Chapter 380


  "There are quite a few people!"

  Looking at the beams of light falling from the sky, Zhou Zhiruo's eyes flashed.

  "Huh? That's... the spirit of the ghost cat! It's Zhu Zhuqing, she was also tricked by Tang San!"

  Come to watch the newcomer Xiao Wu exclaimed.

  "Are you an acquaintance in our world? He's not bad, he should be able to fight for face for our spirit team."

  Seeing Zhu Zhuqing's enchanting body, Gu Yuena nodded in satisfaction.

  " were planning to dig a hole as soon as they came here."

  Bai Xiuxiu whispered.

  "Why don't you come? Lord God also praised you last time. You are so beautiful."

  Gu Yuena said with a wicked smile.

  "Ahhh! No, no, this kind of opportunity should be given to the new sisters.-"

  Bai Xiuxiu blushed and waved her hands in a panic.

  With her small and exquisite figure, how could she have been trampled by a stalwart figure like the Lord of God...

  "Xiao Wu! Qian Renxue! Gu Yuena! You are all here! That's great, Lord God!"

  Seeing Xiao Wu and other acquaintances, Zhu Zhuqing breathed a sigh of relief instantly.

  She had previously obtained a rare ten thousand year spirit ring because of her worship of the Lucky God Sect.Only when I came out did I realize that Xiao Wu and the others had already stepped into the kingdom of God for a long time!

  With the encouragement of his grandfather and grandmother, Zhu Zhuqing bravely tried to step into the Destiny Formation, but he did not expect to actually enter!

  Through Tang San's mouth, Zhu Zhuqing knew that this was the kingdom of gods!Now that he felt the girls around him who were like holy gods, Zhu Zhuqing was flustered!

  "Master God went out yesterday, you can see him in a few days."

  "Let's not talk about this first, you are a newcomer to the kingdom of God and you are in a low state. Let's greet all the godly sisters first."

  "With your life level, even the new elf sisters are more than ten thousand times stronger than you, so don't lose your courtesy."

  Gu Yuena gave a general introduction to the gods present with a smile.


  "Zhu Zhuqing has met all the lords of the gods!"

  Zhu Zhuqing obediently bowed to the people around him and saluted.

  "Allah! We are also newcomers, don't be so polite, the four elements are all nervous."

  Tokisaki Kurumi laughed wickedly.

  "Why am I so nervous! People are born with inborn beings now, and they are much more powerful than before."

  Four Elements pouted and stomped their feet.

  "Hello, Sister Zhu Zhuqing!"

  Seven sins squinted and waved.

  Yui Miku and the others also responded with a kind smile.

  Li Mochou, Hua Mulan and the others nodded slightly. They had seen many scenes, and they were not as fresh as Yu Xiao Meijiu.

  "It turned out to be an acquaintance in your world, so it's easy to handle."

  "I am Zhou Zhiruo, the person in charge of the reception of the gods today, sister Zhu Zhuqing, you can go to Gu Yuena's martial arts group, they will tell you what you need to do, and you can also choose a location close to them in the palace of the gods. "

  Zhou Zhiruo stated as clearly as possible.

  "Thank you, Lord Zhou Zhiruo!"

  "Thank you to the other godly sisters!"

  Zhu Zhuqing kept his grandmother's advice in mind, and he must respect the gods, especially the Lord God!If you can get the attention of the Lord God and give birth to a boy and a half girl for the family, then the entire continent...

  "God! How could I have such a thought! I was brainwashed by my grandma!"

  Zhu Zhuqing's pretty face was flushed, and she was secretly angry.

  "I was just thinking about it when I first came here."

  Gu Yuena was speechless.

  Xiao Wu also snickered, but she knew what kind of virtue Zhu Zhuqing's grandmother was.

  "Captain Hua Mulan!"

  "Sister Chang'e!"

  "Wow! We have come to the kingdom of God too!"

  Several other beams descended one after another. There was Luna dressed as a Zixia fairy, Shangguan Wan'er with a scholarly atmosphere, and Yu Ji who was wearing a phoenix dress with a fairy-like temperament!

  Finally, the one who stepped out of the transmission aperture was actually a pair of sisters in festive and beautiful festive dresses, Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao!

  "My God! They are all from the King's Continent? Are the quality of women in their world so high???"

  "The king's group will be against the sky in the future!"

  "There are more people in the king group now! There are more than the ninja group!"

  "And they all have different temperaments. Even I am tempted by the beauty! Yan Lingji will be under great pressure in the future!"

  Zi Nu looked at Luna dressed as a Zixia Fairy, looked at her fair arm skin and long legs, and couldn't hide her sigh.

  "So many beauties!"

· · · Flowers · · ·

  "Now that the Lord of God is back, I will be so happy. There is a food festival, and there are so many beautiful newcomers."

  Nalan Yanran spread her hands.

  "Don't show this kind of loss, Lord God is not the kind of person who likes the new and hates the old. Besides, I have never seen you actively serve the adults, so you are not allowed to do your duty for you."

  Yun Yun scolded with a smile.

  "Master... You are the treasure of the Lord God's hand, so of course you will say so. Anytime you call the Lord God, the Lord will go to your place to play chess with you to relieve your boredom. But I'm different, my disciple, I finally mustered up the courage, There are so many terrifying opponents."

  "Looking at the dresses of these sisters in the King's Land, you can see that they are very tasteful. It must be easy for the Lord of God to like them."

...... 0

  Nalan Yanran couldn't hide her loss.

  "I'll tell you what the Lord God likes about me."

  "It's confidence, you know?"

  "If you are downcast all day, you can't compete with them, not to mention there are so many lovely elf girls."

  Yun Yun spreads her hands.

  "Yu Ji! Luna! Don't be too busy greeting me, greet everyone first!"

  "That's Team Leader Zhou Zhiruo! Today's receptionist!"

  "Most of the others are real gods. It's better to salute the first time you come."

  Mulan smiled.

  With several generals in the group, she is considered high-spirited, and even the dragon crystal armor shines a bit more.

  Not to mention the stunners like Luna and Yu Ji, just having the lovely sisters of Big and Small Qiao makes her group full of confidence!

  "Luna, Yu Ji, Zhen Ji, Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao! I've seen all the gods!"

  Feeling the divine aura of Zhou Zhiruo and the others, Luna and the others bowed and saluted in unison!

  "All the sisters of the King's Continent, how are you!"

  "Does anyone want to join my martial arts team?"

  Zhou Zhiruo couldn't help but ask with a smile.

  As soon as these words came out, Hua Mulan stumbled!

  "Captain Zhiruo did a great job, our team is short of people!"

  "Our captain Zhiruo is the favorite concubine of the Lord God, so it's not a loss to come here."

  Li Mochou and Lu Wushuang waved towards sisters Qiao and Dao.

  The sister flower with such a symbol, the Lord God likes it the most... Next.

Chapter 381

  "Zhou Zhiruo, are you going to fight, just use the ring rules to win the new team member's place!"

  Hua Mulan squeezed her fist towards Zhou Zhiruo and said.

  "Don't dare to dare! People are joking, how could it be Mulan's sister's opponent?"

  "Just looking at the new sisters is so charming."

  Zhou Zhiruo smiled apologetically.

  "Brilliant! I didn't expect Zhou Zhiruo to have such intelligence."

  Huang Rong's eyes flashed.

  "Uh? Where is the genius? Didn't they say it was just a joke?"

  Cheng Yaojia looked at Huang Rong suspiciously.

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