"Rose is still here, Lord God, don't be blinded by Qi Lin's beauty so quickly."

· · · Flowers · · ·

  Qiangwei smiled lightly at Dongfang Qin Lan, seeing the figure of Qi Lin in the eyes of the Lord of God, even Qiangwei couldn't help but raise some thoughts of competing for favor, she even took the initiative to lean on Chen Xian's side and act like a spoiled child.

  Qilin covered her face!

  Heart said that this is definitely not the usual arrogant space-time rose!

  As a result, Qi Lin was also aroused to be competitive, and became more direct and active than Qiangwei...



  "You guys actually want to go back to the super god plane and go to your immediate boss, Lianfeng, to come to the kingdom of God?"

  "I hope she can help you analyze and improve the super gene project?"

  In the rainy days and nights, Chen Xian, who understood the intentions of the two women, couldn't help laughing.

  For the two women in the current realm, apart from the power of genetic technology, there is nothing worth pursuing for the two women, because Chen Xian has already given them the best!Whether it is a treasure trove of knowledge or cultivation conditions, even the magic weapon used is a superb artifact that is not easily obtained by the lower gods of the Shenhe Star Region!

... 0 ...

  "Yes! Lord God immediately understood my intentions. Angel civilization is the founder of super genes. Even if the follow-up research and development is slightly inferior to yours, the initial basic concept structure and so on must be preferable. where."

  "At this point, Chief Lianfeng has more prerequisites than us in this regard, and I believe that with Lianfeng's beauty and wisdom, he must have the destiny and can enter the kingdom of God."

  "Besides, don't you like it, sir?"

  "There are only three of us in the super god team and sister Na, and they will be bullied by you soon."

  Rose blushed.

  After these words came out, Qiangwei already felt that she was embarrassed!

  Qi Lin covered her face even more.

  Before you know it, the proud ice beauty Qiangwei has become so dirty!It's just like the cold ice!

  "Cough cough, it's best not to worry about one. I'm already very satisfied with you guys."

  "However, what you said is also very reasonable. Then you can go to the lower realm later. There is no need to rush back to participate in the divine trial, and you can spend a few days in the lower realm."

  Picking up Rose's cute minibus, Chen Xian agreed with a smile.


  Qiangwei and Qilin nodded shyly.

  Knowing that the Lord God likes, he took the initiative to lean over.



Chapter 367

  Just in the Divine Kingdom space, when the God Lord Chen Xian will "love" Du Qiangwei and Qilin from the lower realm in every possible way.

  Other gods have become extremely enthusiastic about the just-opened god planting task. It is an excellent way to cultivate one's mind while cultivating one's body.

  Therefore, most of the fairy characters went down to the ground to start the planting journey!

  “Master Potatoes!!!”

  "Hexi, are you really growing potatoes for the first time!"

  "Please don't hit people like this!"

  Hearing such a mission announcement, Huang Rong and the others exclaimed.

  Even Horikita Suzune's mouth twitched several times, and Kushida Kikyo was stunned!

  Hexi clearly has not even attended the farming training class for newcomers, okay?

  Was this master potato grown with a head...

  Shui Yunji is already smiling like a flower, and now there are only [-] kinds of potatoes, and you can grow higher crops later!

  "Is it such an exaggeration? I fought my life to get A-level!"

  Terumi Mei collapsed a little.

  It doesn't matter if you can't beat the other party, who makes people live longer.

  But this kind of potato is the first time, right?Reaching the peak of the universe for the first time is speechless!

  "Does the angel still have the halo of farming? Is it more exaggerated than the halo of luck?"

  Zhao Linger blinked with bright big eyes.


  Feng Qingxue waved his fist.

  "It's so stressful!"

  Hinata Hinata also held her face in disbelief.

  Now even she knows the importance of points. If she can exchange more exercises when she goes home, and teach it to the younger generation of the Hyuga family, her father will definitely be very happy!

  "Points or something, it's really easy."

  "I can save the tickets for the lab, and I can choose a good one."

  Hexi was not humble at all, and threw the points card in his hand.

  Her planting mode was selected from tens of thousands of deduction modes by the space-based system. In addition, Hexi didn't put on airs when he was working, so it was expected that he could get the maximum master score.

  The girls...

  Angel's calculation ability is really invincible in the world, even planting tasks can be calculated first, and others are faster!

  "Hexi did a good job! Our group was the first to score a master task."

  Keisha's figure appeared in the mission hall, nodding and complimenting Hexi.

  "I also grow potatoes. How can you compare to Keisha and Lian Bing, who are envy and envy the Lord of God."

  Hexi smiled.

  "Damn, you still said this!"

  Kaisha's indescribable appearance was blushing, and she was bullied together with Liang Bing!

  If I had known this would be the result, I shouldn't have gone to the platform to greet Chen Xian today!

  God's Kingdom Space Continues Infinite Beauty 1

  The comprehensive martial plane where Song guess is located has already ushered in the harvest season!

  Xiaoyuer is afraid of Xiaochili: "Mengxin work report! The novice guides of the big guys are too practical! At present, the younger brother has recruited five daughters of destiny! And these are all fairies with extraordinary backgrounds, and they help develop believers. It's really fun! In just one week, the conditions for building the gate of the kingdom of God have been met!"

  Ouyang is not crazy: "Oh? Are you already building the gate of the kingdom of God? Not bad! Another guy who came with you has not shown up until now, so he won't die, right?" Snicker jpg"

  Tu Shan Yaya's stinky girls don't pay their wages: "Hahaha, that would be too miserable. Tomorrow is the time for a small lottery game in our group. There are many gods blessing and rewarding. This kid is afraid that he has no right to participate!"

  They all call me Long Ma: "Yes, @五河SHIDO is very afraid of elves, is he still alive? At least 10 believers can open the lottery permission, you have to work hard. Encourage to touch your head jpg!"

  Yi Xiaochuan likes to eat scrambled eggs with tomatoes: "Hey, I've met the conditions! If you are lucky enough to draw the Time and Space Escape Talisman, you don't have to wait for Lu Su and the others to help!"

  Swear not to be the king of evil time: "Our plane has plenty of time and power, so I only need a time machine to go to other timelines! If I can draw a time-space escape rune, I'll exchange it with you for 'unlucky rune' entertainment a bit!"

  Dagu didn't want to be an Ultraman: "It's awesome! Then I have to make a reservation first! Rub my hands jpg!"

  Tang San, who didn't want to travel any more, said, "Brothers, you'll lose if you exchange one to one. For a special prize, you need to exchange at least 5 'unlucky charms'!"

  Bucky, who is still in prison: "Hey! Little Sanzi, don't drive up prices! I despise honest people jpg!

  The name is still Sasuke Uchiha: "..."

  The old man worshipped the moon and no one was convinced: "Actually, I also want to exchange a 'unlucky charm' with you. I want to send Zhao Linger's mother to the kingdom of God..."

  As soon as I say this, group members! ! !

  Don't call me Ethics Lord again: "Pfft—you are Ethics Lord! Cover your face jpg!"

  Want the palace of Tianquan Condensation: "I can't bear to look directly at the picture in front of me jpg!"

  People call it extinct: "Baiyue, you are an old and disrespectful animal! Poor nun... also very much went to the past time and space to find Zhiruo's mother, reminiscing about the old days, just reminiscing about the old days."

  Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "...Is it too late to withdraw from the group now! Snickering jpg"



  Looking at the "lively" extraordinary scene in the chat group, Shidou Wuhe, who had not spoken for a few days after joining the group, sighed softly, after all, he was too embarrassed to type.

  Because this is the world of "Dating Battle", Tiangong City is still in danger and destruction at any time, and the atmosphere is tense!

  A few days ago, just six months after the air disaster in Eurasia, a spacequake hit the island country and took away the land from the southern part of Tokyo to the northern part of Kanagawa Prefecture.

  Therefore, Tiangong City is a new city that will be rebuilt on the ruins of the old capital.

  beep - beep - beep -

  It belongs to the alarm when the space earthquake strikes, and it resounds in the area around the city center of Tiangong City. In this area, whether it is advertising commercial signs on the street, or electronic products such as TVs and computers in citizens' residences, the contents of these items are A dazzling red evacuation warning was lit up on the screen without exception, and a piercing alarm sounded.

  In the base where I don't know where it is, this is a hall similar to a control center. The only source of light is the row of computers. Sitting on chairs with a strong atmosphere of technology, all the staff are staring at each other nervously. On the big screen in front of the hall, an unknown 3D line virtual drawing is projected.

  "Sure enough, it's here again... If the battle team can't figure it out, they can only let them all go to worship..."

  The control hall filled with tension echoed the voice of Shidou Gokawa. .

Chapter 368

  "Brother? Are you sure you want to promote the god you believe in? In case it's an evil god..."

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