"Yes, as long as you listen to my arrangement, let's do whatever is godly and cultivate during the day. After soaking in the hot springs in the evening, I will take you to change your clothes. I will make you look beautiful and attractive, so that the Lord God will never forget it at first sight."

  Shui Yunji narrowed her eyes and smiled.

  "Ah! Lady Empress, you want me to—"

  Lu Linxuan covered his face shyly.

  Growing up, I have always heard about things like men and women from the rumors of my sisters. If it really falls on my own head...

  Lu Linxuan's toes are all red!

  "You can't lose to a ninja team that only fights in this kind of thing! Although Hinata Hinata and Terumi Mei are good-looking and come from a lot of backgrounds, we have many talents. But Lu Linxuan has a talent for pleasing men. I'll tell you. , we Huan Yinfang can dump them eight streets!"

  "Ninjas who only know how to fight, my sister will teach you and Shi Yao to dance slowly. Lord God will definitely like women who like rhythm and dance. If I teach, it will not be worse than Yanling Ji. You will become Lord God's new favorite. !"

  Shui Yunji encouraged and pulled Lu Linxuan's hand.

  It seemed that he was moved by Shui Yunji's demonic words, or that Lu Linxuan really longed for that infinitely beautiful future.

  "I, I will do it well, Lady Empress..."

14 Lu Linxuan's peach-like face revealed a hint of determination.

  "Haha, that's right. It's not a waste of this king's hard work."

  Shui Yunji said with satisfaction.

  The heart said that this must be successful, if not, you have to fight for favor yourself...



  "This Shui Yunji is getting more and more tricked."

  Tu Shan Honghong looked at Shui Yunji and Lu Linxuan who were still talking from a distance.

  As a true god-level demon king, as long as he thinks about it, he can hear what the other party is saying from a distance of hundreds of miles.In addition, Shui Yunji did not have the habit of setting up noise barriers.

  Therefore, all the words and deeds of the two fell into the eyes of the Tu Shan Honghong sisters.

  It's not that Tu Shan Honghong and Tu Shan Yaya want to peep on purpose, but in the past few days, they have been a little troubled by their third sister, Tu Shan Rongrong.

  "Sister, do you think we should pack the little girl too?"

  Tu Shan Yaya hesitated for a while, then suddenly said.

  "Well? Yaya, aren't you! Isn't this a pit girl! Last time, the little girl said she was not used to that kind of thing."

  "I just finished despising Shui Yunji, are you making this suggestion?"

  Tu Shanhong vomited blood.

  Packing Tu Shan Rongrong and sending it away, this kind of thing is a bloody thing!

  Could it be that Tushan Yaya has fallen to this level!As dirty as that slut Shui Yunji...

  "No, my sister has also seen the current situation!"

  "Little sister herself is not the kind of girl who likes to be alone. She is essentially a vixen."

  "You and I both know the miraculous power of Lord God. If Rongrong is favored, it will only benefit her."

  "After all, apart from being passionate, Lord God is impeccable, isn't it?"

  Tu Shan Yaya's face was slightly rosy.

  Tu Shan is red! ! !

  "You're trying to turn our three sisters into real fox spirits."

  Tu Shan Honghong smiled bitterly.

  Fortunately, Tu Shan Rongrong is still growing celery, otherwise he would have fainted when he heard this.


  at dusk.

  After Shui Yunji and Shi Yao carefully selected them for 3 hours, Lu Linxuan finally wore a "Quicksand Golden Calendula Dance Dress" and shyly appeared in front of Chen Xian.

  Immediately, Chen Xian was stunned!

  It's not that Lu Linxuan is too beautiful, but that this dress is too expensive! ! !

  The 2100-point "Quicksand Golden Calendula Dance Dress" has always been Yan Lingji's dream, and it is an existence that she is reluctant to buy after gnashing her teeth n times!

  Actually, Lu Linxuan, who had only been here for two days, collected enough points to win? ? ?

  "Yes! Beautiful! Super beautiful!"

  Chen Xian stepped forward and walked around Lu Linxuan generously for a few times, admiring it.

  I have to say that Lu Linxuan's tall figure and graceful measurements really support such a perfect dress.

  The ribbons are fluttering like golden sand, and the beauties stand still and picturesque. Anyone who sees them can't help but shout "Fairy descends to the world"!

  "Thank you for your great praise. This dress was bought by Empress and Sister Shi Yao by borrowing points. In the future... I have to pay her back..."

  Lu Linxuan covered his face and said.

  Chen Xian...

  "Shui Yunji is going too far, and she still asks you to pay it back? Isn't this the same as forced buying and selling?"

  "Such bad behavior needs to be condemned by the fishing boat. Well, I will blame her for you tomorrow."

  Chen Xian raised his face.

  But his eyes never moved away from Lu Linxuan.

  The corner of Lu Linxuan's mouth was slightly raised.

  Heart said that what Shui Yunji said was really good, the thick-skinned Lord God Lord can be called the best among the gods.

  She said she wanted to condemn Lord Shui Yunji, but she was already dishonest...

  "Lord God, how about waiting for Lin Xuan to dance a dance for you."

  Seeing that Chen Xian didn't have the air of the gods of the gods at all, Lu Linxuan's pretty face flushed, and he gradually let go of everything.



  Just when Chen Xian was enjoying the blessings in his own divine space.

  Nether comprehensive martial plane.

  Song Chai, who designed to reinstate the sect of Lucky God, has already arrived at the first destination of this trip, Mantuo Mountain Villa!

  "Haha, Miss Wang Yuyan, to wait for me to ambush so many people? There are tens of thousands of elite soldiers? Even your father and brother came to help the field?"

  Looking at Wang Yuyan, who was as quiet and beautiful as a lotus flower in the sky, Song Cai couldn't help sighing.

  Such a peerless beauty, in order to avenge her cousin Murong Fu, she has prepared so many killer moves, and even dozens of traps detected by Song Guaishen 600...

  If it hadn't been for Yaoyue and Weiyi to develop believers quickly, and let themselves be blessed by the divine light of luck just now, the life level has reached the peak of the day after tomorrow, and the spiritual sense has become a cultivator, otherwise it would really be a good idea.

  It can be seen how thorough and meticulous Wang Yuyan's mind is. If such a woman goes to the kingdom of God to serve the Lord God, it must be wonderful and extremely comfortable!

  "Bold thief, actually dare to come to the door!"

  "Do you really think that with the prestige of the two palace masters of Yihua Palace, you can be unscrupulous and not only kill Murong Fu, but also come to occupy my daughter?"

  Duan Zhengchun, who was dressed in brocade and jade crown, shouted first.

  In the face of such vicious people as Song Cai, he naturally couldn't let his precious daughter stand in front of him, so he was the first to stand up and draw his sword to confront Song Cai!

  Wang Yuyan's pretty face was frosty, her eyes looked at Song Guai coldly, and she made up her mind to keep this dog's life.

  "Cough, misunderstanding, misunderstanding!"

  "I would never dare to occupy your precious daughter. I came to propose marriage to Miss Wang Yuyan for my god's sake."

  "How can Miss Yuyan have such a fairy temperament to marry such a vulgar old man like me?"

  Song Guai said sincerely.

  People over there? ? ?

  "To advance for the gods?"

  Duan Zhengchun was stunned by the way!

  Wang Yuyan was embarrassed and angry, she let so many people ambushed here, waiting for a lunatic...

Chapter 364

  "Sister! There's no need for such a lunatic to talk nonsense to him!"

  "Look at my brother grabbing him and sending him to you!"

  Duan Yu snorted coldly.

  In a hurry to show off his "Six Meridian Sword", he jumped out directly, and hit Song Guai at the key point of Song Guai at a distance of dozens of meters!

  "Hey, it's okay, you don't believe it either."

  Song guess chuckled, but he didn't move in the face of danger, but only mobilized his spiritual energy to form a light blue protective shield around his body.

  Now, with the efforts of Yaoyue and others, the number of believers has soared to nearly one million!

  So Song Gu also unlocked the "Shinto Book of Heaven" that was uploaded by Chen Xian in the chat group!Even if Song Guai is just beginning to learn, the "Reiki Body Protection" in the first volume of the Book of Heaven is only at the beginning level, far from being on a par with Ouyang Ke, Bai Yue and others, but it is also in the category of cultivators, beyond the understanding of this plane !

  and so!

  Duan Yu screamed aloud!The Six Meridian Divine Sword Shaoyang's sword qi was bounced back by Song Guai's aura shield, and returned to Duan Yu's arm with a swoosh!


  "Brother Duan Yu, are you alright!"

  Duan Zhengchun and Wang Yuyan exclaimed.

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