"Why! He didn't shoot at all!"

  Duan Yu ignored everyone's worries, but looked at Song Gu in disbelief!The other party didn't even move the scabbard at all, how could his Six Vein Excalibur be bounced back like this?

  "Good boy, no wonder he was able to kill Murong Fu, he really has some ability!"

  "Don't hide, whoever catches or kills him will be rewarded ten thousand taels!"

  Duan Zhengchun saw that Song Guai was so strange and unpredictable, and he was also frightened, and directly shouted to the officers and soldiers around him.

  "The bounty is ten thousand taels!"


  "You have to kill him even if you take your life!"

  By the way, the soldiers and horses of the palace became irritable and said, in this chaotic world where the heroes are fighting for hegemony, it is not bad to be able to eat enough, and the gold of [-] taels will really make everyone jealous!

  "Take your life to fill it up? Duan Wangye, how can you do this is not authentic 々¨."

  "I'm an immortal and a messenger of the gods. Seeing Wang Yuyan's face, he didn't kill anyone. Do you really think I'm soft-hearted?"

  Song Cai squinted his eyes and shouted, he was actually stepping on the aura vortex, standing in the air under the horrified eyes of everyone!

  At the same time, Song Gu, who is determined and powerful, even urged Lei Fa, and several thunderclouds were pulled by him, causing the Mantuo Villa to make a loud noise, and the momentum was terrifying!

  With such immortal methods, not only Wang Yuyan was stunned, but Duan Zhengchun and Duan Yu, who was clutching his arms and calling, stared blankly at Song Gu who was standing in the air!

  Thousands of other officers and soldiers were even more frightened, and many people knelt on the ground with a hula!

  "Immortal... he's an immortal!"

  "We are going to use a knife against the immortals! Please forgive the immortals! Please forgive the immortals!"

  "There are old people and young people in my family, please don't let the immortals give down the thunder and punishment!"

  In the face of the existence that can stand in the sky, how dare everyone dare to do it, and keep kowtowing and begging for mercy.

  Even the well-informed Duan Zhengchun panicked!

  He didn't even dare to provoke Yihuagong, how could there be a list of people looking for the legendary immortal? ? ?

  "Duan Zhengchun has eyes but no pearls, and doesn't know immortals, please calm immortals!"

  Duan Zhengchun's face turned pale, and he knelt down after struggling for a moment.

  Only Wang Yuyan didn't know what was on her mind, she just looked at Song Guai in the sky, her eyes filled with surprise and puzzlement!

  She didn't understand, if Song Gu was really an immortal, why would he go and make trouble with Murong Fu?He even surrendered his status and said that he didn't kill himself because of his face. When will he have the face that immortals can value...

  "Could it be... Is he really here to ask the gods behind him? There are gods who want to marry me?"

  Wang Yuyan thought of that possibility, and Qingcheng's pretty face couldn't hide her blushing.

  "Since you are an immortal, why did you kill my cousin?"

  "If you really care about my thoughts, please explain this matter, or please forgive me for not being able to forgive you!"

  Wang Yuyan looked at Song Gu and said in a clear voice.

  "As expected of the daughter of destiny, even if you see my strength, you can still be stable."

  "It's okay to tell you that Murong Fu's real name is actually Gusu Murong, and he is the heir of the border country of Yan!

  "Let's not say that Palace Master Yaoyue and Palace Master Lianxing are the daughters of destiny just like you, and they can't tolerate ordinary men! Besides, for his own selfish interests, he completely disregards the lives of the people in the world and intends to launch a war of restoration, so narrow-minded. Is there any reason not to kill people?"

  "The red silk betrothal gifts and rare treasures I brought today were actually prepared by Murong Fu in order to win the favor of Palace Master Yaoyue."

  Song Guai explained seriously.

  "Ah? Murong Fu actually has such a history?"

  "No wonder he is so keen to make friends with martial arts people, it turned out to be the idea of ​​restoration!"

  Duan Zhengchun exclaimed.

  "... He even went to Yihua Palace to propose marriage, so shameless!"

  "Sister, isn't it worth taking revenge for such a person! By the way, the immortal said that you are the daughter of destiny. Is it possible for my sister to become an immortal like him?"

  Duan Yu exclaimed.

  "Yes! Yuyan! If you can become an immortal, our small country will be saved!"

  "No other big country will dare to attack us in the future!"

  Duan Zhengchun also thought about the key, and suddenly his heart beat faster and excited.

  "How could I possibly be the daughter of destiny? How can I prove what you said?"

  Wang Yuyan still looked at Song Guidao with some caution.

  "Simple! You can recite this incantation, and if it is destiny, you can see the divine law or the place of the kingdom of God like the Palace Master Yaoyue!"

  Song Cai said bluntly.

  "Since you have such ability, what you say should be true, I am willing to give it a try!"

  Wang Yuyan (Wang's) hesitated for a moment and made up her mind.

  "Praise my god, you are the incarnation of light above the mist, you are the lucky ruler above all living beings..."



  Just when Song Chai once again found Yuyan, the Queen of Destiny, to join the Lucky God Sect.

  "Myth" plane.

  Yi Xiaochuan, who finally built the gate of the kingdom of God, was greatly relieved!

  "Please bunch!"

  "Wait for a few fairy sisters to become gods, and they will definitely come back here and send me to the future."

  Yi Xiaochuan looked at Princess Yu Shu, Lu Su, sister Lu Zhi and the palace maid Xiaoyue, and bowed their hands sincerely.

  "Well, you have also worked hard to preach."

  "I will ask for merit for you in front of the Lord God!"

  Yu Shu and Lu Zhi chuckled and nodded.

  "Let's go, I don't know when I can come back, so I promised Yi Xiaochuan in such a hurry."

  Lu Sudao, after speaking, Miaoman stepped into the gate of God! .

Chapter 365

  "Oh? A newcomer is coming, just in time for the promotion of the kingdom of God."

  "You guys rest for a while first, I'll go to the platform to take a look."

  Chen Xian put the quilt on the empresses Shui Yunji and Lu Linxuan, took a look at the beautiful beauty of the two women, and walked out of the bedroom.

  "Ji Shuiyun congratulates the Lord of God..."

  Shui Yunji covered her face and shouted weakly and shyly.

  As for Lu Linxuan, he didn't even have the strength to hum.



  "Good morning, Lord God!"

  "Which clothes are you wearing today, Lord God, what a headache!"

  "How about this imperial armor!"

  Seeing Chen Xian coming out, Barbara, the goddess who was waiting by the side, panicked and said.

  Chen Xian's mouth twitched, is he going to fight by himself?I just went to see if the new gods were good or not. As for taking out the most precious and heavy armor from the ready-to-wear pavilion, it's a shame that Barbara was able to do this when she first arrived...

  "Barbara, don't panic, okay? Go to serve the Lord God and wash up first. I'll take care of the clothes. The ones you chose are not suitable."

  "Fortunately, Qiu Shiyu asked me to help. You really can't be brave by yourself. You are so nervous, and you don't understand the preferences of the Lord God."

  Sakayanagi Arisu rubbed his forehead.

  Yesterday, Barbara and Noelle entered the kingdom of God through the God Maid campaign channel in the world of "Genshin Impact". Their maid group was seen through the spirit mirror formation. Knowing that Barbara and Noelle were professional maids After that, everyone was happy for a while.

  Unexpectedly, Barbara's little cutie was still nervous at work in the Palace of Gods for the first time...

  "Yes... I'm sorry!"

  Barbara blushed and bowed her head.

  In fact, the main reason for her panic was that she was distracted by the voice of Empress Shui Yunji ten minutes ago.

  In the Genshin Impact World, such a daring thing has been experienced there!


  "I have seen the Lord God!"

  "Good morning, Lord God!"

  "Master God is in good spirits! The clothes are also super handsome!"

  Seeing Chen Xian appearing on the reception and introduction formation platform, more than a dozen godly beauties who had already arrived to greet him bowed their heads and saluted.

  "Haha, it's rare that even Keisha, you are so well-behaved here, please have a good morning."

  Seeing that the Queen of Angels hadn't been seen for several days, Chen Xianbi stepped forward to help Kaisha up and hugged Kaisha's slender waist with interest.

  "Lord God, many people are watching..."

  "Caisha has just formulated the daily rules of the gods. She must greet the Lord of God at least once within a week, and of course she has to lead by example."

  Being hugged by Chen Xian like this, Kaisha's luxurious and delicate face could not hide her shyness and happiness.

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