I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 105: Easily kill the black crocodile king! A rare bumper harvest!

Remember in a second【】

Of course, such a terrifying picture is destined to be impossible to leak out.

It's like this battle, you have to completely decide whether to live or die before dawn!

Otherwise, once someone finds out and shoots it, the world will definitely boil!

Can you believe that there is a giant python that is nearly 50 meters long?

Can you believe that there is a 36-meter super giant crocodile?

Similarly, it was Wang Mang's idea to settle the battle before dawn!

At this moment, Wang Mang and Hei Crocodile rushed towards each other's screen.

It was as if two shocking waves were about to collide.

"Beast deterrence!"

When they were about to collide, Wang Mang immediately used his skills!

Because, the strength of this black crocodile is indeed very strong, but it is not as strong as Wang Mang!

Therefore, once Wang Mang uses the deterrence of all beasts, the opponent's strength will inevitably drop by one-third!

In this case, the black crocodile, who was originally weaker than Wang Mang, would be in a worse and more embarrassing situation then!

Sure enough, after Wang Mang used his skills.

The huge black crocodile that was rushing forward suddenly felt a shock in its body.

At this moment, the black crocodile suddenly felt an inexplicable fear of Wang Mang!

However, he still overcame this sense of fear and rushed towards Wang Mang fiercely.

So far, the two sides are close at hand, and the battle in the reservoir is imminent!

At the same time, Wang Mang used his skills again!

"man of Steel!"

"Super self-healing!"

At the same time, the black crocodile that had already rushed to Wang Mang opened its terrifying jaws.

With a mouth full of blood, he bit Wang Mang's huge snake head.

If he bites Wang Mang's head with blood, he has the confidence to kill Wang Mang!

Because his bite force is terrifying, the two abilities he relies on for survival are excellent, namely bite force and defense!

He has a bite force of almost 30 tons, has a crocodile leather armor comparable to copper skin and iron bones, and is naturally best at primitive combat!

Therefore, Wang Mang's competition with him in the original battle is the most sympathetic to him.

But when he was about to bite Wang Mang's huge snake head, Wang Mang easily dodged it.

Similarly, Wang Mang's **** mouth also bit the black crocodile's huge mouth from the side!

The black crocodile opened its **** mouth, but it was bitten by Wang Mang instead.

Panicked, the black crocodile began to struggle crazily, causing shocking water waves.

But Wang Mang was biting his mouth tightly and would not let go. He wanted to inject the poison but he couldn't bite in.

Because the black crocodile's mouth is so hard, it's almost like hard steel.

In desperation, Wang Mang had no choice but to bite the guy's **** mouth, and he would not let go.

At the same time, Wang Mang suddenly remembered that when looking at the animal world, the best way for a giant python to kill a crocodile!

Yes indeed! Death Coil is definitely the best way to kill a crocodile!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang twisted his huge body, and began to slowly wrap around the huge body of the black crocodile.

The black crocodile naturally saw Wang Mang's thoughts.

He frantically swung his **** mouth and huge body, but it didn't help at all.

Not only that, when Wang Mang's huge body wrapped around him, the black crocodile became even more terrified.

He didn't expect that if he missed a move, he would be finished. The madness of fear of death turned into a violent struggle!

It's a pity that after Wang Mang entangled the black crocodile, he was even more delighted, and began to shrink his huge body continuously and his strength became stronger and stronger!

In almost a moment, Wang Mang's huge body wrapped around the black crocodile like a rice dumpling!

Seeing this scene, the old turtle watching the battle from a distance was even more frightened. He was relieved when he saw Wang Mang had the upper hand.

He was afraid that his newly recognized king would not be able to defeat the black crocodile. If even Wang Mang could not defeat the black crocodile, he would be doomed!

Fortunately, the strength of this newly recognized king was even more terrifying than he imagined, and he gained the upper hand in just a moment!

Moreover, after all, the old turtle has lived for more than a thousand years, so it can be said that he has seen a lot.

He knew that with the same size, if the crocodile was entangled by a giant python, it would definitely end badly!

What's more, the king he just recognized is bigger than the black crocodile and has higher morals!

If this black crocodile has no other means, it is basically waiting to die!

If Wang Mang wanted to kill the black crocodile, he only needed to work hard and entangle the black crocodile to death.

In fact, it was pretty much the same as the old turtle guessed, Wang Mang is very relaxed now.

After entwining the black crocodile, Wang Mang continued to increase the power of entanglement.

Gradually, the huge size of the black crocodile was deformed by him!

Terrified, the black crocodile king began to beg Wang Mang in pain: "Your Majesty, spare your life! The little monster is willing to submit to the King's command!"

Facing the black crocodile's begging for mercy, Wang Mang turned a deaf ear to it, and couldn't help muttering to himself: "You are even more shameless than me, how could I subdue such a shameless person like you?"

In addition, in order to kill the black crocodile faster, Wang Mang began to spray a large amount of corrosive poison!

The black crocodile, which had already been bitten by Wang Mang, struggled frantically and let out a painful and shrill roar.

Because, Wang Mang's corrosive poison is rapidly corroding, and this black crocodile has a big mouth!

^0^Remember in one second【】

The pain of flesh and blood turning into pus and blood, just imagine how sour it is!

Of course, facing the crazy struggle of the black crocodile, Wang Mang didn't care, anyway, this guy was already doomed!

In addition, as the black crocodile struggled, the huge body of the two entangled together sank into the bottom of the water.

Although the black crocodile is indeed a big monster, and can survive in the water for a long time without breathing for a long time, it is definitely not as good as Wang Mang!

Wang Mang can breathe in the water, it can be said that he is like a fish in water in the water, and he is more suitable for living in the water than this black crocodile.

Therefore, the black crocodile only lasted for four hours before being completely killed by Wang Mang.

At this moment, Wang Mang, who was still entwined with the black crocodile, slowly let go of his huge body after confirming that the black crocodile was dead.

But when Wang Mang let go of the black crocodile, he found that he had entangled the black crocodile's body so badly that it was deformed!

The black crocodile, which was originally a huge and well-proportioned body, is now wrapped and squeezed by Wang Mang, like a candied haws!

It would have been like this:

((* ̄︶ ̄).

Now it looks like this:


Of course.

For Wang Mang, what happened to the body of the black crocodile did not affect Wang Mang's appetite.

Therefore, excited, Wang Mang opened his **** mouth to the extreme!

Afterwards, Wang Mang slowly swallowed the whole black crocodile from head to tail!

to be honest.

If it weren't for his terrifying digestion power.

Wang Mang would never dare to swallow his prey like this!

Because the size of the black crocodile is really too big!

But Wang Mang swallowed the black crocodile whole to save trouble!

To Wang Mang's relief, he managed to swallow the black crocodile after struggling for more than an hour.

As for the old turtle in the distance, he had been stunned for a long time, and was almost scared to death by Wang Mang's behavior!

Because Wang Mang's size is indeed very large, but the size of the black crocodile is not small!

But Wang Mang directly swallowed the black crocodile whole, which really frightened the old turtle!

It can be seen that after Wang Mang successfully devoured the black crocodile~www.readwn.com~ the old turtle became more loyal to Wang Mang in his heart!

This newly recognized king is super powerful and treats him so well, there is no reason for him not to be loyal!

Such a great king is worthy of his old turtle's swearing to follow!

at the same time.

After Wang Mang ate the black crocodile.

Then the familiar voice of the system sounds:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully devoured the black crocodile monster! Get 5 million evolution points! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Complete the mission successfully! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get 30 million evolution points! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get primary blind box x1! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get a primary lucky draw chance x1!]

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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