"Huazi, are you the new boy who came a few days ago? What did you just say? Are you the messenger of the gods? Can you help us solve the source of the infection?"

  Kiana, who has a great body, exclaimed. .

Chapter 385

  "Call Jizi, I met a male classmate from Qianyu School, but he seems to have gone crazy. It is estimated that he was affected by the pollution source, and asked to bring him back for treatment!"

  Kiana, who was wearing a Peugeot pulse outfit, glanced at Hua Zi with some sympathy, and then reported through the headset.

  Because there are too few boys in Qianyu students, and Huazi's name is very special, his full name is Stallone Huazi.Then the other party has a burly name, but his body is really flattering. Kiana is curious about how the other party has broken down under the collapse, but there are so many pollution sources and mutants around!

  "I'm not crazy..."

  Hearing Kiana's words, ~Huako said with a wry smile.

  But as long as you can get yourself to the battleship where Wuliang Takizi and Raiden Meiyi are located, then you can fool the other party into the god of luck through various "Novice Guides" in the chat group-!

  "Kiana, are you sure that the other party is not infected-?"

  "Take a good look at his pupils. To be safe, control them in the deck cabin first, and then draw a little blood from the other party for testing, and then do the placement work!"

  Jizi's calm and pleasant voice responded in Kiana's headset.

  "Okay! Stallone Huazi, come with me, I'll give you a blood test first!"

  Kiana waved to Hua Zi.

  "Huh? I have to draw blood..."

  "Well, for Shouyuan and my goddess of destiny!"

  Hearing that he was going to draw blood for himself, Hua Zi's teeth chattered.Before I crossed over, I was most afraid of injections or something, dizzy blood!



  "It's weird, the blood is fine, and the brain waves are normal, why are you talking nonsense?"

  In Changkong City, on the battleship Huberia, Immeasurable Tajiko in a black skirt uniform held the analysis data and wondered.

  On the side, I heard that a classmate's rescued Leidian Meiyi also appeared here.

  Looking at Leiden Yayi, whose temperament and appearance are cold and glamorous, Huazi's heart trembled.

  Especially the pupils of Leidian Yayi, there are lightning flashes from time to time, making the beautiful beauty of the school even more mysterious and extraordinary, not like a human being!

  "Could it be that in such a short world, Leiden Meiyi has already begun to evolve towards Herrscher???"

  "The world information given by senior Bai Yue is not right! How could it be so fast! Fortunately, it came in time, otherwise this woman of destiny will suffer."

  Huazi didn't dare to look at Raiden Mei, who was about to become the Herrscher, instead, it seemed that Kiana was more likely to be fooled.Of course, anyway, all the beautiful girls on the Huberia battleship must be fooled into the lucky gods, and then sent to the kingdom of God in exchange for Shouyuan, take your time to start fooling around with big brains and no brains...

  "Ahem, Kiana, I'm really not talking nonsense!"

  "Our world has suffered a catastrophe, and it is naturally accompanied by great luck! I was able to survive the collapse alone because I was blessed by the gods! If you believe me, I can tell you a period of becoming stronger. The spell, help you become the most powerful Valkyrie!"

  Hua Zi squinted at Kiana, who was only able to wear pulse outfits.

  All the girls! ! !

  "God's blessing? Use a spell to become stronger? Can you make me an invincible Herrscher like Mei?"

  "People have been thrown far by Yayi's strength!"

  Kiana was instantly moved.

  "Kiana! How can you trust strangers so easily?"

  "And the ancient fantasy things like spells are all deceptive!"

  Ji Zi rubbed his forehead.

  Apparently, as the captain, she still has a vigilant attitude towards Hua Zi.

  "However, there is no problem with his blood test, and he is still a classmate. There is no reason to lie to us."

  Kiana spread her hands.

  "Let me try it first. With my current strength, it should be enough to resist some accidents."

  "In addition, I seem to feel a sacred breath in him, maybe there is a chance to change this collapsed world."

  Mei Yi's beautiful and dusty face showed a hint of interest.

  "Yi you? Feel a touch of divine aura?"

  "Well, just the words of a spell..."

  Ji Zi touched his chin.

  Today, the entire Changkong City has collapsed at the level of 500hw in ten subordinates. If St. Freya College quickly installed the collapse concentration control equipment, it may have been more severe.

  Even so, Changkong City has been unable to make a decent resistance. In front of countless infected dead people, even flights and trains cannot operate normally.In particular, the Houkai beasts constantly invading the suburbs are always threatening the surviving human beings.

· · · Flowers · · ·

  The power of Valkyrie such as Raiden Mei and Kiana alone is not enough to deal with the deteriorating environment.But the legendary gods do appear...

  "That's great! As expected of Ms. Yai, the embodiment of beauty and courage!"

  "Please use such a praise spell to communicate with the god. As long as Sister Yayi has the destiny of destiny, I believe that she will definitely be blessed by the true god!"

  Hua Zi was surprised.

  "If you lie to us, especially if you lie to Mei, I won't let you go!"


  Kiana wields a show of boxing.

  "Hehe, you have to thank me later."

  Looking at the perfect Kiana by her side, Hua Zi said happily.

  There are so many beauties on this battleship, all of them are [-] life yuan!

  "Praise my god, you are the incarnation of light above the mist, and you are the lucky ruler above all living beings! Your loyal believer Leidian Yayi prays for your favor. May your gods have endless luck and glory forever!"

  Lightning Yai, who sensed some divine aura in advance, did not hesitate to kneel down and chant.


  The gray sky was pierced by a dazzling divine light!Like the only shining spotlight in the world, it shone on the deck of the battleship Huberia, on the body of Raiden Mei!

  Immeasurable Takiko and Kiana were stunned, the boss with beautiful eyes staring!

  "Are there really gods protecting us!"

  "Yi! That's... the power of the Herrscher... assimilated by that holy light???"

  Seeing the rapid transformation of the unstable aura on Raiden Meiyi's body, Wuliang Takizi was pleasantly surprised.

  Kiana was also greatly relieved!

  But Mei Yi has turned a deaf ear to the outside environment at this moment!She is looking at the end of the divine light of luck, the kingdom of gods full of beauty and infinite cognition, and yearning for it!

  "Lord God, the kingdom of gods..."

  "Yi, thank me for the gods, thank you for your infinite grace!"

  Feeling his unprecedented divine power, Leidian Yayi knelt down and bowed with a trembling voice.Down.

Chapter 386

  "I want it too! I also want to be illuminated by such holy light!"

  "what should I do!"

  Qiyana looked at Raiden Yayi with admiration. The power detector in the corner of her eyes was about to explode, and Raiden Yayi was still growing.Such a heaven-defying change is just a matter of worshipping God!

  This kind of thing, even if you gain 2 pounds, you have to participate in it!

  "We... finally have hope to defeat the collapse! Stallone Tangtai, you are indeed the messenger of the gods!"

  The captain, Immeasurable Tajizi, looked at Tang Taidao with great excitement.

  "It's easy to say! When we grow to 100 million believers for our god, sister Yayi and sister Jizi, you can even go to the kingdom of gods through the destiny formation! When you cultivate and return to the true god, what collapse is not a side dish. a plate of!"

  Tang Tai smiled.

  "Can you still go to the six-one-three degrees of the gods?"

  Ji Zi was stunned, and Qiyana also covered her small mouth, her beautiful big eyes blinking, she already started to imagine herself seeing the gods!

  "My Lord God..."

  Leidian Yayi recalled the dharma of the Lord of God that he could vaguely see just now. Although he couldn't see his face clearly, the man's temperament and body shape still made Leidian Yayi's heart beat faster for no reason.

  With such an existence, do you really have the predestined relationship to follow and serve...



  On the plane of "Honkai 3", Raiden Meiyi, Wuliang Takizi, Qiana and others joined the Lucky God Sect one after another and belonged to Chen Xian's belief.

  Chen Xian was already terrified to kill all the forces of the stars and rivers on the battlefield of Tiandao!Even with a team of half-step supreme gods, in front of Chen Xian, they are no different from ordinary people, and they will be wiped out in the blink of an eye!

  "It's boring, but unfortunately, the battlefield of Heavenly Dao only opened the outermost layer of belief resources for hegemony. Even if you get all of them, there are not many."

  "Now there are some sensible people left in this space, and there is no fight to fight. I will go back to my kingdom of God to retreat for a few days. When you want to return or meet an opponent, you will call me through the communication stone."

  In a hidden cave mansion, Chen Xian looked at the mountains of "filial piety" at the entrance of the cave mansion, and shook his head helplessly.

  Since he just came in, he has slaughtered no less than a dozen other galaxy hegemony teams. Everyone in the battlefield is afraid. As long as he encounters Chen Xian or even sees Chen Xian's woman, Tiansheng Linglong, he will turn his head and run away. If something happens, they will even send artifacts to send resources. If Tiansheng Linglong is not on the side, even the female players in the team will send them to Chen Xian!

  Such treatment is unprecedented...

  "Then you can go, it's raining outside, and people are also taking a good look at the cave."

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