Qin is also a smart woman. Seeing the tacit gestures of Xiangling and Lisa, she instantly understood the reason.

  "Haha, Captain Qin has already agreed. As Mond is a more reliable existence than Fengshen, I can't go back on it at this time."

  "Come on, if anything goes wrong, remember the teachings of Lord Yanlingji..."

  As Lisa spoke, she pushed Qin towards the door of the bedroom.

  "what does it mean!"

  "What is Master Yan Lingji's teaching? Lisa, please explain it!"

  "Hey, don't push me, I'll go by myself."


  Facts have proved that Lisa and Xiangling's guess is very accurate.

  When Qin entered the cabinet of the Palace of the God King, looking at Qin's soft and dignified waistline, Chen Xian was so calm, so naturally he didn't want to eat moon cakes.



  "God! Lisa, what good things did you and Xiangling do? You fooled our female saints to the Lord God?"

  When Ke Qing came back from practice, the corners of her mouth twitched when she heard the movement from the Temple of the God King.

  "That's what it means to share the blessings and the misfortunes."

  "Qin won't have the confidence to laugh at me in the future."

  Lisa smiled and waved her hand.

  "Hey hey, this is called the beauty of adulthood. It's not good for a woman as good as Sister Qin to keep her head down and practice."

  "Sister Keqing, do you want to join in the fun?"

  Xiangling also snickered.

  "As a great god, how can you be immersed in the jealousy of the favor, why don't you devote yourself to the sword and cut your heart without any clutter!"

  Ke Qing waved his fist.


  "Keqing is really a cultivator, and she will give in too much to sister Shi Jindao."

  Lisa pinched her waist and commented that the graceful waist is very beautiful.

  "Sister Lisa, your figure is so good! Can it help your figure by accompanying the Lord God?"

  Xiangling suddenly looked at Lisa and said enviously.

  Lisa stumbles!

  "Xiangling, you have made a mistake, you are a cook, don't stare at this kind of thing all day."

  Lisa hummed angrily.



  Just when Chen Xian was enjoying all the beauty in his own shrine.

  The plane of Kuiba was blessed by being illuminated by the divine light of luck, and when he glimpsed the divine mirror of Kuiba, the master of the god realm, where the kingdom of gods existed, he was already reborn and enlightened.

  Heaven's good fortune, life level soared to the stage of congenital spirit, and became Chen Xian's strongest preacher in the Kuiba plane!


  "The whole world of the gods is wrong. If you want to see the true meaning of life and become a real god, you don't need to live as cold and mechanical as those main gods!"

  "My mother, Goddess Pu Xin, actually did one step right, but was used as a negative teaching material by those icy elders of the Lord God!"

  "Pretty Xiaoman! You should have also been blessed by the Lord of God, right? I want you to join me in the realm of the gods, and ask for justice for my mother, Pu Xin! Can't refuse."

  Jing Xin turned around and looked at the stunned pretty little Mandao.


  "I'm going! You're really the daughter of destiny, but we haven't even developed much in the realm of the earth. Now let me and you counterattack the realm of the gods, and we have no one!"

  "Do you want me to call those old, weak, sick and disabled believers in Wowo Township?"

  Pretty Xiaoman smiled bitterly.

  He downloaded the "Missionary Strategy for Novices in Another World" from the group file of the chat group, and let the light of luck attracted by Manji shine on Jing Xin's body!Unexpectedly, this effect is too good!

  Jing Xin not only got the revelation from the gods, but also seemed to have gained incredible power. He even said the words of counterattacking the Heavenly God Realm?This was completely outrageous in the past, okay?

  "Sister Jingxin! Why don't you go to Kuiba? Why do you suddenly want to counterattack the Heavenly God Realm again!"

  Manji is also guilty.

  He attracted the divine light of luck. After two times of divine light of luck, Manji already knew that his predecessor was actually Kuiba!

  Hundreds of years ago, his predecessor, the second-generation Kuiba, killed Jing Xin's mother... But Manji would never have dared to tell Jing Xin about this, otherwise he would definitely die!

  "Hate Kuiba? Of course there are still some, but my mother gave up the use of light potential for the life of the earth. This kind of benevolence is used as a negative teaching material by the gods!"

  "Hmph, Kuiba damn, those old things, even more damn!"

  Jingxin looked at the sky from a distance, and the 76-bit Qujing Realm of Star Dou was the position of the Heavenly God Realm!

  "Cough, actually, Mirror Heart!"

  "I want to confess something. Anyway, sooner or later you will go to serve in the kingdom of Lord God. So you should be able to meet that condition."

  "I have a way to revive your mother Puxin Goddess. From this point of view, can you forgive Kuiba?"

  Pretty Xiaoman coughed dryly.

  As soon as these words came out, Jing Xin's petite and exquisite body suddenly shook violently, and she looked at Pretty Xiaoman in disbelief! .

Chapter 405

The women think about the most family waiting for Yiya, Nayaki, Sha Dumei, and Yunyun to write the follow-up!If you have a day off, please forgive me again, so I don't get sick again!sin compensation field patent blessing

Chapter 406

  "Time and Space Escape Talisman? 10 believers will have a chance to obtain that kind of thing, right?"

  "As expected of the Lord God, you can even do things like reversing time and space!"

  Hearing Man Xiaoman's explanation, Jing Xin's icy cold eyes filled with undisguised joy.

  Over the years, he has hidden his thoughts about his mother in his heart, and even has to endure the censure and ridicule of the gods and gods for his mother. This is the main reason why Jing Xin is cold as ice.

  But if there is a way to resurrect her mother, it must be her greatest wish!

  "It's just that there is a lot of probability to draw. Let me do the math. There are currently 34 bigwigs in the group, and there are only 2 special prizes 'Time and Space Escape Talisman'. The probability of this drawing is...yes...yes..."

  Pretty Xiaoman's brows are wrinkled, and he is trying to calculate with his fingers.

  Manji next to him grinned.

  He recovered some of Kuiba's memory, and he is also quite big on arithmetic problems!

  "5.88%, the rate of [-] is not too high, and I doubt whether your luck can be better than those people."

  Mirror Heart rolled her eyes.

  "Cough cough, this... It's a big deal, I'll beg for one from those otherworldly bigwigs, and I'll pay them back later."

  "However, if you are really weak, you can use the 'Time and Space Escape Talisman' to go to the past time and space. Your mother will go to the kingdom of God with you to serve the gods."

  Pretty little Man laughed dryly.

  As soon as these words came out, Jing Xin's delicate and pretty face instantly turned rosy.

  "Is there any other way?"

  Mirror heart shyly said angrily.

  After all, I am also a Celestial Clan, so I can't both follow the same man as my mother...

  "Cough, then it's up to you. It is said that there are many incredible treasures in the kingdom of God. In the world at the beginning of the month, there is a person Tushan Honghong, who has the divine weapon amulet given by the Lord of God, which can resist the adverse consequences of the dislocation of the time line in the lower realm. ."

  "That kind of fetish is not something I can get. It depends on whether you can get favor."

  Pretty Xiaoman smiled wickedly.

  Mirror heart! ! !

  "I understand."

  Mirror heart blushed.

  She never imagined that things like competing for favor would be linked to saving her mother. In this case, even if she was embarrassed, she had to do it...

  "Haha! If you have this determination, you will definitely succeed, after all, you are so young and beautiful!"

  Pretty Xiaoman complimented.

  "Don't talk about it with me! In short, it is right to develop believers for the Lord of God first."

  The mirror is ashamed and angry.

  "Yes yes yes! So about Kuiba, if contemporary Kuiba is also a believer of my god, can we forgive him?"

  Man Xiaoman gave Manji a wink, and then looked at Jing Xin with hope.

  Manji next to him is also a little nervous, and now he is far from an opponent who has received the blessing of the True God.In case Jingxin still wants to avenge the goddess Pu Xin, she is afraid that her life will not be guaranteed!

  mirror heart...

  "Ruo Kuiba is also a believer of the Lord of God. As the god of the God of the gods, I can naturally let go of all my grievances."

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