I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1043: Attack from Wang Mang! Was the corpse demon patriarch frightened? …

Speaking of this, the ancestor of the corpse demon couldn't help it, and laughed wildly.

It has been a long time since he escaped from the holy land of refining demons, and now he is looking for new forces.

But he didn't expect that he would meet Wang Mang, this is fate!

Originally, he thought that he would not be able to take revenge in a short time.

He really didn't expect that Wang Mang would come to his door!

Thinking of this, the corpse demon patriarch was naturally happy.

The great hatred has been avenged, and when the time comes, he will take refuge in the new forces and continue to be the king and the ancestor.

Seeing the savage laughter of the ancestor of the corpse demon, Wang Mang was speechless.

Good guy, he hasn't even smiled yet, this guy has a happier smile than him.

If he didn't know, he thought he was going to be killed!

However, after gaining insight into the strength of the corpse demon ancestor.

The strength of this guy is obviously the sixth heaven of the king of the realm.

If he had the strength of the seventh heaven of the king of the world, his ranking would not be in the middle of the ranking of the ancestors of the holy land of refining demons.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang looked at the ancestor of the corpse demon who was laughing wildly, and couldn't help but asked with a smile:

Wang Mang also completely let go of his worries.

He was worried that the ancestor of the corpse demon had reached the late stage of the realm king.

But obviously, Wang Mang was thinking too much.

Of course he wouldn't be so foolish as to think that Wang Mang came here to find a treasured land for himself.

Thinking of this, the corpse demon patriarch immediately began to guess Wang Mang's hole cards and relied on them.

Among them, the one that deserves his attention and caution is the Boundary Breaking Crossbow!

"Patriarch Corpse Demon, what do you think of the scenery of this mountain forest?"

"If you are buried here, it should be considered a geomantic treasure, right?"

After hearing this, the ancestor of the corpse demon was taken aback for a moment, and then gradually narrowed his eyes.

But luckily, not only his great-great-grandson died, but also Wang Mang's precious treasure.

Thinking of this, the corpse demon patriarch also became cautious.

If he was shot in the head by the Boundary Breaking Crossbow.

Speaking of the Boundary Breaking Crossbow, the corpse demon patriarch couldn't help but feel pain in his heart.

This thing is his treasure!

It was lent to the great-great-grandson in the first place so that he could definitely defeat Wang Mang.

If it's just a boundary-breaking crossbow, it's not enough to kill him.

Therefore, the ancestor of the corpse demon began to sweep around with his spiritual consciousness.

Obviously, he was worried that Wang Mang and the black and white old devil were still together.

He is also at risk of falling.

And the risk is very high.

In addition, he is still looking for Wang Mang's other support.

Therefore, under the coercion of the black and white old devil.

In fact, the ancestor of the corpse demon is still slightly inferior.

If they fight alone, the corpse demon patriarch thinks he can suppress them alone.

The strength of the black and white old devil is not trivial.

The two of them cooperated very well.

Together, they can even compete against the king of the world, Seventh Heaven.

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the corpse demon patriarch was furious, but his expression changed instantly.

There is no other reason, when Wang Mang undisguisedly released the terrifying law of devouring all over his body.

The ancestor of the corpse demon was horrified to find that Wang Mang's aura was much more terrifying and powerful than his!

Because, he is an extremely top existence among the ancestors of the realm kings in the sixth heaven of realm kings.

Looking at the extremely cautious corpse demon patriarch, Wang Mang couldn't help grinning and said, "What? Are you scared?"

"Don't worry, do you think that I, like your great-great-grandson, can only stab people in the back?"

"No! Your realm has reached the fourth heaven of the king of the world! And you are the arrogance of the world, so you have this strength!"

"It shouldn't be! How did you manage to break through several times to reach the mid-stage Realm King in just three years..."

Speaking of the latter, the ancestor of the corpse demon trembled a little, and his eyes were full of fear.

This is...the aura of the King of the Seventh Heaven!

All of a sudden, the corpse demon patriarch looked at Wang Mang with a face full of shock and anger, and lost his voice:

"How is this possible! You little bastard, how could you break through to the late stage of Realm King in such a short period of time?"

But he never expected that Wang Mang had actually reached the Realm King's Fourth Heaven Realm, and now his combat power has even surpassed him.

No wonder Wang Mang came to him!

Thinking of this, the ancestor of the corpse demon said with a gloomy expression:

Because Wang Mang's strength has improved too fast!

A few months ago, when Wang Mang's combat strength reached the fourth level of the Realm King, he was already on pins and needles.

Therefore, as soon as he got the news of Wang Mang, he rushed out of Yunding City without stopping, just to kill Wang Mang.

"Come on! Let me tell you how capable you are, and see if your ability can kill me, my ancestor."

Speaking of the latter, the corpse demon ancestor's tone became more confident.

Because, it's not like he hasn't fought against the king of the realm, Seventh Heaven.

"Wang Youliang has already surrendered to you, right? Just to lure my ancestor out?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang put his hands behind his back, grinned lightly and said, "You old **** is not stupid."

Hearing this, the corpse demon patriarch sneered and said, "If you think you can kill me in this way, then you underestimate me too much."

It proved that he really has extraordinary ability.

He might indeed be no match for the Realm King Seventh Heaven.

But he still has the confidence to save his life.

On the contrary, he has fought too many times with the king of the world, the seventh heaven.

However, he is still alive and well.

What does this prove?

How naive!

Thinking of this, the ancestor of the corpse demon suddenly sneered and hooked his hands at Wang Mang: "Come on!"

While speaking, the corpse demon patriarch took out a sixth-order mid-grade armor and put it on.

Moreover, in his opinion, it did not take long for Wang Mang to break through the combat power of the Realm King Seventh Heaven.

Even Wang Mang's many backgrounds and supernatural powers, etc., failed to catch up in all aspects.

Want to kill him just like that?

At this moment, Wang Mang also suddenly found out.

He also found out where his shortcomings were!

His background is still too lacking.

Then, the next moment, there was an extra red knife in his hand.

This big knife is also not ordinary, and it has also reached the level of sixth-order middle-grade!

Seeing this, Wang Mang didn't talk nonsense, he took out the sixth-level middle-grade Devouring Demon Armor and put it on, and at the same time the God-devouring Halberd appeared in his hand.

Seeing this scene, the corpse demon patriarch also sneered, and rushed towards Wang Mang without showing any weakness.

When he saw Wang Mang's weapon.

He didn't even have the slightest fear.

However, even so.

Wang Mang also has the confidence to take down the ancestor of the corpse demon.

Therefore, Wang Mang immediately held a big halberd and killed the ancestor of the corpse demon.

To put it bluntly ~www.readwn.com~ Wang Mang can't even break through his defense!

Similarly, his blood-drinking sword has reached the level of the sixth-order middle-grade!

On the other hand, Wang Mang's halberd is only at the top level of the sixth-rank low-rank, which is not enough to threaten him at all.

How could a sixth-level low-grade top-level divine weapon hurt him?

Maybe it can hurt him when he doesn't have Divine Armor.

But his Divine Armor is at the sixth-order middle-grade level!

Now, he only needs to be vigilant, Wang Mang's law power is ten times stronger than him.

Thinking of this, the corpse demon patriarch couldn't help being even more energetic, and laughed angrily and said:

"Hahaha! You little bastard, you have come to die without even making up your background."

"Today, Patriarch, I'm going to cross the border and slash against you, you little **** in the late stage of the Realm King!"

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