want to surpass the power of the Seven Gods? Or are you willing to be the thug of the Queen of Ice all the time?"

  Li Yongsheng squinted and smiled as he looked at the "lady" in front of him with a great figure.

  If you can send such a plump stunner into the kingdom of God, the Lord God may reward him with some more life essence, maybe...


  Just when Li Yongsheng arrived at Mond, with his unstoppable strength and commitment, he brought Madam, Qin, Lisa and others back to the Church of Lucky God.

  At this time, the Shenhe Star Region, the outer space and time of the Tiandao battlefield.

  With an invincible posture, Chen Xian, who killed a half-step supreme god in one move, is fulfilling his promise in the exquisite small world palace of Tiansheng.

  The little princess of Shengtian Longting, Tiansheng Linglong, who is known as the number one beauty in the Shenhe Star Region, is already weak, her eyes are blurred, and she is almost on the verge of fainting due to Chen Xian's efforts.



  "Let's let you go for a while, I'll go back to the kingdom of God to see."

  "Remember to call me when the people who destroy God's Domain come. They lost 2 6-star artifacts and 2 super-grade ore veins. They won't let it go."

  Chen Xian smiled with satisfaction. .

Chapter 338

  "Bastard, run away after bullying others..."

  "There's a lot of trouble here!"

  Tiansheng Linglong gasped and covered his face.

  Chen Xian and Mie Wuyan signed a gambling contract with her, and even lost the artifact!In particular, Mie Wuyan was only a half-step supreme god, and he didn't even have the ability to resurrect under Chen Xian's mighty strangulation.

  Even if there are arena rules and a gambling contract, Destroying God's Domain will not give up with Chen Xianshan for the sake of face, and he is also a little dangerous.

  However, with those two super-grade ore veins, Shengtian Longting would not hesitate to fight an interstellar war with the destruction of God's Domain, not to mention that there is a guy with endless strength like Chen Xian!

  To know that Chen Xian's current godhead is only a subordinate god, he can already kill a half-step supreme god!Tiansheng Linglong could no longer believe what the supreme gods would feel when they heard the news.


  "Fuchun, Feng Qingxue, Xiuning, Xiangling, Fang Ruqin! I have seen the Lord God!"

  Above the main hall of the Palace of the Divine King, Fengqing 14 Xue, Xiuning and others who had been practicing in the Divine Kingdom for three days were waiting for Chen Xian to return to meet the Divine Lord for the first time.

  In the face of the God Lord, who has already stepped into the real peak of the universe, his facial features and temperament are all natural, and masculine, even if he is as stable as Xiuning, his face is like pink cheeks, and he can't be flustered!

  Xiuning originally thought that in the past three days, she had been reborn by virtue of the creation of the kingdom of God, and reached the 3rd rank of Innate Spirituality. She could not be humiliated by a true god like Dongfang Huaizhu, but she didn't even dare to lift her head after seeing Chen Xian. Get up and look at Chen Xian!

  "Master God is such a strange man..."

  Xiuning's heart trembled, he couldn't help but think wildly.

  Feng Qingxue and Fu Yun, who were beside them, were even more embarrassed and flushed, and they were always nervous after bowing to bow.


  "Lord God Lord has recently participated in good fortune, and he is really getting more and more handsome. Look, some newcomers and girls are nervous."

  Yan Ling Ji's beautiful figure leaned into Chen Xian's arms and smiled tenderly.

  "It's too embarrassing to say that others, you little goblin weren't much better when you first came."

  "Xuning, get up, you don't need to be so restrained in the future, and I won't bite anyone."

  Chen Xian also looked at it with a smile.

  "Thank you, Lord God!"

  Feeling that the God Lord Chen Xian seemed to have restrained a lot of breath, Xiuning and Feng Qingxue felt at ease.

  "Three days ago, when I first arrived in the kingdom of God, I encountered the day of the trial of the gods, and I saw the boundless divine power of all the sisters of the gods! I was shocked and admired, but we were unable to participate in the trial at that time, and we asked the Lord of God to atone for our sins. ."

  Xiuning bowed again and pleaded guilty.

  "It doesn't matter, you guys came here by chance. No wonder you have already cultivated to the level of the 3rd rank of the innate spirit in three days. It seems that you have learned a lot from watching the battle between gods and demons, and your aptitude is amazing."

  Chen Xian embraced the coquettish Yan Lingji while looking at Xiuning Road approvingly.

  "Thank you Lord God for your praise!"

  "Feng Qingxue, Fu Yun, and the others are also extraordinary, and they are all blessed with too much good fortune in the kingdom of God, Lord God."

  Xiuning said with joy when he heard Chen Xian's praise.

  "No, no, we are born with a rank 1 spirit, and Sister Xiuning is the best."

  "The Great Wuzhu of Wumeng Linggu is well-deserved!"

  Fu Yun and Feng Qingxue became more comfortable and even joked.

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