Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "...々¨..."

  Tu Shan Yaya's stinky girls don't pay wages: "I am still poor, woohoo!"



  "Did you make a mistake, a dragon farm of [-] square kilometers? When I was frightened since I was a child, Sakuragi Huadao is as stinky as that Rukawa Feng!"

  In front of the small steel ball store not far from Wako Middle School, Sakuragi Huadao put his hands in his pockets and kicked away a drink box in an unhappy mood.

  Although a chat group appeared in his head inexplicably, Sakuragi Huadao, who already had the judgment of elementary school students, naturally wouldn't easily believe the nonsense of these strangers in the group.Especially after knowing that Akagi Haruko was as fascinated by that Rukawa Kaede as all the girls in the school, Sakuragi Flower Road no longer believed in spring!

  So Sakuragi Huadao just gave up and fell out with the gorilla Goxian Akagi.

  "Hey! Sakuragi? Why did you come to the small steel ball store! You are so unmotivated, shouldn't you be doing basic exercises in the basketball hall at this time?"

  The four of them, Mito Yohei and Takamiya Wang, looked at the Sakuragi Flower Road lined up at the entrance of the Little Steel Ball Store and said in surprise.

  "I want you to take care of it, why does Ben Datian like playing basketball tricks! It's better to play small steel balls to earn some pocket money!"

  Sakuragi Hua Dao chirped.

  "Huh? Come here to earn pocket money? Sakuragi, you've never won a small steel ball before, okay? You borrow our money every time, and I don't know how much you owe."

  Gao Gongwang laughed arrogantly.

  "We don't plan to return the debt we owe, but Sakuragi Huadao, are you really not going to go back to the basketball team? Akagi Haruko isn't going after him?"

  Mito Yohei wondered.

  "Hey, I bet Sakuragi Huadao has been rejected!"

  Noma Chuichiro laughed wickedly.

  "Shut up! It's that stinky fox Rukawa Kaede all over the place! Today, the genius of this university is going to wash the small steel ball shop!"

  Sakuragi Flower Road threatened with a fist.

  "Yes Yes Yes."

  Mito Yohei, who knew Sakuragi's temperament, snickered and agreed.

  Half an hour later, Sakuragi Huadao was already kneeling beside the small steel ball board game, and only the last silver coin of the month was left to lose.

  "Hahahaha! Sure enough, it's our Sakuragi Huadao! It's amazing to be able to lose [-] games in a row."

  "Yes, yes, you should win a game with your eyes closed, right!"

  "Compared to your luck, Sakuragi Huadao, we have all become the blessing of the god of luck, hehe!"

  Noma Chuichiro and Takamiya Nozomi pointed at Sakuragi Flower Road and laughed and said with tears.

  "You bastards! It's so interesting to see me lose, I don't have any conscience at all! The blessing of the god of luck..."

  "Wait! God of luck?"


  "Try it, there's no food to eat anyway, and Akagi Haruko won't like me either, just throw it away!"

  "Praise my god, you are the incarnation of light above the mist, you are the lucky ruler above all living beings! Your loyal believer Sakuragi Huadao prays for your favor..."

  Under the dazed gazes of Mito Yohei and Okusu Yuji, Sakuragi Flower Road, who was desperate and broke the jar, finally remembered the prayer spell in the chat group!

  Sakuragi Huadao, who went out of his way, decided to give it a try!Even if this behavior is disgraceful.

  ".~ Sakuragi Huadao, are you worshipping God?"

  "Haha, it's a little late now, I should bow before entering the store."

  "Uh? Why is there light coming in!"

  "Damn it! There really is a god!"

  Seeing the dazzling light shining on Sakuragi's head, the four of Mito Yohei were stunned!

  "This is--"

  "Lucky Light???"

  "It's true! What the people there say is true, ah ha ha ha! I am going to make a fortune, I am a great genius!"

  Sakuragi Huadao kowtowed and cried with excitement.

  He has been living by tightening his belt since he was a child, and he has always been looking forward to becoming a rich man!If it weren't for no money, how could it be dumped 90 times by girls! ! !

  "God of luck? It won't really (Wang Hao) have such a thing!"

  The owner of the small steel ball shop and other customers were dumbfounded and inexplicable when they saw the situation of Sakuragi Huadao.

  But Sakuragi Huadao's next performance completely made everyone stupid!

  Play with small steel balls and start winning all the time, you can win with your eyes closed!In a short period of time, the game currency of the small steel ball store was emptied!The owner of the store cried and begged for mercy before Sakuragi Huadao stopped!

  When Mito Yohei and Okusu Yuji and four saw such a heaven-defying scene, they knelt on the ground without hesitation and shouted Big Brother!It was very quick and easy to join the lucky god man!

  "Ahahahaha! No, no, I, Sakuragi Huadao, are now the messengers of the gods, and I have to go back to the basketball team to save face! What about Akagi Takeken and Rukawa Kaede, I will use my skills to defeat them, make them kneel and apologize, and then Don't dare to despise this great genius like me!"

  Sakuragi Flower Road, holding a big bag full of coins, strode towards the basketball team very smartly! .

Chapter 414

  "Sakuragi Huadao! I knew you would come back, great! You are my favorite basketball rookie in Caizi!"

  "Captain Akagi, Sakuragi Huadao should know it's wrong, so don't be angry, okay?"

  Seeing Sakuragi Huadao appearing at the entrance of the basketball hall, basketball manager Caizi's eyes lit up and hurriedly stepped forward and said haha.

  Although Sakuragi Flower Road is still a beginner, this height and physical ability are definitely not covered!In Caizi's view, as long as Sakuragi Flower Road receives guidance and training, there will be a chance to appear when Sakuragi Flower Road is in the second or third grade!

  After all, basketball is not the mainstream of this era. Compared with judo, there are still very few students who sign up to play basketball in schools. The qualifications of Sakuragi Hanado are super scarce resources.

  "Sakuragi is back! Great, great!"

  "Ah? Sakuragi has reflected on himself, right! Akagi, Sakuragi is actually quite fast at learning, why don't you start teaching him something else!"

  Vice-captain Mu Mu also laughed happily.

  There is no way, the newcomers who signed up for the Xiangbei basketball team this year are all crooked melons and cracked dates except for Sakuragi Huadao.

  The rest of the basketball team were equally excited. After all, Sakuragi Huadao was lucky enough to win the existence of Akagi in the 1630v1 duel the day before yesterday, which directly made Sakuragi Huadao a campus celebrity, and the most important thing is that Sakuragi Huadao is a first-year student like them. .

  Of course, there was only one guy in the audience who was indifferent and glowing with dead fish eyes. That was one of the reasons why Sakuragi Huadao broke out before, Rukawa Kaede...


  Rukawa Feng looked at a group of people who were inexplicably excited because of the arrival of Sakuragi Flower Road, and his heart was calm.

  However, Akagi Gangxian's eyes slightly brightened a lot.

  "Well then, Caizi, start teaching him something else."

  Akagi Goxian continued with a stern face.

  "Oh yeah! Did you hear it! Akagi still cares about you, no one can make such a fast progress in basic training!"

  Caizi hammered Sakuragi Huadao with a punch.

  "Then...then can I dunk? Hahaha!"

  Sakuragi Huadao grinned.

  "I don't understand the basic rules and techniques, even if you happen to be able to dunk, what's the use!"

  Akagi Goxian raised his face again.

  "I'm a genius, what basketball rules does a great genius want—"

  Sakuragi Huadao said angrily.

  Now he has opened a lucky plug-in. With the blessing of the god of luck, there is no problem with dunking and throwing. This is the time for him to show his skills and become the savior of Xiangbei!

  "Big idiot."

  Hearing that Sakuragi Huadao was so ambitious, Rukawa Feng mocked expressionlessly.

  "Rukawa Feng, you stinky fox! Don't think it's amazing that so many girls like you!"

  Sakuragi Huadao heard that the enemy still dared to attack him, so he rolled up his sleeves to rush over, but was stopped by Caizi and Mu Mu immediately.

  "Sakuragi, don't worry, first familiarize yourself with the basic skills of basketball. It's not just slam dunks that attract girls."

  "Look, look, Akagi Haruko is here too!"

  Caiko bumped Sakuragi Flower Road with her arm.

  Sakuragi Flower Road! ! !

  When I turned around, I saw the pure and lovely Akagi Haruko, but Akagi Haruko's eyes seemed to be on Rukawa Kaede...

  "Sure enough! Why do all the girls in this school like Rukawa Feng!"

  "Humph! That's good! Instead of letting a girl as cute as Akagi Haruko like Rukawa Kaede, it's better to find a chance to fool around and exchange it for [-] years of life! By then, Rukawa Kaede will become a swaying old man. And I have [-] years of life, still so young and strong!"

  "Hahahaha! This method is good! As long as I get it long enough, I will definitely find a girlfriend who is more suitable for me than Akagi Haruko! And I can also become a big celebrity!"

  Sakuragi Flower Road suddenly wanted to clear the way.

  After the lucky charm in the small steel ball store, his thinking mode is no longer limited to the perspective of ordinary people!

  "Okay, Caizi, then practice passing."

  Sakuragi Huadao pinched his waist with both hands.

  "That's good! I'm finally like an adult!"

  Caizi said happily.

  Cherry Blossom Road...

  "Sakuragi Huadao he finally returned to the basketball team, great!"

  Akagi Haruko was also greatly relieved when she saw the return of Sakuragi Flower Road.

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