I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1044: Don't talk about martial arts? Can't afford to lose? Well said magic soldie

After hearing the words of the corpse demon ancestor.

Wang Mang couldn't help laughing out of breath.

How confident this guy is!

He actually thought that he could kill him in adversity!

to be honest.

Wang Mang even wanted to ask.

Who are we, king of the seventh heaven!

But Wang Mang quickly guessed the source of this guy's confidence.

The source of this guy's confidence is probably the problem of his lack of background.

This point need not be said by the ancestor of the corpse demon, Wang Mang himself has already discovered it.

But Wang Mang still has a way to defeat this guy!

Don't forget!

He has so many methods.

Moreover, he still has the Boundary Breaking Crossbow in his hand to deal with this old thing.

Wang Mang is really not bragging, he is full of confidence!

Seeing this scene, the corpse demon patriarch sneered, raised his bloodthirsty saber without showing any weakness, and greeted him.

Bang bang!

Accompanied by the collision of two divine soldiers.

At this time, he looked at the corpse demon ancestor who was already close at hand.

Wang Mang immediately raised his hand, raised the God-eating halberd in his hand, and chopped at the head of the corpse demon ancestor.

Similarly, this casual blow also carried his terrifying power of devouring law!

The ancestor of the corpse demon immediately flew upside down, flying hundreds of meters backwards, and then stabilized his figure with trembling hands.

Obviously, under the tyranny of the power of law, even if the ancestor of the corpse demon had the advantage of weapons, he was still suppressed and beaten by Wang Mang!

However, when the ugly ancestor of the corpse demon saw the magic weapon in Wang Mang's hand, he couldn't help laughing.


The two terrifying laws also collided together.

next moment.

His magic weapon can't bear the power of this terrifying law at all.

Therefore, Wang Mang's magical soldiers were damaged.

Similarly, Wang Mang also found the big halberd in his hand, and the blade of the halberd was already cracked.

Because, the God Devouring Halberd in Wang Mang's hand has been damaged!

After all, the two collided with all their strength before!

So what if Wang Mang's Law of Devouring is powerful?

The speed at which he improved his strength was too fast.

But in terms of magical weapons, they often can't keep up with his pace.

He did have a Tier 6 Mid-Rank Divine Armament Fusion Card, but when he broke through, he didn't fuse the Divine Armament.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang couldn't help frowning, feeling very helpless in his heart.

This weapon really can't keep up with his strength improvement speed!

To be honest, Wang Mang has no good way to deal with this.

"After the halberd is destroyed, I will see what you can use to kill me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the ancestor of the corpse demon became more courageous in the battle, and once again held the bloodthirsty sword in his hand, he rushed towards Wang Mang.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was speechless. Not only did this dog's momentum not decrease, but it became even more powerful?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was secretly helpless, he was not prepared enough!

At this time, the ancestor of the corpse demon laughed wildly and said:

"Haha! Let's see how long the halberd in your hand can last!"


Accompanied by a violent sound sounded.

The corpse demon patriarch immediately flew out again.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang's eyes turned cold, he raised the halberd in his hand, and once again slashed at the dog's head of the corpse demon ancestor with all his strength.

Seeing this scene, the corpse demon patriarch, who was about to chop off Wang Mang's head, immediately raised his saber in front of him.


Similarly, the ancestor of the corpse demon naturally saw this.

Therefore, he became more and more brave and charged towards Wang Mang with full of fighting spirit.

That's it, just ten rounds of confrontation.

For a while, it seemed that Wang Mang was occupying the upper phoenix.

In fact, this is indeed the case, but the magical weapon in Wang Mang's hand has already had several cracks at this moment.

In Wang Mang's opinion, I'm afraid it will collapse soon!

This also made the ancestor of the corpse demon couldn't help laughing triumphantly.

Now that there is no weapon, how can Wang Mang kill him?

After a sneer, the corpse demon patriarch charged at Wang Mang again.

The ancestor of the corpse demon was always suppressed and beaten by Wang Mang.

But his life was not in danger at all.

On the contrary, the God Devouring Halberd in Wang Mang's hand was completely broken into two pieces!

Wang Mang suddenly smiled coldly at him.

Then, in Wang Mangyang's hand, a giant palm of law was condensed and blasted towards him.

This immediately frightened the ancestor of the corpse demon, and quickly put away the bloodthirsty sword in his hand.

He seemed to have seen that Wang Mang was at a loss.

But the next moment, something happened that made the corpse demon patriarch collapse.

When he flew towards Wang Mang, trying to slash Wang Mang with his bloodthirsty sword.

The ancestor of the corpse demon was immediately blasted out in embarrassment.

At the same time, this time it was much more embarrassing than when he used the divine weapon to collide.

I saw that blood was flowing from his mouth, his hair was disheveled, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

Afterwards, he made a formula with both hands, condensed the giant wall of laws, and resisted in front.


Accompanied by a violent roar!

But after the magical weapon in Wang Mang's hand was broken.

He didn't even compete with him in the battle of the gods.

Even crush him directly with the power of law!

Similarly, the ancestor of the corpse demon was also very angry, his eyes were bloodshot, and he wished he could swallow Wang Mang alive.

Because Wang Mang is too shameless!

It was a good duel with magic weapons in hand.

He saw Wang Mang bullying him again, and with a wave of his hand, several giant palms of law blasted at him again.

Seeing this scene, the embarrassing corpse demon patriarch turned pale with fright, and quickly dodged away.

boom! boom! boom!

This **** is obviously not fun!

This **** is too shameless!

But don't wait for the ancestor of the corpse demon to yell.

All of a sudden, all the places that the ancestor of the corpse demon passed by were turned into ruins by Wang Mang's terrifying law giant palm.

Similarly, under the bombardment of Wang Mang's law giant palm, the ancestor of the corpse demon was like a dog, running around frantically.

Because, he didn't dare to accept Wang Mang's giant palm of the law at all!



Earth-shattering explosions sounded continuously.

Once hit by the bombardment, it is absolutely easy to be seriously injured!

Therefore, feeling aggrieved, the ancestor of the corpse demon who fled cursed loudly:

"Little bastard, if you have the ability, I will fight fairly with my ancestor!"

Each palm is full of powerful law power!

Even if he is wearing a sixth-order middle-grade armor.

But under the giant palm of Wang Mang's full force blasting law.

Under Wang Mang's wild and chaotic style of play, even the cunning ancestor of the corpse demon couldn't hold on.

Moreover, he didn't even last a few sticks of incense.

Unfortunately, he was hit by Wang Mang's palm.

After hearing this, Wang Mang immediately grinned and ignored it.

He was still chasing the ancestor of the corpse demon, using the power of the law, and violently bombarded the old dog~www.readwn.com~ Seeing the ancestor of the corpse demon running away like a dog, Wang Mang was very happy.

Just when he was about to take out the escape talisman and run away.

Wang Mang suddenly appeared beside him, grabbed his neck, and said with a smile on his face:

"Old dog corpse demon, didn't you just say that you want to kill me in adversity?"

Even, he was almost killed on the spot.

This also made the corpse demon patriarch terrified.

Obviously, he far underestimated Wang Mang's strength!

"Why did it fall into the hands of this seat? How do you say this seat should execute you?"

Hearing this, the ancestor of the corpse demon looked at Wang Mang with horror on his face, and begged for mercy in horror:

"Fellow Daoist, don't kill me, I have a piece of news, which is very important to Fellow Daoist!"

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