Yan Lingji squinted and smiled, snapped her fingers, and teleported away with Lisa.

  Qin and Keqing! ! !

  "This guy Lisa... I usually say that I don't care about money, but it's because I don't have enough money for a long time!"

  The corners of Qin's mouth twitched.

  "Who said it wasn't, as soon as I heard that the immortal treasure blessed by the Lord God was enough to buy the entire continent, it immediately became the 'Ningguang version'."

  Ke Qing also covered her face.

  "I really envy the straightforward character of your continent."

  Huang Rong sighed lightly.


  Under the hypnotic guidance of Yan Lingji, God Lord Chen Xian's lunch break was naturally extremely "full"!

  The Cuiyu side hall of the Palace of Gods and Kings.

  Looking at Lisa and Ningguang, who were as docile and slumbering as kittens, Chen Xian stretched out of the room with satisfaction.

  "I have seen the Lord God!"

  "Is Lord God awake, please use tea, this is the Xuewu red ginseng tea sent by Sister Huaizhu this morning, it's super replenishing."

  Horikita Suzine and Eiri saw Chen Xian coming out, and smiled and stepped forward to change his clothes and serve the tea ceremony.

  Hearing Ying Lili's words, Chen Xian didn't say anything yet, and Horei Rinyin's delicate and beautiful face was already blushing intolerably.

  A young and beautiful girl like her has seen such a plot before in books and TV shows before, okay?It's just that I suddenly seem to be one of the heroines in the plot...

  Chen Xian, the god of the gods, is undoubtedly the end of all women's pursuit of the opposite sex!Chen Xian's handsome and gentle face sounded in the evening, and he was already intoxicated!

  This also made it even more firm for Ribei Lingyin to complete the assessment and advance from a godly maid to a godly will. Only by becoming an existence of equal status with Ningguang and Yanlingji, can he truly occupy a place in the heart of the Lord of God!

  "... Ying Lili, you little girl, what are you thinking about all day long, don't spoil the new pretty girl."

  Chen Xian couldn't help laughing and scolding when he heard that Ying Lili was going to supplement himself.

  His ultimate true god physique has now reached the terrifying level of the median god with the continuous increase of faith resources!The median god of the ultimate way can basically kill even ordinary supreme gods in seconds, and the laws of the avenue are controlled at will!As long as Chen Xian's thoughts move, he will be at his peak at any time!

  This is also the main reason why even women of the ninth rank of true gods like Yan Lingji and Medusa can't stand Chen Xian...

  "Hee hee, isn't this the first day of work for Sister Lingyin? Naturally, someone (Li Nuo's) will bring her around. It's good to know the habits and preferences of the Lord God."

  "I'm going to wash the tea bowl. Let Horikita Suzune serve you to bathe and change."

  Eiri snickered, and without waiting for Horikita Suzine to hold back, she ran out in a hurry.

  "God... Lord God, I'll go and give you bath water."

  Horeibei Lingyin was flustered, and some couldn't find Bei.

  "What kind of bath water do you put in at noon? It's hard to do a good job when you are so nervous. It seems that you can only use the way you used to deal with Ying Lili."

  "Let me tell you, Ying Lili was even more nervous than you when she first came, and the door was all the wrong way."

  Chen Xian looked at the youthful and energetic girl in front of him and couldn't help but said.

  "Really? - Lord God!"

  Horeibei Rinyin exclaimed!

  Before he could react, he was already picked up by Chen Xian.



Chapter 350

  Just in the space of the kingdom of God, Chen Xian, the lord of the gods, unlocked the mystery of life for the vitality girl Hori Bei Lingyin.

  In the world of "Myth", because of the addition of the son Fusu, the number of followers under Yi Xiaochuan's name has reached 22 in just a few days!

  "What? Even the young master, you joined that lucky god sect???"

  "How is this possible! If His Majesty knew about it, he would definitely be furious. How can you join the folk sect organization without investigating clearly?"

  Li Si was stunned to hear that the son Fusu had been appointed as the vice leader by Yi Xiaochuan.

  "Who said that this son has not been investigated, but General Meng Kuo and I have been investigating all the way from Xianyang, and we decided to join the Lucky God Cult after personally verifying the authenticity of it."

  "My god's teachings are benevolent and humble, peace-loving and rejecting evil force. This is the spiritual belief that my Daqin needs in the future!"

  "Prime Minister, why don't you observe here for a few days and see the fortunes of the people, and you will naturally come to a conclusion in your heart."

  Fusu explained seriously.

  The last time he worshipped a god, he was blessed with "the spirit of a real dragon that protects the body". From that moment, Fusu knew that as long as he followed that god, he would most likely be lucky enough to gain the throne of the emperor!

  So Lucky God Cult is now his lifeblood, trying to develop believers for the true God is a win-win for others and himself.

  "That's right! The prime minister should know the behavior of my last general. If there is a problem, I will not follow the son. You can rest assured!"

  Meng Kuo also laughed.

  Now he is also a part-time guardian of the God of Fortune. With the blessing of the God of Fortune, his skill has soared, and he is the first warrior in Daqin!

  And until the son Fusu became the "true dragon spirit", he was the only one who had protected Fusu well, and then he would be properly promoted and promoted to honor Daqin in the future.

  "Okay, then I'll stay here for a few days to see how the people of Kuaiji County are feeling."

  "In addition, I want to meet the leader of the Lucky God Cult right away. Is his name Yi Xiaochuan? Why hasn't he heard of such a strange person before?"

  Li Si said helplessly.

  "Haha, you came a day late. Yi Xiaochuan heard that there are often Rong and Di offenders over the Great Wall. My Qin army has many wounded and has a great compassion. So I went to the border of the Great Wall to spread the divine light and bless the Qin soldiers."

  "Originally, I was going too, but Meng Kuo refused to let me die, so I had to stay here to stabilize the follow-up work of the epidemic in Kuaiji County."

  The son Fusu smiled.

  "What? He went to the border of the Great Wall???"

  Li Si's face was ugly.

  I came here with the emperor's life, so how can I explain it to Ying Zheng?Moreover, Li Si did not dare to rush to the dangerous places on the border of the Great Wall. If the scouts of Rong and Di found out that the prime minister of a country had appeared on the border, he had to do some articles!

  As everyone knows, Yi Xiaochuan is going to the border of the Great Wall at this moment, not for border officers and soldiers, but for Princess Yushu who will be married by Tu Anguo!



  "Bold Qin people! Princess Yushu can be seen if you want! Even if you hold the token of Qin's prince Fusu, you will be unknown! Hurry up and get out, if it's not for the face of the token, or else I just caught you and fed me Tuan Shenhu!"

  On the border defense line, General Tu'an Guojin looked at Yi Xiaochuan and sneered.

  The beauty and dancing of Princess Yushu, who they pictured Anguo, are the best in the world. Every day, there are many noble sons from various countries that they want to ask to see!

  But the king had already said that he would marry Princess Yushu to King Yingzheng of Qin, in order to ensure the stability of the two countries!Yi Xiaochuan came over with the token of his salary and Fusu, obviously for Fusu's matchmaking.

  A mere prince of the Qin state, and not yet the crown prince, how can he match Princess Yushu?

  "Oh? It's been a long time since I heard that Tu'anguo raised a tiger god, which is more than three times the size of a normal tiger!"

  "Not weak, how about we make a bet?"

  "I don't need any weapons to fight with your tiger god. If I win, I will send 5000 gold taels on behalf of the son Fusu. If I lose, I will naturally be eaten by the tiger. How do you feel about this game?"

  Yi Xiaochuan raised the corner of his mouth.

  Now that he has been blessed by the divine light for 5 times, he has also opened the authority to summon the sacred beast of the kingdom of God. There are no people or things in the whole world that can threaten his life. Naturally, he is not afraid of the tiger god.

  And Yi Xiaochuan believes that as long as Princess Yushu sees the scene where she caused the miracle, she will definitely be interested!

  Once you are interested, you are very likely to join your own lucky god sect, and then you will have [-] years of life!

  "You? Are you going to fight the Tiger God of Tu'an with your bare hands?"


  "Interesting! You Qin country are really not afraid of death. It's been a long time since such an interesting thing happened! Since this is the case, I will fulfill you!"

  "Someone, go and invite Princess Yushu to watch the showdown between the Tiger God and the Daqin messenger!"

  General Jin was stunned for a while and laughed.

  "What? The envoy of Qin is going to fight that giant tiger with his bare hands? How can such a cruel thing be agreed?"

  "Confused, my father wants to have a relationship with that Da Qin, how can he do something to humiliate the envoy of the Qin country!"

  In a gorgeous military tent, Princess Yu Shu, who was beautiful and luxurious, got up in surprise when she heard the report from her subordinates.

  "Don't worry, princess, that person is not a real envoy of Qin, but a subordinate of a prince!"

  "And this competition was proposed by the other party first, in order to let you take a look. Compared with those noble sons who were obsessed with you before, they were stunned by your beauty."

  The female guard snickered.

  "That won't work either. Let me stop this tragedy."

  Yu Shu's pure, snow-capped face showed an anxious look.

  "Yes, princess, you are too kind! An immortal like you shouldn't marry the old emperor of Qin who was over fifty years old! Only the gods in the sky can match your kindness and beauty!"

  The female guard bowed in praise.

  "Don't say it, this is also for the people of my Tuan."

  Yu Shu looked sad for a moment, but returned to normal.


  "You are Princess Yu Shu, you are as beautiful as a god!"

  "But please don't get me wrong, I'm Yi Xiaochuan, the messenger of the gods! Today is the day when you and the Lord of God meet by fate. I'm here to protect the media!"

  On the Tuan Arena, Yi Xiaochuan waved his hand in surprise when he saw Princess Yu Shu appear.

  If she is not the daughter of destiny, Yi Xiaochuan would rather be eaten by tigers!

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