Tiansheng Linglong smiled and said obediently.

  She is now the pinnacle of the upper god, and she is still very interested in this cave house left by the ancient supreme god.As for Chen Xian, Chen Xian, who can even fly away from the highest gods, doesn't care about these ancient ruins at all!

  "Oh? It's really raining!"

  "Such a beautiful rainy day can't be wasted, take a nap here and return to my kingdom of God."



  The time on the battlefield of the Heavenly Dao is very fast, and Chen Xian sits on the throne of three thousand real dragons and returns to the kingdom of God!

  "The Lord God is back!"

  "I know that the Lord God will win the battle, invincible Huanyu!"

  "So many artifacts! Immortal Treasure Pavilion's divine light is so dazzling!"

  Watching Chen Xian appear in the sky above Xianbao Pavilion, he sent hundreds of artifacts into Xianbao Pavilion, even the extraordinary 6-star and [-]-star artifacts!Huang Rong, Esdes and others cheered.

  Such a level of supreme divine weapon, just after entering the warehouse, it will attract dragons and phoenixes, and lotus flowers bloom in the sky!Such a shocking phenomenon shocked all the gods, and even Kaisha and Dongfang Huaizhu, who were in retreat, appeared in front of Chen Xian with shocked expressions.

  "Welcome the Lord of God to return to the kingdom of God!"

  Queen Keisha took the lead and bowed down.

  Afterwards, Wuhe Qinli, Shizaki Kuangsan, Yu Xiaomeijiu and other elf beautiful girls who came over saw Chen Xian's true face for the first time, and they all jumped out with excitement!

  "This is Lord God! Lord God, the only limit true God in the universe!"

  "What a handsome friend, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

  "It's simply Prince Charming, no, he is the master of the universe, the prince is nothing in front of the Lord God!"

  "My Lord God is so handsome! Lord God is mine, I have to fight for it..."

  Yawu Xixian, Si Xian Nai, and Qi Sin said with blushing faces and trembling in their hearts, just by looking at the man above the throne from a distance, he was already fascinated!

  "Get up, I know all about you preparing for the Meditation Ten Thousand Worlds Food Festival, everyone has the heart... When the food festival is over, I will give artifacts and fairy treasures according to the rankings, everyone will be rewarded for encouragement. "

  Chen Xian floated down from under the throne in the sky, and helped Kaisha, Dongfang Huaizhu and others up.

  "Really? There are artifacts and fairy treasures just for preparing food for you?"

  "Ah ah ah! Why didn't you tell me earlier, I knew I had been studying gourmet recipes with all my heart these days!"

  Hearing Chen Xian's promise, Li Mochou, Fuchuan, Keqing and others whined.

  Especially Ke Qing, up to now there is only a cold jade sword selected from the treasure house of heaven and earth, and the quality is not at the level of fairy treasure.This is what Yan Lingji helped her to exchange with her own points.

  Although the treasures in the treasure house of heaven and earth can be used without identifying the owner, they require certain points.

  After seeing the power of the Ningguang Immortal Sword, Ke Qing dreams of owning a weapon that recognizes her as the master!

  As for the immortal sword of the team leader Tianquan Xing Ningguang, it was obtained from the Immortal Treasure Pavilion with the help of the divine aura of the Lord God when he accompanied Chen Xian for the past two days.

  This kind of method, Ke Qing's thin skin can't do it, so the "Wanjie Food Festival Competition" in front of her is her best chance!

  "Didn't you listen to what the Lord God said, even the last one will be rewarded, but it can only be at the level of fairy treasures. Sister Keqing, come on! It's a big deal, Keli will accompany you to the bottom!"

  Claire chuckled softly.

  "Is there any future, our Yuanshen team can't lose to anyone at the food festival, but if you lose, Li, go to confinement."

  The sound of the piano is low.

  "Ah? I was wrong! I don't want to close the confinement anymore."

  Kelly covered her face.

  "Xiangling, lend me your gourmet recipe! When I get a good weapon reward, I will definitely repay you!"

  Ke Qing pulled Xiang Ling's sleeve and prayed.

  "Practice makes perfect for this kind of thing. You might as well stay in the Lord's room tonight and serve well."

  Xiangling laughed badly.


  Ke Qing staggered, shy and didn't dare to look into Chen Xian's eyes again. .

Chapter 387

  "I'm afraid that if you want to accompany Ke Qing, you will have to fight with those elf girls. Haven't you seen them all become peach eyes?"

  Ningguang narrowed his eyes and smiled.

  Carved sunny! ! !

  "I won't lose, our Lord Keqing is a very beautiful existence!"

  Xiangling waved his fist to encourage.

  "Then...then I'll try it tonight..."

  Ke Qing blushed and gritted her teeth.

  Of course she likes the Lord God, but she is not forced to be thin-skinned. Now she has an excuse, and accompanying the Lord God can increase your cultivation and points!


  "The rewards are so generous, and our elves are also very good at cooking, but we can't be ashamed. If anyone loses, they are not allowed to greet the Lord God for three days?"

  Tokisaki Kurumi over there squeezed his fingers excitedly.

  "This punishment is too serious, it's better to kill me, Lord God is so handsome, people want to go to say goodbye tonight!"

  Yu Xiaomeijiu blushed 14 words.

  "Lady, want some ladies!"

  "And this kind of thing should come from the captain first! I will help you investigate the situation."

  Wuhe Qinli said seriously.

  Four Elements and others...

  "The competition seems to be very fierce. Fortunately, this god has collected n many unique food secrets from the lower realm!"

  Reina smiled wickedly at the burning crowd.

  "The secret recipe for unique food... You can't eat dead people, Na sister."

  Qilin's mouth twitched.

  "What are you talking about, our Lieyang Star's snacks are the best in the world, and what kind of metaphor are you talking about! Lord God, you can't die even if you eat poison!"

  Reina pinched her waist and reprimanded.

  "I was wrong……"

  Qi Lin shrank her neck.

  "Sister, how about your trip to the lower world to receive the goods? We are not good at this."

  Xinyuehu looked at Xinyuekui and said.

  "Don't worry, it's a protoss with a history of 2 years. You can still find some ways to make delicious dishes. While there is still some time before the gourmet dinner, everyone can go to me and get the recipes to see."

  "As for the ingredients, it's in the space ring that the Lord God gave me."

  The enchanting Xinyuekui chuckled softly.

  Now she is also favored by Chen Xian. She is no longer envious and jealous of her sister Xinyuehu as before, and she has begun to think about the team members when she does things. After all, after that attempt, Xinyuekui knows that the Lord of God, Chen Xianquan It's not that she can monopolize it as a woman, and she can't stand it herself...

  "Thank you very much, our Ming people are really not good at cooking."

  Dancing with the wind helplessly.

  For Xinyuekui, she and Xingxing Youlei felt a little awkward. After all, Xinyuekui and Xinyuekui used to be mortal enemies.However, Xinyuekui in front of her was not the high priest of the Protoss they knew. At best, Xinyuekui could only be regarded as a girl of the Protoss who was just as in love as Xinyuehu.

  "Alan, this time you have to seize the opportunity, your beauty is not inferior to others, but don't drown your head and practice alone."

  Peacock, the leader of the "Shenming Team", patted Alan's hand.

  "Well... I'm ready, Sister Peacock..."

  Alan blushed and nodded.

  For the people that Chen Xian left, she already wanted to understand what she wanted. This time, preparing loving dishes for the Lord of God was the chance she had been waiting for, and the chance came naturally.

  "Seeing that everyone is nervous, I am also getting nervous."

  "Sister, do you think the Lord God will like the 'Red Lotus Qingyu Soup' we made?"

  Lu Zhi's red lips pursed slightly, and he pulled La Lu Su's sleeve.

  "As long as we work hard, Lord God will feel it."

  Lu Su lightly smiled and comforted.

  "It makes sense! It also gave me a lot of confidence!"

  Yu Shu's eyes gleamed eagerly.

  "Lord Princess, it's the first time you've cooked in your life, so unreasonable confidence can be dangerous."

  Satsuki snickered.

  As a little palace maid in the world of "Myth", Xiaoyue has never seen a princess of a country cook by herself. There is one person present, and in Xiaoyue's opinion, she is much stronger than Princess Yushu.

  "Hey, is it your own? If you attack the enthusiasm of the team leader, I will send you to warm the bed for the Lord of God tonight."

  Yushu pretended to be angry.

  "Ah ah - I was wrong! Lord Princess, spare your life!"

  Being so threatened in public, Xiaoyue instantly begged for mercy.

  "We can only count on the love bento, do you want to change the menu for the competition? I want to try making a sashimi..."

  In the distance, Ya Liyi looked at the team leader Keidao with some worry.

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