I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 104: Black crocodile king? A super predator with a body size of thirty-six meters!

Remember in a second【】

It can almost be said that as long as Wang Mang kills the black crocodile king, he can basically evolve again.

After all, Wang Mang believes that with his own luck, it is not impossible to randomly draw out some good things, or even draw out a few hundred million evolution points.

This is also the reason why Wang Mang couldn't wait, because the black crocodile king, to Wang Mang today, is simply a massive reward beckoning to him!

At the same time, the old turtle, who had already been extremely moved, became even more tearful.

He only wished he hadn't followed Wang Mang sooner. After all, he was willing to avenge him just after meeting him, so how bad could it be?

So the old turtle swore secretly in his heart that when Wang Mang helped him get revenge, he would follow Wang Mang to the death!

"Old slave, I will lead the way for the king." The old turtle said gratefully.

Hearing this, Wang Mang nodded in satisfaction, and then followed behind the old turtle.

Just as the old turtle was leading the way on the surface of the reservoir, he suddenly stopped.

Afterwards, the old turtle panicked and said, "My lord! The black crocodile is here!"

"He's nearby! His breath... this old servant is too familiar!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang looked at Old Turtle in surprise.

Of course, Wang Mang knew that this old turtle would definitely not lie to him!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang slowly spit out the scarlet snake letter, catching breath in the air.

really! Has the breath of an apex predator!

This is another top predator appearing on his territory!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang's heart turned cold, and he didn't care about the old turtle's panic at all.

If the black crocodile king came to his territory, it would save him another trip.

Just at this time, Wang Mang saw, in the jungle on the bank of the Huanshan Reservoir in the distance, a huge monster emerged from the jungle.

After the huge monster got out, it moved its huge body slowly, and then entered the reservoir.

The old turtle naturally saw this scene, and panicked and panicked: "My lord, he is the black alligator! He is chasing after him!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang watched very calmly as the super giant crocodile approached on the lake of the reservoir in the distance.

The size of this giant crocodile is very large, at a glance, it is as high as 30 meters 6, and it looks like a small cruise ship on the water.

This black crocodile has dark skin, hard and thick crocodile armor, like a fully armed warrior.

His speed in the reservoir was also very fast, and as his huge body swung, he set off huge water waves on the lake.

This is also the first time Wang Mang has seen such a terrifying and huge crocodile! How terrifying is a 36-meter-long crocodile?

One floor is four meters high, which means that this huge crocodile is as long as a nine-story building!

In addition, his body is also very broad, even wider than that of Wang Mang.

This giant black crocodile should have a width of nearly four meters where the body swells.

Of course, such a huge size is indeed comparable to a colossus for other creatures.

But this terrifying giant crocodile is still not enough to face Wang Mang!

You must know that Wang Mang's volume and length have reached 48 meters!

Therefore, although this super black crocodile is also huge, there is still a gap compared with Wang Mang.

Similarly, after seeing Wang Mang's size on the water, the black crocodile stopped immediately.

Looking at the water surface from a distance, Wang Mang's huge size began to beat in his heart.

Because Wang Mang is too big! Much bigger than him!

In addition, he also felt a deadly threat from Wang Mang's aura.

This obviously proves that the super black python in front of him has the ability to kill him!

Moreover, he is very likely to have entered Wang Mang's territory!

For a big monster who dominates one side, this is simply a naked provocation!

Because of this, the black crocodile was a little hesitant when he saw the old turtle in front of him.

He was obviously overwhelmed by the terrifying size of Wang Mang, and even felt a little bit hard to get off.

He has no scruples along the way, and has broken into the territory of the big monster several times, but he is unscrupulous at all relying on his huge size.

Because many big monsters on land can't threaten him at all, and he has always considered himself the overlord of the water!

When chasing the old turtle along the way, he even rushed over without any scruples.

But the headache for Hei Crocodile is that he has broken into Wang Mang's territory this time.

He is not afraid of other big monsters, but he is still very afraid of big monsters like Wang Mang who are also overlords in the water.

If Wang Mang was not so big, he wouldn't be too jealous, the problem is that he is not as big as Wang Mang!

Sometimes, size is the easiest way to show strength! The stronger the existence size, the more terrifying it is!

Therefore, just judging from Wang Mang's size, the black crocodile knew that he had kicked on the steel plate this time.

So the black crocodile looked at the old turtle who was close at hand, although he was very unwilling, but he was ready to give up.

Of course, it was obviously impossible to leave so easily, he had to say hello to the owner of this territory.

Thinking of this, Hei Crocodile and Wang Mang on the water looked at each other from a distance, and said in a slightly apologetic tone:

"I had no intention of intruding into the territory of the fellow daoist, please forgive me, fellow daoist!"

"I'm leaving the Daoist site right now..."

^0^Remember in one second【】

Hearing this, Wang Mang slowly opened his **** mouth, and said solemnly: "You don't need to leave! Since everyone is here, then stay!"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, Hei Crocodile's heart sank, and he naturally knew that Wang Mang was obviously unwilling to let it go.

After all, when monsters get along with monsters, it is often best to talk when their strength reaches the same level.

Once there is a gap in strength between the two sides, the stronger side will target the weaker side, and even don't mind eating the other side!

Because for monsters, the fastest way to increase their strength is to devour similar ones with similar strengths, or devour stronger ones!

This is why monsters are much more prosperous than practitioners on Earth today.

But his black crocodile is not easy to mess with. He has lived for 1800 years, so he naturally has the arrogance of being a big monster!

Therefore, facing Wang Mang's unkind tone, the black crocodile slowly opened its **** mouth, and said, "Fellow Daoist, do you really want to live forever?"

When he said this, he was asking Wang Mang what he wanted!

If you just want to ask for benefits, it's fine to ask him to pay some price!

If you really want to eat him, today's life-and-death battle is inevitable!

Hearing this, Wang Mang shook the huge snake's head, and said slowly: "Undead? Don't you think highly of yourself!"

"It just so happens that I haven't eaten a big monster for a long time, and I haven't eaten such a big crocodile!"

"Also, even if you don't go to find me, I will kill you for the sake of Laobie!"

After listening to Wang Mang's words~www.readwn.com~ the black crocodile knew that there was no way out, so he laughed angrily, "Okay! Let's see who will win!"

After finishing speaking, the black crocodile moved. He moved his huge body, and a wave of water was created on the surface of the water, and he rushed towards Wang Mang quickly.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang naturally did not have the slightest fear. He also moved his huge body and swam towards the black crocodile at an extremely fast speed.

All of a sudden, on the huge Huanshan Reservoir lake, two super giants were rushing towards each other at the fastest speed.

If there are outsiders here, I'm afraid they will faint from fright, because such a scene is simply too difficult to see!

And both sides of the battle are huge super giants!

This kind of picture is said to be once in a thousand years, and it is not an exaggeration to see it so rarely!

If it was photographed by someone, I am afraid the world will boil with it!

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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