I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1008: collapse! Unlucky 2 in a row 3? Just got robbed and about to be robbed...

After hearing what this guy said.

Wang Mang's face darkened.

He didn't expect that these two guys obviously didn't intend to let him go!

Even if he said that he got nothing, he forced himself to hand over the storage ring.

But the strength of the two made Wang Mang dare not speak out, because after all, he couldn't beat them.

In desperation, Wang Mang had no choice but to hand over the storage ring on his finger.

As for the inside, there are two sixth-rank low-grade magic weapons stored by Wang Mang, as well as some sundries.

As for the good things, Wang Mang has always kept them in the system space, just to prevent such a situation from happening one day.

But Wang Mang never expected that he would encounter such a situation today, which also made Wang Mang not know whether to be happy or angry.

Obviously, he didn't expect Wang Mang to be so poor!

There are only two low-rank magic weapons of the sixth rank, and all the others are miscellaneous goods. Even the low-rank spar of the sixth rank is only a few tens of thousands of pieces.

This is so poor that he doubts life a little bit. It can be seen that Wang Mang no longer has a storage ring on his body, so he can't help it if he doesn't believe it.

After receiving Wang Mang's storage ring, the horse-headed human realm king and strong man nodded in satisfaction, and then his consciousness penetrated into it.

But when you see the two low-rank sixth-rank divine weapons in the ring, and some useless fifth-rank divine weapons.

The horse-headed man suddenly became more gloomy.

After speaking, Wang Mang left immediately.

But as soon as Wang Mang left, Lu Han was also robbed.

The storage ring was also looted by the leopard and tauren.

The leopard-headed man was puzzled when he saw this, and after taking a look at the storage ring, his face darkened immediately, and he roared at Wang Mang:

"Go away! Damn poor ghost! After all, he is also the top realm master creature of Yunding World, and he didn't bring anything with him when he came to the magic world?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang's face was immediately full of helplessness, he could only squeeze out a smile, and said with a flattering smile: "Seniors, the younger one will get out of here."

If it wasn't for the fact that the target he was assigned was Lu Han, he would never have been so aggrieved.

Because, the goals obtained by each creature are actually randomly assigned.

He was just unlucky and was assigned to Lu Han.

In the end, the leopard-headed man and the horse-headed man were satisfied and let Lu Han get away too.

Lu Han's face was ugly but he didn't dare to refute, so he left in despair.

But Lu Han knew that these two guys were also fakes.

If you can't escape here, you will never see the light of day, and you will be imprisoned in the tomb of the ruler forever.

Therefore, he was both fortunate and helpless. Fortunately, he replaced Lu Han with good qualifications.

However, he was helpless because Lu Han's strength was too weak.

If he can also assign a mid-stage Realm King powerhouse to replace a mid-stage Realm King powerhouse, why is there such a need for such a bird?

But Lu Han was very fortunate that he was not assigned a ruthless role, such as Wang Mang, who went straight to heaven!

Because these fakes, if they can't replace the people who entered the cemetery, then they can't escape here.

After leaving with Wang Mang, Lu Han couldn't help but cursed:

"These two bastards, **** it, actually attacked me."

"If I were at my peak, I would definitely crush them to death easily."

After all, Lu Han only has the combat power of a realm king, and his realm has not reached the realm king at all.

But the potential is obviously much stronger than these guys in the middle of the world.

Therefore, it can be said that he has gains and losses, neither can he be said to be a loss or a profit.

Hearing this, Lu Han subconsciously said proudly: "When I was at the peak in the past, the realm reached the first level of dominance! Do you think I am strong?"

"If it wasn't for this shameless guy, the master of magic, who took the opportunity to kill me when I broke through, how could I have been trapped in this ghost place for so long!"

But when it comes to the magic master, Wang Mang can obviously feel that Lu Han is a little scared, as if he is afraid of the magic master from the bottom of his heart!

"It's really like a tiger falling into Pingyang and being bullied by dogs, and a dragon trapped in the shallows being bullied by shrimps!"

"It's such a shame and humiliation to be suffered as soon as I got out of trouble!"

After hearing Lu Han's yelling, Wang Mang's heart moved suddenly, and he asked subconsciously: "Could it be that fellow Taoist was very strong in the past?"

"Fortunately, this guy's aptitude is not bad. It is not difficult for me to return to the peak of the past."

Hearing this, Wang Mang couldn't help but gasp in his heart.

He didn't expect that this guy turned out to be an old monster who dominates?

As if realizing something, Lu Han suddenly said helplessly:

"Forget it, what's the use of saying this? The old me no longer exists, and the future me will be Lu Han."

"It's a pity that this guy's major law does not fit with this seat. After I rebuild and transform the power of the law, I will definitely be able to aspire to the master state again!"

"But the magic master is really powerful, and there are not a few strong masters who died in his hands."

"After all, he has participated in the battle in the past, the existence of the sixth-order All Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms Conquer Road."

After hearing this, Wang Mang finally understood why this guy was so afraid of the magic master.

Doesn't it mean that the one he killed was also the master old monster?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn't help asking: "Fellow Daoist, could it be that you counterfeit people used to be masters?"

Hearing this, Lu Han froze for a moment, hesitated and said: "This seat is anyway, I don't know about the rest."

This is a powerful elephant-headed king, and its aura is more terrifying than the previous two!

Even the aura of this elephant-headed man is more terrifying than the black and white old devils in the Holy Land of Demon Refining!

For a moment, Wang Mang's face was very stiff, and he felt helpless in his heart.

Beings who have participated in the sixth-order All Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms Conquest Road, their strength is definitely not too weak!

What's more, the magic master can retreat completely, his strength is indeed not to be underestimated.

Just at this time, Wang Mang and Lu Han bumped into another powerful Realm King.

"Now there's nothing left but this dress."

To be honest, Wang Mang also felt tired for a while, how long has it been!

I encountered two waves of world kings and strongmen, and after one wave was over, another wave came.

At this time, the elephant-headed man also looked at Wang Mang and Wang Mang expressionlessly, and said indifferently:

"Hand over the storage ring! Don't let me say it a second time!"

Hearing this ~www.readwn.com~ Wang Mang immediately said helplessly, "Senior, we were robbed just now!"

at the same time.

Lu Han also said helplessly:

"Senior, we were just snatched away by a leopard-headed man and a horse-headed man!"

This is simply treating him as a cash machine, right?

And Wang Mang also found out.

He seems to have been unlucky lately.

Hearing this, the elephant-headed man froze for a moment, seeing that the two of them did not look like they were lying.

Therefore, the elephant-headed man was very upset, looked at the two with a cold face and said:

"You guys take off your clothes, show me!"

After hearing this, both Wang Mang and Lu Han were dumbfounded.

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