I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1057: Senior, I am a very filial person. When I was young, I...

After hearing what Wang Mang said.

After the strong brown bear and the strong black dog looked at each other, they nodded and said in a calm tone:

"It turns out that it is to accept apprentices! Fellow Daoists, choose them in our Bear Continent as soon as possible."

"Everyone in our Bear Continent is talented, especially our Crazy Blood Bear Clan."

"In addition, there is also the Black Moon God Dog Clan, all of whom are dragons and phoenixes among men with extraordinary aptitude."

After hearing the recommendation of the two, Wang Mang was speechless immediately, but he was relieved in his heart.

It seems that his excuse of preparing for a long time did not disappoint him!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang felt even better.

Because, he already has one in his heart.

It's an aboveboard way to fool people.

Therefore, facing the recommendation of the two, Wang Mang immediately smiled and said, "Okay! Thank you two friends for your reminders."

"This seat itself is also from the Yaozu, so naturally I won't reject the Yaozu."

"If the aptitude is really very good, I will definitely not refuse anyone."

If this test is successful.

He will be able to bluff and deceive in the heavens and worlds without any scruple.

This is also the reason why Wang Mang is in a good mood.

After speaking, the two flew away into the distance.

After watching the two leave completely.

Wang Mang's mentality was also completely relaxed.

Seeing Wang Mang being so talkative, the bear and the black dog looked at each other and nodded to Wang Mang with a smile:

"Since that's the case, we won't bother fellow Taoists to accept disciples and choose disciples."

"As long as fellow daoists don't mess around, we will naturally not appear to disturb fellow daoists."

After all, recruiting apprentices must be auditioned!

Moreover, this time Wang Mang wanted to make a big show of recruiting apprentices.

Then, it is justifiable to charge apprenticeship fees for participating in the audition.

Afterwards, Wang Mang began to wander around the Gouxiong Continent.

Since he was using the guise of accepting apprentices, he naturally had to act like one.

Isn't he looking for a place to accept disciples now?

Once the news that he wants to accept apprentices spreads.

The sensation caused is definitely much better than when he was in the realm of the world master!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly felt elated.

After all, when he was only the World Master.

Apprentices can harvest hundreds of millions of low-grade law crystals.

Now, he has reached the late stage of Kaiwang.

Wang Mang found it, the most prosperous city in the Bear Continent.

This big city has a very strange name, Bear City!

There are really a lot of bears and dogs here.

Because, at this moment, he seems to have seen it in advance.

A steady stream of law spars are rushing towards him.

After a few hours.

Because, there are as many as twenty kings and powerhouses in this city.

This amount is completely comparable to the sixth-order top-rank world!

This also made Wang Mang feel even less suspicious.

Similarly, there are quite a few strong people here.

Just Wang Mang felt the king and powerhouse he possessed.

The number is also ridiculously large, and it doesn't look like a sixth-order inferior world at all!

Because, in this Bear Continent, there are so many strong people!

If he accepts apprentices, he doesn't know how much he can charge for apprenticeship!

How should I say this time, is it not too much to charge one billion sixth-order low-grade law crystals?

What the strong bear and the strong black dog said earlier.

This Bear Continent is so special!

However, after the surprise, Wang Mang was more excited.

Wang Mang is also an extremely domineering existence, and there are only three people with more domineering auras than him.

Counting the bears and black dogs I have seen before, there are only five kings who are stronger than him.

Therefore, in this bear city, it is obviously impossible for him to be too bad in terms of cards.

After all, the Gouxiong Continent is not as simple as being twice as powerful as the Tianhuang Ancestral Realm!

With this in mind, Wang Mang, in a good mood, walked into the city with his hands behind his back.

Although there are twenty realm kings and strong men in this city, they are among all the realm kings.

The half-orcs accounted for a full 30%.

The human race is only 10% of the way.

The remaining achievements are monks of other races.

Similarly, after Wang Mang entered Gouxiong City, many monks in the city focused on Wang Mang.

Wang Mang was also looking at the monks in the city. The number of monks in the city here is very small.

Although the vast majority of monks exist at the fifth level, the monster race actually accounts for half of them.

"Who is this senior, what a powerful aura! I'm afraid he has reached the late stage of the Realm King!"

"Don't guess, he must have reached the late stage of the Realm King. His aura is stronger than that of the ancestor of the Stone Clan."

"Yeah! And I think this senior is too strange. I have never seen it before. Could it be from the outside world?"

Such as the tree family! Stone clan or something!

Or a kind of bird race Zerg.

At this time, Wang Mang heard it, and the monks in the city began to discuss in low voices:

"Today, I feel something. When I pass by Gouxiong Continent, I plan to accept some fifth-order monks as apprentices."

"Everyone here, if you are interested, you have the opportunity to participate."

"However, the fee for each person to participate in the apprenticeship is 200,000, the sixth-level low-grade law spar."

"It's probably from the outside world! No one here recognizes this senior, it's probably true."

After hearing the discussions of the monks in the city, Wang Mang immediately smiled, showing a kind and kind look.

Afterwards, Wang Mang immediately put his hands behind his back, with a smile like a spring breeze on his face, and said with a light smile: "This seat comes from Yunding World."

As soon as Wang Mang finished speaking, the originally noisy streets in the city fell silent for an instant.

All of a sudden, all the fifth-rank monks were stunned and looked at Wang Mang in disbelief.

Apparently, they didn't expect that this late-stage Realm King powerhouse from outside the realm was here to accept apprentices!

"In addition, if you are not qualified, I will not refund the apprenticeship fee."

"But if he is qualified, this seat will not only guarantee him to become the world master."

"In addition, since he has become an apprentice of this seat, this seat will naturally bless him to exist in the late stage of the world master."

"Senior, I want to sign up right now! What do you think of me? This junior has already reached the fifth-order top existence~www.readwn.com~ and there is only one place left!"

"Senior, what do you think of me? Although I am ugly, I have obvious advantages as a person! I am very filial, and my parents are still alive!"

"Senior, I am too! Look at me! This junior can't do anything else, but in terms of filial piety, I think that no one in the heavens and worlds can compare!"

Moreover, once he becomes Wang Mang's apprentice, Wang Mang also guarantees that the apprentice can break through and become a World Master level existence.

All of a sudden, all the fifth-order monks present couldn't help asking emotionally:

"Senior, is what you said true? Is it true that only 200,000 sixth-level low-grade law crystals can participate in your apprentice recruitment campaign?"

"Master! Look at me. I have a kind personality since I was a child. I often help my grandmother cross the road. People in the village praise me as a filial child."

"Upstairs, why are you still helping your grandmother to cross the road? Thirty years ago, I saw with my own eyes that you sent your own sister to the auction city to be auctioned!"

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