Several ministers shouted anxiously.

  If it was so easy to solve the plague, wouldn't it show that they were too incompetent.

  "Such a grotesque method can't be believed unless you see it with your own eyes!"

  "Li Si, you go and bring that person to me!"

  "If it's really rewarding, if it's fake, you can deal with it on the spot. The world of few people can't tolerate monsters who are in trouble and make a fortune."

  Ying Zheng looked at Li Si and ordered.


  Li Si bowed and led the way.

  As everyone knows, the young master Fusu has already heard about the strange people in Kuaiji County, and Meng Kuo disguised himself as a businessman and came to Kuaiji County!

  "Young master insists on coming, your subordinates can't stop you, but you must not touch the people here. If you are infected with the plague, you will lose your head at the end."

  Seeing that Kuaiji County was in sight, Mengkuo emphasized again.

  "Understood, I will protect myself, but the news we heard along the way should not be false! Otherwise, so many caravans will return to Kuaiji County!"

  Young Master Fusu smiled and looked at the surrounding caravans.

  "Stop, you are also businessmen returning to Kuaiji County, right?"

  "Welcome back, but if you want to enter the city gate, you must first worship the gods. The steps to worship the gods are posted on the notice there. It is the amulet gifted by Yi Xiaochuan, the leader of the Lucky God Cult, to Huiji County! Remember to be careful when you kneel and worship. Cheng know? Otherwise, the plague will not be good!"

  Seeing that Fusu and Mengkuo dressed as businessmen were about to enter the city gate, the guards at the gate stopped them.

  "If you want to enter the city, you must worship God first???"

  Fusu and Mengkuo froze in place, suspecting that their ears had heard it wrong!

  "Bold, do you know that this is the land of Daqin, and you, as the city guard, openly preach such absurd things!"

  Meng Kuo couldn't help but ask at first.

  He is a general, seeing his officers and soldiers so absurd, his face turned black all of a sudden!

  It is understandable that ordinary people worship God and petition, even the guards of the city are like this, which simply ruins the three views of Mengkuo!

  However, Young Master Fusu was curious and walked to the notice at the city gate, and was amazed by the incomparably vivid map of worshipping the gods!

  "You are the bold! Dare to doubt that god's blessing like this, you are not afraid of getting sick!"

  "Before the sect master sent this map of worshiping the gods, the entire Huiji County was about to be destroyed, you know? Even the governor of the county got the plague, and only half his life was left!"

  "After the leader of the Lucky God Cult came, he healed the county governor and his family with just a cup of tea, and even drew such a god-worship map of rescue and relief by himself! He cured the people of a city. , if you have doubts in your heart, get out of the way, the blessings of the true God are not for everyone!"

  The city guard shouted.

  "You!!! It's so stupid, how can there be such a good thing in the world, you-"

  Meng Kuo just wanted to show his identity to deal with the other party, but was pulled by the son Fusu.

  "Look over there! Someone is worshipping God, using the spell on the map!"

  Young Master Fusu pointed at a businessman in the distance and said excitedly.

  "Really believe in evil?"

  Meng Kuo sneered, and sat with his arms folded over his shoulders, waiting for the city guard to slap his face.

  However, looking at it, Meng Kuo's eyes changed!

  Just after the businessman in the distance knelt down and chanted, facing the east, a ray of light fell from the nine heavens and shone on the man's forehead!The businessman had been infected with the plague, and his face was full of red spots. In an instant, the mirror was as bright as before, and people followed suit!Began to discount the East more than excitedly!

  Such a miraculous scene happened in front of me, and Meng Kuo was stunned!Young Master Fusu was also stunned!

  "No... no way! Is there really a miracle???"

  Mengkuo swallowed his saliva with a dry throat.

  "God bless my Daqin, God bless my Daqin people!!!"

  "With the blessing of such a powerful true god, it is no wonder that the plague in Kuaiji County has healed so quickly!"

  "What is the reason why such a god of creation cannot be worshipped?"

  "Praise my god, you are the incarnation of light above the mist, and you are the lucky ruler above all living beings! Your loyal believer Fusu prays for your favor. May you have endless luck and glory forever!"

  Young Master Fusu, with incomparably excited mood, worshipped and recited to the east.


  The divine light of the sky descends!

  The son Fusu, who was on the road all night, was bathed in divine light and exhausted!At the same time, an imperial noble aura, as if activated by something, lingered in Fusu's body!

  That kind of weather made Meng Kuo and the surrounding guards stunned!

  "True Dragon Qi!!!"

  "Young Master, you have actually mastered the True Dragon Qigong for Body Protection that only Your Majesty can cultivate!"

  Meng Kuo said in amazement.

  It is rumored that only princes who have the image of an emperor can cultivate this technique. Unexpectedly, Hu Hai did not succeed, but Fusu did!

  Does this mean that...

  "I didn't cultivate it, but I was directly blessed by that god!"

  "Fu Su kowtows to thank my god for the reward!"

  The son Fusu was moved to tears and kowtowed to Dongfang again.

  "Ah? Meng Kuo is wrong! God is on top, please forgive Meng Kuo's recklessness!"

  "Meng Kuo is also willing to become your believer!"

  Meng Kuo knelt down with a trembling voice.



  On the plane of "Myth", Yi Xiaochuan made a surprising move to accept the people of Jiuji County and the son Fusu and others as believers of the divine religion.

  The distant space of the kingdom of God.

  After studying in Wanjie Library, Tianquan Xing Ningguang, who came to ask the Lord of the Gods for "Shenhe Shangdian", was dazedly attracted by Chen Xian's temperament and stayed.

  The precious Chinese dresses are scattered, and only the beauty of Tianquan condensed light is left...


Chapter 349

  "Ningguang her... Did you sleep in the Palace of the God King last night?"

  "No way! Isn't that guy only interested in making money!"

  In the Wanjie Library, when he heard Chunye Sakura running to pass on the gossip, Ke Qing's eyes widened and he didn't dare to believe it.

  "Haha, my lord's charm is beyond your imagination! Especially the longer you spend time together, the more you will get caught up in it!"

  Huang Rong, who was searching for recipes on the bookshelf in the distance, snickered.

  "Sister Huang Rong's words are so dirty..."

  Haruno Sakura responded and covered her face.

  "Uh? What? Is the wording just now dirty?"

  Ke Qing blinked and didn't know why.

  Gao Yao, who was on the side, covered her face, she was too embarrassed to explain this kind of vocabulary that only people who came here could understand.

  Gao Yao clearly remembered the tragic situation she was in at that time, and she really couldn't extricate herself!

  "Okay! Now the captain of our Yuanshen team is also the pillow of the Lord God, so many problems can be taken shortcuts!"

  "For example, Lisa, don't you really want to be the administrator of the Myriad Realms Library? The current position is still vacant. As long as Lord Ningguang blows the pillow, it will not be easy."

  Qin touched her chin and smiled.

  "You can say this, Captain Qin, we've only been here for less than three days, okay?"

  Lisa smiled wryly.

  Yesterday I heard that the Kingdom of God also has a library of all worlds, Lisa's eyes began to shine!Immediately finished her practice and came here. After seeing the palace-like area of ​​the library of the Myriad Realms, the elegant and gorgeous decoration, and the billions of books in the Myriad Realms covering all aspects of the universe, Lisa was stunned!Directly burst into tears!

  The 2-story attic in the lower realm, the Mond library with only a few hundred books, is simply the gap between heaven and hell compared to the library in front of Wanjie!

  A book lover like Lisa can't resist this at all!Even if you use your own body to exchange...

  "This is also for the group's consideration, why is it difficult to say it out 々¨."

  "Even going to the kitchen to cook can get extra points in the divine trial. If you have an extra job as a librarian, you may be able to help our Yuanshen team avoid the tail end of the divine trial next month."

  Qin analyzed it very seriously.

  "This is a good proposal. Now there are many sisters in the kingdom of God, there are many people who have borrowed books and forgot to bring them back. If you take the initiative to ask Ying for this job, the Lord God will definitely be very happy, and maybe even reward you with an immortal treasure. !"

  "Do you know what an immortal treasure is? A 9-star immortal treasure is worth enough to buy the entire Yuanshen Continent!"

  Yan Lingji quietly appeared beside Lisa and said.

  She was with Chen Xian all afternoon yesterday, and Yushui naturally also learned the world information of Ningguang and others from the big mouth of the God Lord.

  Yan Lingji is also very interested in the world where elemental magic is active and has "gods".Therefore, she wanted to go to Yuanshen Continent to play, and naturally exchanged feelings with Ningguang and others.

  "Ahhh? A 9-star fairy treasure is so valuable?"

  "Then I'm willing to try it!"

  "How can I be sure to get the position of administrator and the blessing of the fairy treasure? Please also ask Sister Yanlingji to teach me!"

  Lisa's heart beat faster.

  "This is easy to say, come with me, and I will teach you how to do it on the way. I will definitely let the Lord God give you benefits..."

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