I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1007: 1 key 1 room? Obtained a Tier 6 mid-grade divine weapon...

After hearing this, Wang Mang's heart suddenly moved, and he couldn't help asking:

"Fellow Daoist, are you trapped here?"

Hearing this, Lu Han's face suddenly changed, and he shook his head quickly, his face full of horror.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang immediately knew that it was not easy, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Afterwards, Wang Mang couldn't help but asked:

"Fellow Daoist, if someone enters here, will they encounter such a situation?"

"Or will everyone encounter this situation when they enter here?"

Hearing this, Lu Han froze for a moment, then smiled lightly and said:

"Everyone who enters here will encounter this situation."

"Once they cannot be defeated, their end will be the same as mine."

Replaced once unbeatable?

Almost without thinking, Wang Mang knew it too.

After hearing this, Wang Mang suddenly felt his scalp go numb.

How sure is this a place of chance?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn't help shaking his head secretly.

At the same time, he also decided to leave here as soon as possible after getting some benefits.

Once this cemetery exists, the longer it exists.

I am afraid that more people will suffer in the future.

Over time, I don't even know how many people were replaced by counterfeit products.

At this time, Lu Han suddenly smiled and said:

Because, Wang Mang knows without guessing, as long as this cemetery continues to exist.

People who enter the magic world in the future are destined to suffer a steady stream of people!

After hearing this, Wang Mang suddenly realized, and set off with Lu Han.

But after going deep into the maze, Wang Mang really felt a little dizzy, it was really too winding here.

"Let's go! Although there are many dangers here, there are also many opportunities."

"With the key in the hands of fellow daoists, you can find a golden lock door, open the lock and take the treasure inside."

While walking through the maze, he saw many blocked doors.

Each of the locked doors was locked with a huge lock, as if it could only be opened with a key.

Fortunately, Lu Han smiled and said: "Don't worry, fellow Taoist and I are allies, don't worry about being unable to leave this cemetery."

Hearing this, Wang Mang nodded slightly and continued to walk in the maze.

Although the passages of the maze are winding and winding, there are many doors.

But most of the doors Wang Mang saw.

Because there is a tyrannical barrier on the door, even if it is a super strong Realm King, the terror cannot be blasted away.

But Wang Mang never found the lock on the golden door.

Over time, Wang Mang lost his patience.

At this moment, Wang Mang walked through a maze passage.

All black, or white.

He didn't see the golden door at all.

Afterwards, Wang Mang hurried up.

Seeing this scene, Lu Han enviously said:

A golden door appeared in sight.

After seeing the golden door, Wang Mang was pleasantly surprised.

The next moment, Wang Mang took the key and slowly opened the golden lock.

When Wang Mang opened the golden lock, the enchantment on the door of the room disappeared.

"Friend Daoist, the key in your hand should be able to open this door."

Hearing this, Wang Mang nodded and became curious at the same time.

It's only about 100 square meters in size.

What really excited Wang Mang was.

Afterwards, Wang Mang raised his hand and pushed open the door of the room.

The door of this room is not big.

What made Wang Mang even more excited was that this f*ck turned out to be a sixth-order middle-grade divine armor!

The next moment, Wang Mang shot out, and instantly grabbed the black magic armor in his hand.

He saw, in the room, a black magic armor suspended in the air.

Moreover, judging from this black magic armor, it is obviously also a defensive armor of the law of devouring!

The terrifying law of devouring swept towards Wang Mang.

Unfortunately, Wang Mang also majored in the Law of Devouring.

at the same time.

The magic armor seemed to have intelligence, and it struggled crazily.

This sixth-tier middle-grade magic armor completely stopped struggling.

at the same time.

Therefore, these devouring laws can't help Wang Mang at all.

Similarly, it seems that Wang Mang is also a major in the law of devouring.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly felt better.

Afterwards, Wang Mang looked around the room again.

Wang Mang also put the magic armor into the space happily.

With this magic armor, it can be said that he didn't come in vain this time.

Afterwards, Wang Mang continued to wander around the maze with Lu Han.

At the same time, Wang Mang couldn't help asking: "Do you know how to get these keys?"

After discovering that there were no other treasures in the room.

Wang Mang just left the room.

After hearing this, Wang Mang frowned immediately, and couldn't help asking: "Are these treasures the only ones in this cemetery?"

Hearing this, Lu Han cried and laughed and shook his head, "It's not just these treasures! There are so many treasures ruled by magic."

Hearing this, Lu Han shook his head helplessly and said, "I don't know about this, but every counterfeit has a key."

"But as long as we successfully kill the deity and replace them, we will completely replace them, and the key in the body will disappear."

"There are even high-level bloodlines, and there are many strange treasures."

"As for law spars, there are probably hundreds of millions of sixth-order top-grade law spars."

"As far as I know, it is said that there are even master-level puppets and magical masters."

"As for the sixth-level magical weapons, there are countless talismans and papers, and there are countless supernatural powers."

If this allowed him to get all the worth of a magic master.

Didn't he say that he can take off directly on the spot?

After hearing Lu Han's words, Wang Mang couldn't help but gasped.

Good guy, is this magical ruler so rich?

Hearing this, Lu Han nodded and said, "That's right! All the treasures of the master of magic are in the doors of these rooms."

Speaking of this, Lu Han hesitated again, and said softly: "Although there are only gold, silver, and black rooms."

Thinking of this, Wang Mang's heart suddenly moved, and he couldn't help asking:

"Are these treasures stored in the doors of these rooms?"

After listening to Lu Han's words, Wang Mang was even more moved, but he couldn't get the key at all!

At this moment, Wang Mang suddenly heard footsteps.

"But there are four types of keys, black, silver, gold, and purple. It is said that ten room doors can be opened at will."

"No! No! There is a fifth key. It is said that this key was left by the master of magic in the past for the inheritor!"

But the strength of these two guys is very strong, at least reaching the middle stage of the king of the realm.

Although it is not as good as the superpower of the Tauren tribe~www.readwn.com~, the sense of threat given to Wang Mang is also very terrifying.

After looking up, Wang Mang found that he had met two powerful kings of the world.

The two world kings and powerhouses are divided into a leopard-headed man and a horse-headed man.

Hearing this, Wang Mang's heart sank immediately, and he said helplessly:

"The two seniors, the junior just came in, and now I have nothing!"

The eyes of the leopard-headed man and tauren king powerhouse immediately lit up when they saw Wang Mang, and then they said with a sinister smile:

"Hand over the storage ring, don't force me to do it myself."

Hearing this, the horse-headed man showed killing intent in his eyes, and said in a cold tone:

"This seat asks you to hand over the storage ring!"

"Ants! Don't let us say it a second time!"

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