In addition, as a No. 0 belief communicator, he can continue to obtain endless lucky blessings and longevity rewards. It is really fun for Tang Tai, who understands the Marvel Universe!

  "Brother's superpower in the future will be the lucky light of my god!"

  "There are so many planets in the Marvel Universe. Once they all develop into believers, the rewards will be just right! But there are not many women of destiny. It is estimated that only Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel, etc. can pass the assessment of pure formation."

  "It doesn't matter, let's say goodbye first! Anyway, I only have such a golden finger to use."

  Tang Tai thought about it, and without hesitation, began to kneel down and chant the praise incantation!


  The lucky divine light really fell on him under Tang Tai's surprised eyes!

  It seems that knowing the plane where Tang Tai is located is very important, so the lucky divine light this time is extremely strong!The huge energy completely wrapped Tang Tai, forming a unique opportunity to be reborn!

  "This is... My God has given me an increase in life level, it is the "Divine Kingdom Super War Gene Reagent" developed by the angel goddesses in the group data??? Praise my god, you are so generous, so I will I can quickly spread the faith for you!"

  Feeling his qualitatively changed life and endless physical strength, Tang Tai knelt down and kowtowed in ecstasy.


  Tang Tai's head smashed several big holes on the ground directly!

  "I'm going! After this life upgrade, it still has the radar scanning function?"

  "It's invincible now!"

  Tang Tai looked at the large map scan code image that appeared on his retina.

  The place he passed through was an abandoned village, located at the junction of New York and the Western Desert, which belonged to the three-needle zone.And here, according to Tang Tai's understanding of the Marvel universe, I know that it is just when the Marvel heroes are just beginning to show their prominence!

  "Nine o'clock! Ten Commandments Gang!"

  "Those guys really kidnapped Tony Stark!"

  "While Tony has not turned into Iron Man and escaped, let's make a fortune as a development fund for the God of Luck."

  Tang Tai laughed badly.

  "Hey! There are many people in front! There are heavy weapons!"

  "These weapons in the hands of terrorists are all designed by Stark himself, and they are very powerful. When they start, try to avoid being targeted by heavy weapons."

  After running for half an hour at a speed comparable to a sports car, Tang Tai finally approached the stronghold of the robber who kidnapped Tony Stark. Tang Tai began to probe the inside with his super gene.


  At this time, in the cave of the camp, the huge machine gears roared.

  The two figures were nervously and cautiously rushing to control something.

  "Dr. Yingsen, double the power of the outer ion coil! Yes, that's it, we can definitely finish it today!"

  The bloody, unkempt Tony Stark continued to work meticulously.

  He was no longer surrounded by champagne, young models and attentive female secretaries.Instead, there is only cold steel and a Dr. Yingsen with a general desire to survive.

  Since the heart was pierced by shrapnel, to Dr. Inson's transplant of a nuclear-powered heart, to the terrorist leader who forced him to make new weapons, Tony Stark has not washed his face until now, and has been fighting for his life. Hurry up!

  "You are such an amazing genius, Stark! Such a fusion energy-driven steel armor is enough to destroy a regular army of a thousand men!"

  "I'm so honored to be a part of it!"

  Dr. Inson couldn't help but exclaimed while assisting Tony Stark in testing the performance of the mecha parts.

  It seems that what they are working on is not a steel machine, but a perfect art that is enough to shock the world!

  Yingsen believes that once this fusion energy armor is released to the world, it will surely become the most shining artwork in the world! .

Chapter 383

  "Stark! You're not making that weapon for us at all, what are you doing!"

  "Hurry up and open the door!"

  The robber leader with a tattoo on his head shouted angrily.

  Its subordinates are looking for the laboratory key, because this is a weapons research laboratory, and the door is also very strong, and it is very troublesome to break it violently.

  "What to do! Tony, we're done!"

  Dr. Inson looked pale.

  "Forcibly start, only forcibly start and try it!"

  Tony Stark gritted his teeth.

  "But it's too late! Besides, your mecha still lacks an arm and half of the activation equation!"

  Ying Sen held his head in despair.

  Once the other party rushed in and found out what the two of them were doing, they would definitely be shot on the spot!

  "You will be charged $100 million for one minute for resistance, and if you agree, you can just go ahead and do it."

  A young and hearty voice came from the top of the cave, only to hear a bang, and Tang Tai hammered a big hole with his fist, and Tang Tai's figure jumped down from the top of the cave more than ten meters high!

  "Oh my God! Smash the top of the mountain with a fist? Could this be a human?"

  Inson exclaimed with wide eyes.

  The fist breaks the rock, the body is as light as a swallow flying over the eaves?Isn't this a scene that only appears in Oriental martial arts films!He doesn't have Tony Stark's heart of steel, and suddenly he can't stand the heart of the live-action version of Oriental Martial Arts!

  "Who are you, Fortified? Agent? Here to save me?"

  After all, Tony Stark stands tall and has a lot of knowledge. He still knows a little about the genetic enhancement projects that some official institutions have done in the past.If nothing else, he knew the inside story about the strengthening of Team America 70 years ago, and knew that Team America might still be alive.

  "As expected of Steel... As expected of Tony Stark!"

  "Unfortunately, you guessed wrong! I'm just Tang Tai, the messenger of the gods. I sensed that my god's revelation came to save you. Of course, it can't be free. Anyway, Tony Stark is not short of money."

  Tang Tai smiled.

  Before he came in, he had destroyed the large-scale heavy weapons operating system of this terrorist base.Now the opponent can only use light weapons and grenades, so now you can say that you have nothing to fear.

  With the angel civilization gene potion blessed by God Lord Chen Xian, a single hot weapon can't hurt him at all. This arrangement is just for fear that Tony and the old professor can't stand it, otherwise the robber base will be pushed horizontally. !

  As for receiving money, that is a must!

  According to the original plot, even if Tony Stark successfully activated the iron suit to become Iron Man, he still could not save Dr. Yingsen's life. His appearance can be said to avoid Tony's guilt from falling for a lifetime.

  "Tang Tai? Are you Chinese? Well, no matter who you are! $100 million a minute, right, I'll give you double! I hope you can be more reliable 々¨!"

  Tony Stark didn't have any nonsense, decisively chose to trust Tang Tai, and then bowed his head and continued to work.

  "Ah? I believe it? His clothes are so strange!"

  Dr. Inson was stunned.

  "It has nothing to do with the style of the clothes, we have no choice!"

  Tony Stark responded quickly.

  Tang Tai is speechless, these two guys seem to be very interesting!And the rumors are true, Tony really is super rich, and he seems to be asking less...

  "Shit! Someone sneaked in and opened the door for me!"

  The leader of the robbery saw that there was one more person in the laboratory from a distance, and scolded angrily.

  "Yes! Boss!"


  Two grenades blew up the iron gate, and dozens of terrifying robbers swarmed in.

  "Look at you, Tang Tai!"

  Tony Stark shouted.

  "Well, let's try this thing you picked up first!"

  Tang Tai grinned, picked up the "Stark Card" submachine gun in his hand, and slammed down the hole at the mouth of the hole!

  The bullets are like pear blossoms in torrential rain, overwhelming and spectacular!

  The robbers who had just rushed in fell down one after another, then the gunshots stopped, and they got up again like no one else.

  Tang Tai...

  Two crows flew by awkwardly.

  Before Tang Tai crossed over, he had shot twice during military training. It was a strange thing to be able to hit accurately.

  Looking at Tang Tai's extremely clumsy marksmanship, Dr. Yingsen's mouth twitched.

  "Great, I almost scared a few to death. Where did you learn your marksmanship?"

  Tony Stark said with a dark face.

  Even at this level, he dares to earn money for his life, how dare the young people today don't have the guts to die!

  "Cough, I'll still use my fist."

  Tang Tai smiled dryly.

  "It's a rookie agent, kill him!"

  Seeing the explosion of Tang Tai's poor marksmanship, the robbers who rushed to the door of the laboratory grinned.

  "For my god's glory and dollars! Watch the fist!"

  Tang Tai roared and plunged into the ring of robbers like a whirlwind!

  "Just rushed up like that?"

  Dr. Ying Sen's mouth trembled for a while, and finally understood the meaning of being poor and crazy.

  "Bastard! He's too fast! Can't aim at all, grenade!"

  After being knocked down by a child with a punch from Tang Tai, the robbers said in shock.


  A grenade exploded, Tang Tai was fine, but the cave couldn't stand it!

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