The delicate girl's voice as clear as a silver bell echoed in the tense control hall. Looking at the source of the voice, I saw a cute girl with red double ponytails sitting on the head seat directly behind the hall. .

  With a lollipop in her mouth, the girl's voice was a little slurred, but it couldn't hide the worry in her words at all.

  Her name is Wuhe Kotori, and she is the righteous sister of Wuhe Shidou.

  A few days ago, Shidou Wuhe had inexplicably increased his strength, and the sealing of the elf only needed to recite a "praise mantra" to complete it!Wuhe Qinli was amazed by such a miraculous thing, and only when he asked, did he know what god of luck he believed in!

  In the age of elves, which is now destroying the world at every turn, this kind of worship is very dreadful. Once you make a mistake and invite some kind of disaster that cannot be dealt with by the revival troops, the world will be over!

  "Trust me, I've really seriously investigated the past few days. That god is definitely not an evil god, and the sect of the evil god will not spread the doctrine of benevolence and humility!"

  "If you are worried, you can ask your subordinates to worship God and recite it first. I have already tried it anyway."

  Shidou Wuhe smiled.

  "Uh... No, I believe you! Brother!"

  "Just tell me how to do it."

  Wuhe Qinli said seriously after thinking for a while.


  "Praise my God, you are the incarnation of light above the mist, you are the lucky ruler above all living beings! Your loyal believer Wuhe Qinli..."

  With the end of the chanting, the lucky divine light of the sky travels through infinite space and shines on Wuhe Qinli!

  The spiritual power of Wuhe Qinli has skyrocketed rapidly under the nourishment of lucky divine light, and the aura and scene stunned everyone in the command room!

  "Ahhh! My power, my power is not only completely liberated, but has increased so much!"

  Wuhe Qinli said in shock.

  "Really useful! Commander, let's try it too, so that we can minimize the casualties of the evil spirits on the opposite side!"

  Everyone in the command room said excitedly,

  "Okay, let's get in touch with the team that went to Space Zhen just now, and tell them not to act rashly! First, let's see what kind of elves have descended this time, and second, let them worship the gods to get the blessings of the gods, and then 々¨! "

  Wuhe Qinli ordered decisively.

  "Yes! It's really good, our era is saved 1 is God's blessing!"

  Everyone in the command room cheered, and then the sound of worship was endless!

  At this time, Tiangong City is out of the suburbs!

  In the sound of a rapid explosion, the space seemed to be detonated by an unknown force. With a certain origin as the center, a jet-black shock wave spread around in a circle. Buildings and other buildings have turned into fans under this unknown impact!

  "Finally here! Such a beautiful and orderly world, it would be very interesting to destroy it!"

  On the surveillance screen, an elf man in black walked out of the ashes and looked at everything around him!

  "Male elf!"

  Shidou Gokawa and Kotori Gokawa exclaimed.

  "Wait, another female elf came with him! Is Tokisaki Kurumi, where is it??"

  Wuhe Qinli looked around in the surveillance to find the way.

  "Alala~ miss me so much? Do you want to kill me? The first generation?"

  This is the voice of a charming and charming girl. If you just listen to the voice and don't watch the scene, you might even think that a girl who has fallen in love is acting coquettishly towards her sweetheart.

  "Since that's the case, I can't wait to think about it~~" Following the voice, I saw that on the edge of the pothole behind the black-clothed boy, there appeared a red and bloody Gothic dress with long and short lengths. Girls with different black ponytails


  Qi Liuhei, who was neatly cut, covered the left eye, and in the exposed eyes, it could be seen that the left eye was a golden clock. It was such a strange style, with pearl-like white and smooth skin, a beautiful face, and a beautiful face. But with a chilling twisted smile, one red and one gold pupils stared straight at the elf man in front of him.

  "Sure enough! Is that Tokisaki Kusan, such a beautiful and bewitching elf girl!"

  "This condition... seems to be enough to qualify as the daughter of destiny!"

  Itachi Shidou said excitedly in his heart.

  A woman of destiny can exchange for [-] years of life, so you can't let it go!

  Just when Shidou Wuhe was making a small abacus, Tokisaki Kurumi already showed obvious killing intent to the elf man!


  Facing the seductive tone of the girl behind him, the black-haired elf boy didn't even look at it, frowned and snorted coldly, he stomped his foot on the ground suddenly!

  The black mist gushed out from the ground, and something seemed to shoot out of the black mist quickly. Then, the girl in the gothic outfit kept a charming smile and died!

  "..." The girl commander of the base and Shidou Wuhe all widened their eyes!

  The girl in gothic outfit, who was called "Tokisaki Kuangsan" by the boy in black trench coat, saw a streak of blood appear from the top of her head and along her cheek. After that, her body slowly separated and fell to the ground in two halves. Blood stained the ground

  "...Just...just like that...killed?" The red-haired girl commander in the base and Shidou Wuhe exclaimed in unison.

  That is [-] years of life! ! !

  Shidou Gokawa's heart is bleeding!


  Wuhe Qinli frowned.

  Sure enough, everyone with their wide-eyed eyes turned back to the elf man, only to see that the other party had turned around and looked solemnly at the corpse of the girl lying in a pool of blood on his shoulders, quietly. A jet-black long sword is suspended in the air, the style is simple and simple like a medieval knight's sword, and it exudes a disgusting killing atmosphere. It can be said that it is a terrifying magic sword!

  "No...not right..."

  After biting the lollipop in his mouth, Wuhe Qinli frowned, because the young man in front of him did not relax at all, this is not the expression he should have after killing his opponent.

  "Hehe...I'm really impatient, Chudai-kun~"

  It was still the charming voice of the original girl, but it was not emitted from the corpse lying on the ground, but a girl with black (the king's good) double ponytail and wearing a red and black Gothic outfit. emerged from the shadow.Countless "hands" suddenly appeared on the ground, and then dragged the corpse of the girl who had been cut in half into the red shadow.

  "Tokisaki Kurumi...! You really are a troublesome woman..." The elf man said angrily, looking at the 'resurrected' girl.

  Then, the black magic sword suspended behind him began to 'split'——

  In a blink of an eye, dozens of identical magic swords appeared out of thin air, floating around his body!

  "Endless Blade!"

  Drawing countless black trajectories, the dazzling sword shadows were outlined one after another by the magic swords, and the petite figure of Tokisaki Kurumi standing there was instantly annihilated!

  "No, I can't let Kurumi Kazaki be killed at that time!"

  "Help me deliver it to the neighborhood, I'll help at any time!"

  Shidou Wuhe said anxiously, that may be the elf of the Destiny Girl, obviously not the opponent of the male elf! .

Chapter 369

  "Hey! Brother, don't make a mistake, we are hunting elves, not saving elves!"

  Hearing that Shidou Gokawa was going to help, Kotori Gogawa rubbed his forehead as the commander.

  "I'll explain to you later, anyway, these beautiful female elves will be of great use!"

  After Wuhe Shidou finished speaking, he boarded the fighter plane and flew out at high speed.

  However, the battle over there was not as crushed as Shidou Wukawa thought!

  After the second Tokisaki Kurumi turned into a pool of blood, countless shadows appeared around the elf man, and countless chaotic voices sounded:

  ???? "Allah, it's too rough!"

  ???? "Really, treating a weak lady like this is not a gentleman at all,"

  ???? "But, it won't end so soon!".

  ???? There are many, many monologues that make the scalp numb, without exception, the voice of the girl named Tokisaki Kurumi Then, countless Tokisaki Kurumi emerged from the shadows. come out!

  ???? Gothic outfit with two-color pupils and two ponytails, exactly the same appearance, the number is close to hundreds, and all of them are Tokisaki Kuangsan!

  ???? "Huh, do you summon yourself from the past timeline? Time is such a troublesome ability." The elf man sneered, looking around at the girl who surrounded him.

  ???? Before Kuang San's words were finished, the group of swords dancing frantically strangled again!But after a while, more than [-] people were slaughtered! ???? Then there are fewer and fewer "clones", it seems that Tokisaki Kurumi's "power" is too much consumed.

  ???? seems to have guessed this, the elf man stopped attacking, and the number of avatars in front of Shizaki Kusan was already less than ten!

  ???? "Are you running out of spirit power left, Tokisaki Kurumi,"

  ???? Looking at the elf man with a hideous smile on his cheeks, the girl in the gothic outfit also sneered and waved, and the rest of the three madmen stopped in front of one of the bodies.

  ???? It seems that is the body!

  ???? After guessing that the time elf in front of him has used up the number of clones stored, the excitement on the elf man's face grew stronger!

  ???? "Alala, I really don't have much power left, but it's enough to kill you, you should be at the end of the shot now!

  ???? The girl leaned forward, with an abnormally morbid smile on her face, accompanied by her seductive and abnormal voice, a huge golden clock appeared behind her!

  ???? "Come out, Emperor Keke!"

  ???? The height of the clock is about several times that of a girl, and in the huge dial, each of the needles in the center is a quaint medieval individual rifle or pistol!

  ???? "That is, Battle Angel?" The staff at the base were surprised!

  ???? The so-called "angel" is the only combat weapon held by the elves, and like the spiritual outfit, it is a "visible miracle" that is born!

  ???? The reason why everyone is surprised is not because of this, but at this moment Kuangsan really uses his "angel"!

  ???? "So that's the case, I used your avatar to consume my power before, and now I'm finally willing to use my own spirit power?"

  ??? Elf man? Snicker!

  How much spiritual power can be consumed by those time clones that have no combat power just now?Tokisaki Kurumi underestimated himself too much!

  ??????? Boom--!

  ??? A huge black sword energy pierced through the space, smashing the building behind Tokisaki Kuangsan into nothingness, and at the same time, the girl's clones were all wiped out at one time, not only that, Kuangsan's main body Half of the body disappeared

  ???? "You still have so much power!."

  ???? Tokisaki Kurumi stared blankly at all the swords merged into one!

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