I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1058: Ready to collect money! The system encourages itself to work hard...

"Paralyzed, you people just open your mouth and come here! Especially you, I saw you with my own eyes not long ago, and **** a fox demon as a street girl in Haotian City."

"You people are too hypocritical to fool seniors like this? Seniors are too hypocritical, they are all lying to you. Although this junior is not a good person, he is not a bad person either."

"Senior, this junior is really filial! Heaven did not give birth to me, Yang Xiao, and filial piety is like a long night. This sentence is not self-proclaimed. Our village is all happy because of me!"

"Senior, the younger generation is also very filial! The younger generation will visit some fireworks places every night to provide warmth to some girls, and enlighten them and tell them that the world is full of love."

After listening to the discussion of these fifth-order monks.

Wang Mang was instantly speechless.

After hearing the discussions of these guys.

"Niubi, it turns out that Kuangyaozi can say that they are so pure and refined, how can they have something to do with filial piety? I have a copper smelting addiction, can it also be said to educate them to grow up?"

"It turns out that these are the meaning of filial piety, kindness and good deeds! It seems that I often kill people, but I actually give them a ride, let them put down their butcher knives, and go to the Paradise early?"

"You don't have to worry, I don't care about your character."

"The standard for accepting apprentices in this seat is not only character, but comprehensive examination."

"Of course, if you want to become an apprentice of this seat, you must prepare 200,000 sixth-level low-grade law crystals."

Wang Mang also understood the truth.

This is really a filial son from the heavens and the world!

After seeing everyone discussing, Wang Mang put his hands behind his back and said with a smile all the time:

After hearing Wang Mang's words, all the fifth-rank monks didn't care, but they all swear and laughed:

"Senior, don't worry, although 200,000 sixth-level low-grade law crystals is indeed a huge number, I still have the confidence to collect them all."

"Haha! I have the confidence to get 200,000 sixth-level low-grade law crystals. I hope that seniors will pay more attention to me."

"Without this sixth-level low-grade law spar, no matter how good your aptitude is, this seat will not accept you as apprentices."

"Because, the 206,000-level low-grade law spar is the time to test your ability."

"If you can't even get 200,000 sixth-level low-grade law crystals, then don't expect to be sixth-level."

After hearing the excited discussion from everyone, Wang Mang couldn't help laughing:

"In a month's time, this seat will hold an apprentice recruitment meeting in Gouxiong City, and the apprentice recruitment meeting will last for about half a month."

"As for why there is no choice, it is naturally because there are some monks who are not ready."

"Don't worry, senior, even if this junior sells everything, even if he goes to serve a rich woman, he still has enough law crystals."

"That's right, what the senior said is right, if you can't even get 200,000 sixth-order low-grade law crystals, what qualifications do you have to become a world lord?"

"Senior, junior just want to ask, when will I start accepting apprentices? My big sword is already hungry and thirsty!"

Seeing this tomb, Wang Mang naturally nodded secretly, thinking to himself:

Come on, let's gather the sixth-order low-grade law spar!

Otherwise, I don't know how long I will have to wait for my advanced qualifications.

After listening to Wang Mang's words, all the monks' eyes lit up.

In particular, many unprepared monks left quickly.

Obviously, Wang Mang knew without thinking about it, these guys were going to plan the sixth-order low-grade law spar.

If you have been counting on the system to issue tasks.

Over time, it was not a good thing for Wang Mang.

After all, the system has a limit after all.

After all, the tasks issued by the system are not as frequent as before.

Therefore, when the system does not issue tasks.

He has to do it himself and have enough food and clothing.

It is with such an idea.

When the system does not issue tasks.

Wang Mang will also work hard to earn law crystals.

Even if the sixth order is not the limit.

The seventh order is not the limit of the system.

Which eighth step should be the limit, right?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was in a happy mood, and he was indescribably happy.

The joy of discovering the way to make money by oneself is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

a month later.

After that, Wang Mang didn't stay in Gouxiong City too much.

After encouraging these fifth-order monks, he left Gouxiong City with a smile.

Now he only needs to spend a lap in the Gouxiong Continent, and then wait a month before coming back.

For a strong man like Wang Mang.

Not even time for a nap.

He just closed his eyes and meditated.

At this moment, in a hidden mountain range.

Wang Mang slowly opened his eyes, then rushed out of the cave and flew towards Gou Xiong City.

To be honest, a month's time.

Then the sound of the system sounds:

【Ding! Detect the current status of the host, and give the host the following task options! 】

[Mission No. 1: Thanks to the host's hard work, he has found a way to make money. Please try to earn at least 5 billion sixth-level low-level law crystals! 】

Time has passed quietly.

Just as Wang Mang was in a happy mood, he rushed to Gouxiong City.

When he was about to start his cheating conference.

[Mission 2: Thanks to the host's hard work, he has found a way to make money. Please work hard to earn at least 10 billion sixth-level low-grade crystals! 】

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

[Mission reward: 20 million rule points! Realm king treasure chest X2! Realm King Blind Box X2! 】

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

[Mission reward: 10 million rule points! Realm king treasure chest X1! Realm King Blind Box X1! 】

[Mission Reward: Free Evolution Chance X2! Realm king treasure chest X3! Realm King Blind Box X3! 】

[Reminder: The system will not let down the hardworking host! Please continue to work hard to support yourself! The rewards issued by the system will be greatly increased! 】

[Mission 3: Thanks to the host’s hard work, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com has discovered a well-traceable way to make money. The host is requested to work hard to earn at least 100 billion sixth-level low-grade crystals! 】

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】


It seems that the system has guessed my thoughts!

Otherwise, I wouldn't be so encouraging and work hard.

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was stunned immediately.


Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn't help feeling elated.

Now even the system encourages him to cheat a lot in the heavens and worlds.

He must carry forward the way of making money that he thought of!

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