"It's too late now. I already know the news. What Yu Xiaomeijiu and Sisinai do are love sashimi. It's even harder to get a high score for so many similar dishes."

  Megumi sighed.

  As the captain of the winning team, I am also extremely bad at cooking, because I am too busy with work!After coming to the kingdom of God and advancing to the realm of the gods, you don't need three meals a day, and you only cook when you want to eat.

  "There must be no one doing the same thing as me anyway."

  The princess of the time royal family, Yuedu, smiled confidently.

  "His Royal Highness... The ancient way of cooking porridge in the royal family of time, are you sure that the Lord God will like it? That's a hot dish that is only cooked when the earth is famined!"

  Aura rubbed his forehead.

  Lina on the side was speechless!

  I said in my heart that Princess Yuedu chose such a delicious food for the competition, so it would not be repeated.

  "What do you know, Lord God can definitely taste the taste of time and history."

  "The last time I was with the Lord God, the Lord God was very interested in the history of our time royal family!"

  Yue Yu blushed.

  "Is it interested in you... You dressed beautifully that day and your voice is nice."

  Lina smirked.

  "Don't say such shameful things! There are so many people here!"

  Tsukiyomi covered her blushing cheeks with a white skirt.

  "There's nothing to be shy about, the girls in our group are just too shy, so no one can help me with this until now."

  "Chi Tong, I don't care, you and Hei Tong must fulfill their responsibilities and obligations as team members today."

  "Whether you can get a high score depends on your sisters' performance in the Temple of the King this afternoon."

  Estes smoothed his icy blue hair and chuckled.

  "Ah??? This afternoon?"

  "Aren't we going to prepare a gourmet dinner!"

  Chi Tong's big eyes blinked.

  "Esdes, what do you mean, is it..."

  Hei Tong's voice was inexplicably weak.

  "That's right, your sisters are at this competition dinner. Let the Lord of God have a good taste, and you will definitely get a high score!"

  Estes smirked smugly.

  Chi Tong and Hei Tong were instantly stunned, and everyone was flabbergasted! .

Chapter 388

  "Master God, you gave such an event reward as soon as you came back, which made the sisters burn."

  Keisha's graceful and noble figure appeared on Chen Xian's side.

  "It's good to be energetic. I have received a lot of goods this time. Naturally, I can't treat my godly treasures badly."

  "What kind of food did you prepare at night, I'm curious."

  Chen Xian naturally embraced Keisha's small waist.

  Keisha was shy, but she also allowed Chen Xian to hold herself in her arms to make trouble.

  "Haha, Lord God, Queen Keisha cooked for the first time yesterday. She used the most cumbersome recipe in the universe to make a pot of four different things. It almost made Queen Medusa and Dongfang Huaizhu laugh to death."

  Hexi mercilessly exposed Keisha's bottom line.

  "I see... as expected of Keisha who is proficient in calculations."

  Chen Xianle said.

  "Hexi, you traitor!"

  Kaisha was embarrassed and glared at Hexi.

  "Lord God, the dish that Sister Yan cooked yesterday was delicious. She was the exact opposite of Queen Keisha and chose the simplest recipe."

  Zhi Xin boldly interjected.

  "Zhixin! Don't mention me about this kind of thing. Didn't you learn to cook with more heart? Your pot of rice is absolutely outstanding."

  Hikari blushed.

  "Sister Yan, are you praising me or laughing at me!"

  Zhixin covered his face.

  "A pot of rice is worthy of being with Yan."

  Chen Xian laughed.

  "My Lord God..."

  Zhi Xin was even more ashamed, too embarrassed to look up.

  "Zhixin, you are in charge of supervising Hexi, and do your duty as a female angel."

  Keisha had an idea, broke free from Chen Xian's embrace, smiled and looked at Zhi Xin and He Xi.

  In today's angel group, only Hexi, Zhixin, and Lingxi have never been married to God Lord Chen Xian, and now is a good opportunity.There are so many goddesses and princesses in the kingdom of God. If they miss this time, Hexi and the others don't know when they will go.


  "I-I...I know, Queen Keisha..."

  Zhi Xin was sluggish for a moment, then lowered his head in a trembling voice.

  She knew that Queen Keisha wanted to fulfill her and Hexi. They had already entered the realm of gods, and they knew their other half very well. They had long regarded themselves as the woman of the god Lord Chen Xian, just the glory and respect of the angels. Let Zhixin dare not take the initiative to do things like Yan and Kaisha.

  Now that Kaisha arranges this way, Zhixin also tells Zhixin not to underestimate herself. From this moment on, they will treat each other as sisters!

  "It's rare that Queen Keisha thinks of you, to satisfy the Lord God."

  Yan also squinted and encouraged.

  "Sister Yan..."

  Zhi Xin was so nervous that he didn't dare to look into Chen Xian's eyes, what if the Lord God didn't like him.In case you don't serve well...

  "You guys! Don't arbitrarily arrange other people's affairs!"

  "The Lord God still has a lot of things to do!"

  Hexi also waved his fist in shame.

  "Haha, it was my negligence that left Hexi and Zhixin in the cold."

  "Then do something serious to make up for it."

  Chen Xian looked at the charming Tianji King Hexi and Angel Zhixin, and before Hexi refused to be ashamed, he disappeared with the two daughters.



  Just in the space of the kingdom of God, when the Lord of God Chen Xian appreciated the beauty of angels.

  Pretty Xiaoman from the "Kuiba" plane has officially boarded Qujing No. [-]!

  "Fortunately, the guy who stole Wenyao from the Dragon Clan was there for cover, otherwise the Wenyao I made myself would not be qualified to mix in!"

  "With the blessing of my god's lucky divine light, going out is going to be smooth!"

  Standing on the bustling deck of Qujing No. [-], Man Xiaoman couldn't help but rejoice.

  The day before yesterday, he had placed Manji with Lili Ai, Princess Shuguo, and also fooled Li Liai into joining the Lucky God Cult!

  Princess Lili Ai is synonymous with beauty and kindness. After she was blessed by divine light and understood the benevolence doctrine of the God of Fortune, she devoted herself to the cause of propagating the doctrine of the God of Fortune. In just two days, the number of believers still increased. It soared to a giant of [-], and directly helped Man Xiaoman to achieve the authority to open the summoning of the sacred beast of the kingdom of God.

  So, in fact, the current Man Xiaoman can not only open 7 pulse gates and use the ultimate pulse technique, but also summon the sacred beasts of the kingdom of God three times!It can be said that he has already stood at the pinnacle of the entire world and the world of gods!

  However, quite Xiaoman was used to being wretched, and for a while still couldn't adapt to his identity as the first-person protagonist, so he still pretended to be a second-rate and mixed in the crowd.

  He knew that in addition to the duty of revealing his identity and propagating the teachings at the critical moment, he also had to... search for the daughter of destiny!

  Princess Shuguo Lili Ai is one of them, but the others have no clue. She can only hope that the goddess will send some beautiful goddesses down, otherwise she can only find a way to counterattack the goddess and search for the daughter of destiny.

  "Master Captain is here!"

  The surrounding monsters exclaimed.

  "...So sexy, haha! I actually got on the ship just to see this coquettish captain!"

  "If you can get married and go home."

  A monster of a beast country looked at the beautiful captain with an enchanting posture and a blindfold and drooled.

  Then I heard a bang!

  Everyone didn't see how the beautiful captain opened the pulse door, and the drooling monster was kicked and flew into the sea, and bubbles appeared.

  The monsters swallowed their saliva, still full of respect for the strong when they looked at each other.


  "Long, good-looking and strong, if it weren't for one-eyed, maybe he could be recruited to exchange for [-] years of life!"

  Pretty little man grinned.

  "Well? Who are you saying is one-eyed? I wear a blindfold just because this eye is tired and needs a rest. You reminded me that it's time to let the other eye rest."

  Yuanlang, the beautiful captain of Qujing No. [-], chuckled lightly, and even put the black eye patch on his left eye on his right eye under the stunned gaze of everyone.

  All (Wang Dezhao) people all fainted!

  "It's actually... It's so amazing!"

  Manji's voice came from a wooden box.

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