Jing Xin was silent for a while, then turned to look at Pretty Xiao Mandao.


  Man Xiaoman and Man Ji jumped up and cheered at the same time.

  Mirror heart again...


  "Could it be that you are pretty Xiaoman and Kuiba?"

  The corners of Jingxin's mouth twitched.

  "No no! How could I be Kuiba, my son Manji is Kuiba!"

  "Manji has long been a believer of Lord God Lord, Lord Jingxin can't go back on it!"

  Pretty Xiaoman pinched his waist and laughed.

  "Manji is Kuiba???"

  Jing Xin's eyes widened, looking at the seven- or eight-year-old boy beside him in disbelief!

  "Sister Mirror Heart..."

  "Sorry, I just recovered a little bit of my memory, but I seem to be really Quiba."

  Manji shook his head.

  The mirror is speechless!

  Even the energy in the body burst out uncontrollably, the sense of oppression was several levels more terrifying than the rumored master of the seven pulse gates!

  "Sister Mirror Heart!"

  "Lord Jingxin, as a future god, you can't go back!"

  Manji and Man Xiaoman shrank their necks in fright.

  Nowadays, the number of believers is still small, and he is quite Xiaoman not the opponent of Jingxin.

  "Have lied to me for so long!"

  "Humph! Sooner or later, I want your father and son to look good!"

  "Let's talk about the next plan first!"

  Thinking of her promise, Jing Xin tried her best to suppress the killing intent for Manji's revenge, closed her eyes and squeezed her fists.


  "Thank you so much for your kindness! You are indeed the woman of God's destiny, and you love all beings just like the Lord of God!"

  Man Xiaoman took Man Ji to give Jing Xin a 90-degree bow.

  "Sister Jingxin, although I don't remember the grudge with your mother for hundreds of years, I will do my best to resurrect your mother."

  "The twelve demon generals on the vortex island ahead, I'm here to persuade them to join the Lucky God Cult! If you add other demon clans scattered around the world, the believers will soon be able to meet the conditions for you to go to the kingdom of God!"

  Manji said with a sincere face...


  "But if you want to get my forgiveness, at least wait for my mother to be resurrected. If it fails, I will still kill you."

  Mirror sighed in anger.

  "Then it's settled!"

  Manji gestured for a scissor hand.



  a few days later.

  Chen Xian's supreme kingdom of God!

  At this moment, the kingdom of God in his palm has evolved to an unbelievable level under the blessing of the boundless faith last night!Especially under the influence of the ultimate god throne, the types of great holy beast laws in the kingdom of gods have already reached [-] giants!It can be called the strongest kingdom of God in the palm of the universe!

  So last night's celebration carnival ended very late.

  "Lord God, didn't you say that a newcomer entered this morning?"

  Yun Yun snuggled in Chen Xian's arms and said softly, her beautiful face reflecting in the morning light.

  "Who made Yun Yun so beautiful, so reluctant to leave."

  Looking at Yun Yun's extremely beautiful waist curve, Chen Xian said with emotion.

  "The Lord of God can't be so reckless..."

  Aware of Chen Xian's intentions, Yun Yun raised her head shyly.



  dong dong!Boom!

  The bells of the kingdom of God are melodious, and the holes penetrate the sky.

  "There's a newcomer! I'm going to call the Lord God and Sister Yunyun to get up!"

  The four lines are excited.

  "Big sister! Are you looking for abuse on purpose? We'll go meet it ourselves!"

  Yu Xiao Miku rubbed her forehead.

  "Ah, you know Yu Xiao Meijiu quite well, as expected of the existence of husband and wife with the Lord God!"

  "Would you like to teach everyone some experience?"

  Tokisaki Kuangsan's evil eyes blinked.

  "Damn it, Kuangsan, don't even think about swiping my card when you go to Queen Keisha's game console next time!"

  Yu Xiao Miku said with shame and anger.

  "Come over quickly, even Yaoyue and the others flew over, our elf team can't lose to the newcomers!"

  Wuhe Qinli urged, the beautiful figure was the first to step on the void and disappear.

  "Why are you in such a hurry, is there anything delicious?"

  Yato God Tohka spreads his hands.

  "Still eating... If it weren't for Tohxiang, your food looks scary, or Lord God Lord wouldn't have left only Lord Yunyun last night!"

  The four lines are full of rage.

  As soon as these words came out, the girls of Yawu and Xixian also pinched their waists and looked angrily at Tohka, the god of the sword.

  ps: The body has recovered!3 more walks up every day! .

Chapter 407

  "Is this the soul-guarding wrench presented by the Lord God? Can Wang Yuyan not wear it so conspicuously!"

  Seeing that Wang Yuyan was shrouded in the first-level moonlight on the platform of the reception formation, and the beautiful appearance of all kinds of fairies, she couldn't help expressing her envy and dissatisfaction.

  "I didn't do it on purpose, Sister Wei, I'm not very good at controlling the power of this wrench, and I know it's a bit ostentatious."

  Wang Yuyan blushed slightly.

  "You haven't even reached the realm of pseudo-gods. It's outrageous to be able to control a 1-star artifact."

  "I think back then, the immortal sword that the Lord God gave to Captain Ling'er continued to glow for several months, and there was no need to turn on the lights at night."

  Nightshade snickered.


  "Why is the Lord God so partial? I'm also very well-behaved, okay, why no one sent it."

  She took out her 3-star Immortal Treasure Feijian and sighed.

  As for this fairy-level magic sword, it took her ten hours to force her to recognize her as the master. Before she was proud of it for a few days, Wang Yuyan was directly rewarded by Chen Xian with an artifact to pull her finger!

  Isn't this difference a big one?

  "The so-called chance is like this. Which sister in the Supreme Divine Kingdom is not well behaved in front of the 14 God Lords. If you really want to give it all, who will work hard to practice. If I want to say that the angels do the best, everything depends on their own. God points to speak."

  Tang Xuejian commented with his arms folded over his shoulders.

  "Sister Xuejian, I remember that the Lord God also gave you something, why are you reluctant to take it out for us to see on weekdays?"

  Fuchuan blinked.

  "What! Even Xuejian has extra gifts for you..."

  "Could it be that the Lord God is rewarded based on his body shape!"

  Ended in shock. . . ->(DsE_! Road.

  No way, Tang Xuejian's figure is so eye-catching that they are privately called a big power by them!

  "You are too dirty! How could this be the reason!"

  Tang Xuejian covered his face and said.

  Wang Yuyan was too embarrassed to look up to see anyone, she seemed to have been crossed by Chen Xian that night, and she was in good shape...

  "It seems necessary to put fitness on the agenda."

  "Hey, sister Inoue Orihime, does your fitness group still accept people?"

  Kaoru greeted Orihime Inoue from a distance.


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