After all, it was because of my own misunderstanding that I blamed Sakuragi Huadao for beating Rukawa Maple to cause this situation.

  "Yeah, but the way Sakuragi Huadao looked at you just now is not the same as before. It's no longer the same color. What has this guy experienced?"

  Akagi Haruko's best friend Matsui wondered.

  "Is there?"

  Akagi Haruko blinked.



  Just when Sakuragi Huadao started his basketball career with the blessing of lucky light.

  The source of luck, the time and space of the kingdom of God.

  Qiyana, who has completely handed over her body and soul to God Lord Chen Xian, is communicating with Ji Zi and others as a "come here".

  "Kiana, you have only been here for a few days, okay? You actually asked us to wear this kind of clothes to meet the Lord of God! Even if you want to participate in the 'Ten Thousand Worlds Clothing Exhibition', there is no need to do such an outrageous thing! "

  Looking at the bunny girl fashion that Qiana brought, Raiden Mei was both ashamed and surprised.

  "If you wear this on your body...the back is almost completely naked."

  Ji Zi's face was flushed and she resisted.

  "Hey, this is what I judged after sacrificing my own color and wearing it for the Lord God in person."

  "Anyway, the Lord God saw me passing through like this last night, became special... fierce."

  Kiana covered her face and whispered.

  During the three days with Chen Xian, Qiyana fully realized the wonder and beauty of that kind of thing, so of course she has to share this kind of thing with her good sisters Raiden Mei and Ji Zi!

  "No, it's fine for you to accept this kind of favor, Qiana, alone. You can also give up the position of my team leader. Anyway, I won't wear this kind of clothes to meet people."

  The immeasurable Tajizi cut down on the railway.


  "Do you have the heart to see me being bullied by the Lord God alone?"

  Seeing that Ji Zi was unwilling to give in, Qiyana shook Yayi's beautiful waist and said.

  "If it's just for the Lord of God to see alone, I can think about it, but it's impossible for me to wear it on the 'Wanjie Clothing Show'."

  Raiden Mei's delicate and picturesque face showed a hint of shyness and compromise.

  After all, Leidian Yayi knew that, as a god of Chen Xian, it seemed... unavoidable...

Chapter 415

  "I heard that Kiana took away the three sets of 'Bunny Girl' costumes designed by Shiyu of Kasumigaoka. It's a pity. I still want to wear them."

  In the Godly Quest Center, Yu Xiao Meijiu lamented Shanshou Dao while browsing the integral quests.

  "Yu Xiaomeijiu, are you jealous? The Lord God didn't look for you for three days, so you started to think carefully. Anyway, why don't you give the newcomers some opportunities?"

  Wuhe Qinli pinched his waist.

  It's good to have a favored fairy like Yu Xiao Meijiu in your elf team, but the reputation Wuhe Qinli also cares a lot, and Yu Xiao Meijiu, a popular star, is changing too fast. Is that kind of thing true? It's also addictive...

  "Qinli, they belong to the newcomers now, okay?"

  "Look at Qiana and Leidian Yayi, they are all beautiful, if you don't fight for it, the Lord God will probably forget them in a few days."

  Yu Xiaomeijiu pouted.

  Wuhe Qinli:  …

  "Instead of thinking about that bunny girl, we might as well design a new dress ourselves. The 'Wanjie Clothing Show' the day after tomorrow can't use the ready-made items in the ready-to-wear shop."

  Wuhe Qinli made a plan.

  "Is it possible to design clothes that are more sexy than bunny girls? I don't believe it. I have never worn such revealing clothes as a singer before."

  Yu Xiao Miku sighed lightly.

  "Costume design, of course, can't be done behind closed doors. What do we say in the kingdom of God, if it's difficult to find an angel!"

  "Sister Yan and the others have lived for tens of thousands of years, and I have never seen any style of clothes. Come and ask me sincerely."

  Kotori Wuhe made up his mind, and after that, she dragged Yu Xiao Miku and flew to the angel activity area.

  "This, can it be done, Sister Yan and the others are so busy!"

  Yu Xiao Miku said excitedly.

  Facts have proved that it is not only Wuhe Qinli and Yu Xiaomeijiu who can think of coming to the angels for help. The Esdes team, Wang Yuyan and others who know nothing about costume design have already gathered by Yan's side early, and the girls are one. I am amazed at the countless outfits and clothing models displayed on the big-eyed Taiyan computer!

  "Sister Yan, you are really amazing! Did you design so many clothing styles?" It only took an hour?"

  Wang Yuyan did not dare to believe.

  Yu Xiao Meijiu, who just arrived, is also smacking her tongue. Among the dozen or so outfits I browsed just now, there are styles that are even more dazzling than bunny girls!

  "Ahem, in fact, I only used it for less than a minute, I just combined and improved the styles of clothes that I had reserved before. Anyway, I can't wear so many styles. You can draw which one you like and study it yourself. go."

  "I'm embarrassed to wear some styles to show him."

  Yan Qing smiled and said, the enchanting and curvy figure is very striking even among the girls in the fairy tale.

  "Great! Sister Yan's generosity and self-confidence can't be learned in [-] years. No wonder the Lord God loves Sister Yan so much! With your figure, you look good in whatever you wear!"

  Li Mochou laughed and praised.

  "Sweet mouth, Li Mochou, you should choose a style first. How about the most sexy green snake suit?"

  Yan Le said.

  "Ah? No! Such a domineering and enchanting style, I am afraid that only a real snake like Queen Medusa can wear it! Can I choose that green bamboo suit and white lotus fairy group? Junior sister also needs one. , I'll go back and study with her."

  Li Mochou blinked.

  "Hey, have you reconciled with your junior sister Xiao Longnv? You even took the initiative to help her."

  Feng Qingxue, who was behind her, was surprised.

  "What is reconciliation, since I came to the Kingdom of God to serve the Lord God together, I have never had a fight with my junior sister, okay?"

  "Didn't you say that Lord God doesn't like villains, I have to change my mind."

  Li Mochou said aggrieved.

  "It's amazing, you even changed your personality in order to compete for favor. Li Mochou, you have done your best. These two are yours, but I'll only give you the plan, make and find materials, and don't call me."

· · · Flowers · · ·

  Yan waved his hands, his mind moved, and the two designs turned into data crystal balls and floated into Li Mochou's palm.

  "Thank you, Sister Yan! Hee hee, I'll go back to find materials now!"

  Li Mochou gave a salute, and then quickly flew away from the sky!

  "This guy, that's not the direction to go back to the shrine, it seems to be heading to the Jade Palace of Shao Siming!"

  Feng Qingxue wondered.

  "Li Mochou is very excited. Shao Siming practiced the technique of yin and yang a while ago and raised a lot of golden silkworms. This fellow went to Shao Siming's place to buy high-quality fabrics."

...... 0

  Estes spread his hands.

  "Huh? Golden Silkworm! Captain, let's go take a look too, or else we'll be robbed if we go too late!"

  Yu Xiao Miku became anxious.

  "Hey, can you be more calm, we are here to visit Sister Yan."

  Wuhe Qinli pinched his waist.

  "Isn't visiting me for a fashion show? I haven't seen you come here so neatly on weekdays. But it's okay, whoever wins the first place in the fashion show can invite me for a drink."

  Hikari chuckled.

  "Received! Sister Yan is the best!"

  "If the Lord God likes it, we will say that this is a skirt designed by Sister Yan!"

  Esdes and the others laughed dryly.

  Just when Yan and Yu Xiao Meijiu and others were discussing the preparations for the "Wanjie Clothing Show".

  Chen Xian had already ended his "deep discussion" with Leidian Yayi, and after covering the sleeping beauty with a quilt, he appeared alone on the roof of the Temple of Gods.

  "The news of Tiansheng Linglong."

  "Looking at the end of the Tiandao battlefield, I need to go out to get the cake. It's okay, I haven't been together with Li Xue, Feng Lin Xuanya and the others for a long time. It's time to bring some 'gifts' to Shendu Academy!"

  Chen Xian raised the corner of his mouth after reading the information in the "Transmission Crystal".Down.

Chapter 416

  "Chen Xian, my father is out of the country! He said that as long as you are willing to go back to the palace with me to see him, you will be named the fifth immortal king of Shengtian Longting. This is a major event that has not happened in tens of thousands of years!"

  Seeing Chen Xian appear, the extremely beautiful girl in a flowing fairy dress, wealthy and elegant, but not shy, came over, took Chen Xian's hand and said excitedly.

  "Haha, His Majesty the Emperor God, who has not left the customs for [-] years, actually gave me the honor of being a high-ranking god. Do you want to recruit me as your consort?"

  Looking at the beautiful princess in front of her, Chen Xian grinned happily as he hugged her small waist.

  Through this period of contact, especially the "zero negative distance" contact, the first princess of Kamigawa, whose identity and beauty are all over the world, can no longer find the arrogance that she had when she first met Chen Xian. In front of Xianxian, he has completely turned into a "little cute person".

  "I hate it, it's serious."

  "But you have so many confidantes, are you willing to be the concubine?"

  Tiansheng Linglong blushed.

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