"This is called throwing bricks and attracting jade!"

  "Of course, Zhou Zhiruo's late arrival is not a match for Big Sister Hua Mulan, but the other captains have a realm far above that of Hua Mulan!"

  "Now that Zhou Zhiruo has opened up about this, everyone will have more thoughts in the future. I can't guarantee that the team leader from Liuyi[-]qi will stand up and challenge the ownership of the newcomer team."

  Huang Rong squinted and smiled.

  "Ha? Can Zhou Zhiruo play with her mind like this? Relying on the Lord God to favor her, is she so reckless?"

  Cheng Yaojia secretly clicked his tongue and said, of course, this kind of words were communicated with Huang Rong by means of Divine Sense voice transmission.

  "No, no, I really approve of this approach."

  "Because doing this can slightly balance the strength of each group, you can see how many people there are in the king group! Let's take a look at the three melons and two dates in the Ott group."

  Huang Rong snickered.

  "That's right... The Otto team has twice as many people as our team."

  "Fortunately, the team pk lost and it was just brushing the dishes or something."

  Cheng Yaojia said helplessly.

  "Sure enough, sister flowers are popular?"

  "But people are alone in the King's Continent, and I can only hope that the Lord God will like it."

  Seeing that Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao are so valued, Luna sighed helplessly.

  "Don't listen to them fooling around, they were all damaged by Liang Bing, the king of heavenly pollution."

  "Follow me, I will introduce you to the situation of the kingdom of God, and then choose the palace of the gods that you like!"

  Hua Mulan patted Luna's small shoulder in comfort.

  "Sister Luna's skirt is so beautiful! Who can make another one and put it in the ready-to-wear store."

  Seeing Luna, Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao and others leaving with Hua Mulan Yukong, Lu Wushuang said with envy.

  "If you make the same one again, won't you hit the shirts?"

  "Be confident, you are also very likable now, if you are more daring and proactive, you will have a place next to the throne of God Lord!"

  Li Mochou chuckled and encouraged.

  "The throne of the gods... I really don't dare to expect too much, there are too many sisters who are more beautiful than me!"

  Lu Wushuang said with a look of longing.



  "Moonlight Shrine! Wow! It's just a palace of the gods tailored for me! Can I really have it!"

  Looking at the Moonlight Shrine, which is completely built with the best Yebo stone and Yuehua Shenyan, Luna, after listening to the introduction, was completely attracted by its functions and luxurious and luxurious decoration style!

  "Of course it can belong to you. Now my kingdom of God has almost unlimited space, and everything can be born from a single thought of the Lord God!"

  "Luna, you can do whatever you want as long as you serve the Lord of God well in the future. You can only achieve a true God in the day and night, you have to work hard."

  Diaochan smiled wickedly.

  "Then... that would also allow me to see the true appearance of Lord God."

  Luna blushed.

  "When you see it, you can't really extricate yourself..."

  Chang'e rubbed her forehead.

  "Well, can I live in the same palace of the gods as my sister?"

  Xiao Qiao couldn't hear Chang'e's words, but she was a little afraid of the world-sized palace of the gods!This is too big and too luxurious, how could it be possible to sleep in it.


  "As long as you and Da Qiao choose the same major in law in the future, it will be fine. In addition, it is convenient for the Lord of God to serve."

  Mulan's eyes shone brightly.

  Hearing this, Xiao Qiao blushed instantly, and Da Qiao did not dare to look up.

  Yu Ji and Luna are speechless!

  Also said that others are dirty, this Mulan is not much better!


  Just when Luna, Yu Ji, and Zhu Zhuqing settled down in the kingdom of God, the distant Shenhe Star Region, Princess Linglong, who was already being cleaned up by Chen Xian, had a stomachache, and finally stepped into the battlefield of Heaven with Chen Xian, and opened up the relationship between them. The battle of several small planets of faith.

  "It's too easy, it seems that it only takes a few days to finish work..."

  Destroying a pair of upper-level gods of the void galaxy at will, Chen Xian chuckled as he looked at the "belonging token" in his hand.

  This is only the outermost layer of the Tiandao battlefield. According to the agreement rules of the Tiandao battlefield, a "belonging token" can be exchanged for 10 people of faith on the borderless planet after the battlefield is closed.For Chen Xian, who already has hundreds of millions of sources of belief, it can only be mosquito legs.

  "Is it easy for you? I was almost killed by someone before."

  Tiansheng Linglong sighed softly.

  Bringing the current Chen Xian to the battlefield of Tiandao is like a cannon attacking mosquitoes, all kinds of destruction!

  "Who dares to beat our Princess Linglong? Find out and let me see."

  Chen Xianle said.

  "You have a conscience. I thought you were introduced to so many princesses and princesses by other galaxy bosses, and you're going to start to like the new and hate the old."

  Tian Sheng Linglong leaned in Chen Xian's arms without hesitation and said, Miaoman's waist and the fragrance of Dao Yun made Chen Xian inexplicably moved.If it weren't for the fact that he was still looking for prey in the battlefield at this moment, this Princess Kamigawa would ask for mercy again.

  "It's not my style to like the new and hate the old. Speaking of which, I haven't hugged Feng Lin Xuanya and Li Xue for a long time and talked. In a few days, you will come back to Ding Hai Xing's Seminary with me, and I will introduce you to them."

  Chen Xian laughed wickedly.

  "Ah? Why are you so thick-skinned, you want me to be the princess and them..."

  Tiansheng Linglong smacked Chen Xian with a punch in shame.

  With the power of her Bei Xinghe military headquarters, she naturally knows what women Chen Xian has in Shendu Academy.

  Just when Chen Xian was going to do something bad regardless, the voice of newcomers joining the group was heard again in the chat group!

  "Travel to Marvel!" Join the chat group!

  "Beilingjing good boy" joined the chat group!

  Chen Xian was pleasantly surprised when he saw the two group information!

  This Marvel world and the world that dominates the world are all multi-planetary universes like "Super God". If they all develop believers, it will be tens of billions!

  "So, you have to do something bad to celebrate."

  Chen Xian smiled at the charming and charming Princess Linglong.

  Tiansheng Linglong covered his face, nodded quietly, and let it go.



Chapter 382

  Ouyang is not crazy: "Welcome to the newcomers!!! Hahaha, the newcomers who just arrived two days ago have not appeared, but two more are here!"

  They all call me Long Ma: "Welcome and welcome, sacrificing fire dragons! Shouyuan rewards, all rely on fire dragons!"

  The one who killed the monster with the knife: "Pfft, blood spurting ten feet tall jpg!"

  Xie En from Primal Survival: "Long Ma's rap...it's really magical! Long Ma is talented!"

  They all call me Long Ma: "There is no way, there is no daughter of destiny in my world to go to the kingdom of God, I can only sacrifice to the fire dragon. Spreading my hands is helpless jpg"

  Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "Dragon mother, when did you learn to rap!"

  They all call me Long Ma: "I saw the guy uploaded by Sasuke, what is the name of Yawei Renzhuli, I think it's so fun to play, so I try to create it myself! Isn't it a very childish rhyme? I'm worried about jpg"

  Tu Shan Yaya's stinky girls don't pay wages: "Laughing until you die jpg!"

  They all call me Long Ma: "Bai Yue, you slut, die! Waving the whip jpg!"

  Supporting Dumbledore: "Anyway, you still have dragons to sacrifice. I can't find dragons here. I just sacrificed the death wand to my god's treasure house a few days ago, and got 14 years of life as a reward. "

  Shidou Wuhe was very afraid of elves: "Actually, he is very professional! Come on, Ryu Ma-sama!"

  Ayanokouji Kiyotaka is here: "Speaking of rap, Kushida Kikyo also knows a little bit. I don't know how they are living with God Lord in the kingdom of God."

  Want the palace of Tianquan Ningguang: "Hehe... Maybe my stomach is big."

  Ayanokouji Kiyotaka is here: "..."

  Swearing not to be the king of evil: "Cough cough, let's talk about the newcomer! @North Spirit Realm 好lad@Traveled to Marvel ah @God na began to collapse again @小小MAN will become the greatest demon in two days There are four newcomers! This is unprecedented, newcomers and friends are coming out and making bubbles!"

  Dagu didn't want to be an Ultraman: "It's probably the same as when we first joined the group, we were all frightened by the information in the group file."

  Xiao Yu'er was afraid of Xiao Chili: "Mmmm! It's all like that. Anyone who sees an image of a sacred beast in the kingdom of God that can swallow the sky in one bite will be frightened silly!"

  I just want to kill Lin Langtian: "@小鱼儿is afraid of little pepper, the destined girls in your world haven't gone to the kingdom of God yet, if they haven't set out yet, please ask them to help with some words and tell Ying Huanhuan his father Ying Xuanzi wants to hug his grandson! Snicker jpg"

  Xiao Yu'er was afraid of Xiao Chili: "I received it! Don't worry, Brother Lin Dong, I will let Palace Master Yaoyue help you to bring a message to Lord Ying Huanhuan!"

  I just want to kill Lin Langtian: "How good, I will mail you a 'Unlucky Rune' trick villain next time in the lottery!"



  "Break out!!!"

  "This is the life of the protagonist of my brother. As soon as I crossed over, I opened the golden finger! Although this golden finger is a bit unusual, it is still invincible!"

  Looking at the information displayed in the chat, Tang Tai grinned.

  As a Marvel movie fan, it turned out that I really traveled to the Marvel universe!Although I didn't find any system or super power after crossing over, it gave a chat group of all worlds that can connect with the God of Luck!

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