These days, they have asked the sisters more than once about the temperament of this Lord God, and now they can see that they are really gentle and jade-like, and have an excellent temper!It's not good to make the girls feel happy, and the courage has also grown up.

  Especially Fu Chu and Feng Qingxue, they know that Xiuning was found by Baili Tusu from the past. Although she is a girl, she is a mother in the sense of Baili Tusu!So I couldn't help but want to see some interesting scenes, so that when they become gods and return to their hometown to play, they will be Baili Tusu's aunt...

  "Sister Xiuning came from the past, so there must be many puzzles."

  "Why don't you stay tonight and ask the Lord God for your doubts, Yan Lingji will tell Yingri and the others to avoid other sisters from bothering you."

  Yan Lingji seemed to be happy to see Xiuning's good things, and whispered in Chen Xian's ear.

  "Ah I--"

  When Xiuning heard the words, he was immediately flustered. He would be embarrassed if he left himself alone with the Lord God!

  "If you have any doubts, you can ask me. It's not good to be like Yanling Ji to make trouble."

  Chen Xian obviously knew Yan Lingji's bad intentions, and pinched Yan Lingji's charming minibus.

  "Did you hear that, if Sister Xiuning doesn't seize the opportunity, Yan Lingji will be bullied by the Lord God."

  Yan Lingji said shyly.

  "Well, that's fine..."

  Xiuning has six gods and no masters, and the ghosts and gods agree.

  "Haha, Lord God, don't really bite people."

  "Sister Xiuning can't stand your mouth."

  Seeing Xiuning's intention to accompany her, Yan Lingji's beautiful eyes flowed, and she left with a smile.Before leaving, he also greeted Feng Qingxue and others in a daze.

  Chen Xian...

  "This guy, he's really becoming more and more likely to scare newcomers."

  Watching Yan Lingji leave, Chen Xian was speechless.

  "No, Xiuning... Xiuning is willing to serve the Lord God!"

  Knowing his own situation, the great witch of Wumeng Linggu, Zhu Xiuning, came down to Chen Xian with a surprised gaze, and offered a kiss with a blushing face.



  One day in the upper realm, dozens of days in the lower realm!

  In the early morning of the second day in the Divine Kingdom space.

  Chen Xian, the god master who had finished the remedial lesson with Xiuning, looked at the location on the platform of the reception and introduction in surprise.

  "Is it someone from the Yuanshen World?"

  "The believers over there seem to be just over a million. This can't wait to come. It seems that Tianquan Xing Ningguang has completely given up his attachment to the lower world."

  After reading the visitor's information from the fate line, Chen Xian laughed.

  "You should rest here first. When you wake up, Kasumigaoka Shiyu and the others will prepare some delicious breakfast for you."

  Gently kissing the forehead of the beauty beside him, Chen Xian smiled and left.


  Xiuning covered his face with the quilt and said, the sweetness that he had never had before was presented on his face from the bottom of his heart.

  "I have seen the Lord God!"

  "Lord God got up really early."

  "Looks like you slept well last night!"

  On the platform for receiving and leading the formation, more than a dozen women belonging to the gods, including Esdes, Chi Tong, Li Mochou, and Fu Chu, bowed their heads and saluted.

  They have just experienced the trials of the gods, and at least one third of the gods are still playing in the lower realm while adding bricks to the treasure house of the kingdom of God.Therefore, most of the people who greeted Chen Xian again today are newcomers.

  "Don't be poor, Esdes is said to be the last in your group?"

  "Come here at noon and give me a good explanation."

  Chen Xian chuckled lightly as he looked at the extremely beautiful woman with ice blue long hair.

  "Ah? Want me to explain... God—"

  "I'm going to be killed by those guys!"

  Esders trembled. .

Chapter 339

  "Our group is the last one, this is definitely Maine's pot. The proficiency is not enough, but the immortal sword must be used as a gun. The efficiency of killing monsters as an output is too low."

  Chi Tong carefully analyzed.

  "You you! Chi Tong, you are a dead person, how can you blame me, this is not the attitude of a teammate!"

  Maine stomped her feet in shame.

  "Let you practice swords on weekdays, but continue to practice spears."

  Hill is also a stand-up.

  "I don't listen, I don't listen, if I hadn't dragged my feet, Esdes wouldn't have a chance to be taken care of by Lord God alone."

  Maine said cheekily.

  "Then I really want to thank you! See you in the martial arts arena."

  Estes threw a fist.

  "Uh--don't you?"

  Maine said in horror.

  The girls snickered.

  "Lord God, did you put some amazing treasures in the Immortal Treasure Pavilion yesterday? No one with such a strong spiritual pressure can go to the sixth floor."

  Apocalypse Wang Liangbing leaned into Chen Xian's arms and said.

  "You have a very smart nose. Of course, the one that can be placed on the sixth floor is a 6-star artifact."

  Chen Xian stopped Lian Bing's slender waist and smiled.


  "My God! Six-star artifact!!!"

  "I said why I felt depressed and panicked as soon as I entered the Immortal Treasure Pavilion in the past two days, and the spiritual charm of the Divine Kingdom also increased a lot! It turns out that the Lord God put two such treasures on the sixth floor!"

  "It's outrageous! At present, only 4-star artifacts can be used by us in the gods, and no one on the fifth floor has been able to carry the spirit pressure into it. Lord God has already released 6-star artifacts, and there are still two! "

  "Sister Huaizhu has been to the fifth floor, but unfortunately, not only is her strength unable to trigger the main recognition process of the 5-star artifact, but the power of the 5-star artifact is already far beyond that of the 8th-grade true god! The power of the 6-star artifact is probably only the Lord God. This kind of move can only be used by the strong!"

  Xinyuekui, Dancing with the Wind, Yuedu and others exclaimed.

  "6-star artifact! Lord God, if you can give me one directly, I can easily suppress Keisha when she comes back, do you think it's alright 々¨."

  "If you can, Leng Bing will definitely make you have a good time."

  Liang Bing continued to play tricks.


  As soon as Liang Bing said this, the surrounding people all spit out old blood!

  "Don't be too embarrassed, Master Lian Bing!"

  Zhixin waved his fist helplessly.

  "You guy, can you still be stained?"

  "The will of the 6-star artifact and the single-grade artifact spirit is enough to suppress you, okay? It's embarrassing to suppress others."

  Chen Xian pinched Lian Bing's nose and scolded with a smile.

  "Is it so cruel?"

  Lian Bing's pretty face turned red.

  "Just be Sister Liang Bing, she can't even handle the 4-star artifact in our angel weapon area."

  The Holy King of Angels snickered.

  The indifferent person on the side also flapped his wings, indicating that he heard a joke.

  Their twin angels who are good at the law of light and darkness are from the plane of "Wu Geng", but they still turned into the angel battle group, so they are very familiar with Lian Bing and others.

  And because the Holy King of Angels forgot his original name, he was given the nickname "Little Saint Heaven".

  Every time they call out the nickname that they don't listen to, all the women are ashamed and laugh.

  "Okay, you two sisters dare to tease me too."

  "Lord God, you shouldn't have taken the test of 'Don't Don' and Xiao Shengtian's behavior progress."

  "I'll take them to your place later, please give me some pointers!"

  Lian Bing shook Chen Xian's arm and laughed wickedly.

  "Yes, I also want to know how the angels in Wu Geng's world are different from your super god plane."

  Chen Xian was inexplicably moved when he looked at the delicate appearance of the Holy Angel King and the indifference.

  "Ah—I really need to take the education test! We dare not!"

  "Today my stomach hurts for no reason!"

  The Holy Angel King He Buwen Buwen panicked.

  "Haha, it's too late to know that you are afraid now! Lord God has already said that he wants to give advice to you, but you will be deducted points for escaping from the battle. Is it possible that you want to wash the dishes next month."

  Lian Bing squinted and smiled.

  With her strength, she can directly capture the Holy Angel King and Unheard to the Temple of the God King.But now Keisha and others have worked out a system of deducting points from the gods, and the deductions are the personal points of the godly trials!The first item in the points deduction item is that you must not violate any requirements of the Lord God...

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