Pan Zhen and the patriarchs of the four clans were even more excited and indescribable.

  It turned out that Lena had some ability to help Su Tiandaoxing, but she was lazy to use it? ? ?


  "What about you, Lianfeng? Don't hide this time, I'll tell you!"

  "When you arrive in the kingdom of God, no one has to go to sleep with the Lord of God. If you don't like things between men and women, you can concentrate on doing research."

  After leaving Tiandaoxing, Lena appeared on the Giant Gorge and shouted.


  "Rena, do you have to shout this kind of thing (Wang De's) in public!"

  Lianfeng, who was about to step into the gate of the kingdom of God, covered her face.

  On the other side, other planes also have new destiny women stepping into the gate of God!

  Boom!dong dong!

  "Well? A newcomer is here!"

  "Watch and watch!"

  "Ah, come! Our elf team can finally be counted as the tail of the crane!"

  Hearing the ringing of the bell of the kingdom of God, Tokisaki Kurumi, Yamai Yugen and other elf beautiful girls cheered excitedly.

  "Don't be distracted, I'm working on making love lunches for Lord God."

  "When the Lord of God comes back, you will definitely be able to feel Yu Xiao Meijiu's intentions!"

  Yu Xiao Miku waved her fist.

  "Then you can do your best, it's best to practice your voice, Lord God will like it more."

  "This is what Sister Yanlingji told me secretly."

  Seven Sins smirked.

  "This, how to practice this..."

  Yu Xiao Miku covers her face! .

Chapter 379

  "I hope Lord God will come back soon! I can't wait to start eating!"

  Yato God Tohka looked at the sky and couldn't help licking the corner of his mouth.

  "Tohka, your appetite will scare the Lord God, please don't embarrass our elf team."

  Si Xian rubbed his forehead.

  "How come, the Lord God is the God Lord of the gods, and people will restrain themselves."

  Yato God Tohka's pretty face turned red.

  "Cough! Tohxiang, why don't you go and eat the Lord God. After serving, help our group to get an artifact or something to come back to town!"

  "Sister Yanling Ji said that there will be a divine trial in half a month. We don't have any decent weapons, but we need to clean the dishes."

  Wuhe Qinli laughed wickedly.

  "Ahhh! Qin Li, you filthy girl!"

  Yato God Tohka threw a fist in shame.

  Tobiichi origami spreads his hands...

  "Let's go, at least 10 minutes of flight to reach the platform of the lead formation at our speed!"

  "Other godly adults just swish and teleport away."

  Tobiichi Origami said helplessly.

  I actually don't want to join the elf group, but unfortunately Queen Keisha's angel team and Zhou Zhiruo's martial arts group didn't agree to have her...

  "Morning ladies and gentlemen!"

  "Wow! Sister Hua Mulan's armor is so heroic!!!"

  The four elements fell from the sky, looking at Hua Mulan in a dragon crystal armor and screaming.

  "It's a cute elf girl. Among the newcomers this time are our sisters from the King's Continent, so you must wear them properly to show your attention."

  Mulan smiled and narrowed her eyes.

  "Ah, that's it! Then congratulations to Captain Mulan!"

  Four Elements blinked.

  "Captain, have you already sensed the person coming? Our level is really different!"

  Gongsun Li held his face and said enviously.

  "Hmph, who told us not to be as cute as you guys? You can still get a 9-star fairy treasure by staying with the Lord God for two days. The captain was bullied so much that he only heard some battle experience or something!"

  Speaking of being sad, Hua Mulan said angrily.

  "Ahhh! Captain, don't say it in front of so many people!"

  "I wasn't deceived by you that time, and I was still with Sister Chang'e. I was ashamed to death!"

  Gongsun Li angrily hid behind Chang'e and said.

  With such words, even the dignified and steady Chang'e blushed and stepped on Gongsun Li secretly!As a result, her ladylike setting is completely ruined!

  "Even Sister Chang'e is playing like this..."

  Garo next to him was stunned.

  She didn't dare to imagine that Chang'e, a heavenly fairy with such a personality, would be captured by the Lord God like this!

  "Don't look at me, I was pushed into the fire pit by Wang Zhaojun and Diaochan..."

  Seeing what Jia Luo thought of looking at himself, Xi Shi covered his face and said.

  Garo is speechless!

  At present, in this king group, except for myself, all of them have married the Lord God? ? ?

  "Inexplicably so dangerous!"

  "I hope the sisters who come this time can keep their hearts like me!"

  Garo closed his eyes and sighed.

  "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, there are people in our group who are more shy than you, and until now, I have not dared to take the initiative to greet the Lord God."

  "For this reason, my sister is starting to worry."

  Seeing Jia Luo's frightened appearance, Xinyuekui snickered.

  "Can't you be in a hurry? It's said that the Lord of God never forced us, and the cabbage is still afraid of being close to the Palace of the King of God. If you are so rude, you will be deducted from the group points by Sister Yan."

  Xinyuehu said helplessly.

  As the team leader of the "Shen Ming Group", and a woman of the gods who is extremely favored by Chen Xian, Xinyuehu can only work hard to assume the responsibility of the team leader.Since Keisha considered serving the Lord God as a bonus, Xinyuehu could only emphasize to the cabbage and Peacock about going to the Palace of the God-king when she was free. Ji's face is included in the assessment of the members of the planning team...

  "Lord God Lord is really blessed, so many sisters from heaven and immortals want to accompany you, so you don't need me to summon a time avatar."

  Seeing that the girls were worried about this kind of thing, Tokisaki Kurumi couldn't help but snickered.

  "Still separated..."

  "That day, sister Terumi Mei of the ninja team played a clever trick and used a water body to fool the Lord, but she couldn't get up for three days after being cleaned up."

  Dancing with the wind squinted.

  Half of their "Shen Ming Group" are already married to the god master Chen Xian, and they talk about everything in private chat and communication, and they already know how powerful Chen Xian is.

  Dancing with the wind knows that even if there are thousands of godly women in the kingdom of God, the ending will be the same.

  The God Lord Chen Xian, who has embarked on the path of the ultimate true God, is completely the number one perpetual motion machine in the universe.

  Hearing the words "Dancing with the Wind", Tokisaki Kusan shrank his neck in fright. Fortunately, he hadn't assigned time to do bad things...

  "Come on! There are a lot of newcomers this time!"

  "Well? Does this teleportation beam actually come from several plane worlds? The colors are different."

  Zhou Zhiruo said a little excitedly.

  Today, Dongfang Huaizhu, one of the three giants of the gods, appointed her to host the newcomers today, while most of the other sisters continued to work on the "Wanjie Food Festival".

  For the first time as a hostess, Zhou Zhiruo was very energetic!

  "The situation seems to be a bit complicated. If you're worried about not doing well, you can go back and let me host it!"

  Zhao Min pinched his waist angrily.

  She was born as a county lord, if it wasn't for Zhou Zhiruo's master-disciple relationship with Zue Shitai, the leader of the lucky god sect in the lower realms, he would have won the favor of the god lord one step earlier!Otherwise, this captain is to be his own!

  What's even more irritating is that this guy Zhou Zhiruo behaved like a fairy in the lower realm, but after arriving in the kingdom of God, he stayed in the palace of the king that night! ! !

  When I passed by, I could hear Zhou Zhiruo's cry...

  Such a scheming and capable guy is simply her lifelong enemy of Zhao Min!

  "Thank you for your kindness. Sister Huaizhu has already explained these little things. I will handle them. You can go to pick mushrooms with confidence."

  Zhou Zhiruo squinted her eyes and smiled, and even turned the 2-star artifact "Jade Bracelet of Desolate Heaven" on her wrist, which was presented by the Lord of God!

  "I'm furious!"

  "I'll fight with you in a few days, don't use artifacts if you can!"

  Zhao Min stomped her feet, and when she reached the primary level of True God, she instantly stepped on the void and disappeared.

  The next group members, Li Mochou and Lu Wushuang, spread their hands, saying that disputes about this are commonplace, but fortunately Xiaolongnv has no intention of fighting, otherwise their group would be the three favorite concubines...

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